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Alien Crossfire Base Names

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  • Alien Crossfire Base Names

    Hey all,

    I've been trying unsuccessfully to find a list of all the base names for the Alien Crossfire factions, since I don't currently have the faction editor. I was wondering if any of you had access to a list?


  • #2
    In the main SMAC folder, look for the .txt files that correspond to the individual factions (cyborg.txt, drone.txt, etc.). In each file the base names appear in the section headed #BASES.
    "The avalanche has already started. It is too late for the pebbles to vote."
    -- Kosh


    • #3
      Drone bases:
      Free Drone Central, Hall of Industry, Smokestack Hill, Steelfount, Freedman's Park, Common Ground, Labor Trust, Liberty Plant, Freedom's Foundry, Assembly Hall, Worker's Paradise, Miner's Freehold, Digger's Descent, Domai Dome, Living Standard, Spanner Works, Staples of Life, Hammer and Tongs, Anvil of Man, Whipsaw Base, Drilling Grounds, Guild House, Craftsman Keep, Future's Fulcrum, Power Grid

      Seawork Caverns, Chainlink Break, Welder's Shipyards, Deep Platform Nine, Stevedore Dock, Longshoreman's Quay, Tanker's Rest, Coral Warehouse

      Datatech Bases
      Data DeCentral, Gargoyle Garden, Ergonomia, Safe House City, The Sprawl, Newer Ciba City, Gibson Base, Trojan Source, Googleplex, Tinker Junction, Keypad Grid, Opticommons, Coder's Pit, Shadow Sprawl, Nettap Complex, Stack Heap, Roze Function, Secret Hollow, Ferrett's Lair, Moonshadow, Alphaville, Applet Way

      Atlantisville, Conshelf 57, Deep Sea Nine, Calypso Beat, Tears In Rain, Great Lagoon, Sea Cradle, Garden of Fishes

      Nautilus bases
      Deadman Tavern, Landlubber Inn, Buried Treasure, Sunny Oasis,
      Sailor's Rest, Freshwater Springs, Marque City, Land Lock, Far Horizons, Crossbone Way, Sailor's Warning, Red Sky, Roberts' Dread, Ulrik's Hideaway, Pirate's Siege, Grasshome, Drunktown, Merchantman Run, Shanty Town, Penzance, Skull Crossroads, Sailor's Delight, Plunder Cache, Cannon's Thunder

      Safe Haven, Port Svensgaard, Crow's Nest, Provision Point, Parrot Landing, Barbary Coast, Capetown, Point Blood, Meergard, Cutlass Cay, Sextant Cove, Privateer Quay, Dry Dock, Frigate Base, Drake Landing, Storm's Lee, Pennant Shoals, The Anchorage, Lorcha Roads, Skeleton Key

      Cybernetic Bases
      Alpha Prime, Beta Crossing, Gamma Flats, Delta Marsh, Epsilon Center, Eta Crossroads, Theta Banks, Iota Station, Kappa Hills, Lambda Farms, Mu Crescent, Nu Square, Xi Ellipse, Omicron Quadrangle, Pi Complex, Rho Yards, Sigma Complex, Tau Collective, Upsilon Depot, Psi Consensus, Chi Plains, Phi Lumiere, Omega Terminus

      Alpha Basin, Gamma Breakwater, Beta Mudflats, Delta Trench, Epsilon Reef, Eta Ridge, Theta Barrier, Iota Point

      Cultist Bases
      Dawn of Planet, Worm's Lair, The Edicts, Terror's Delight, Seers of Chiron, Sword of Planet, Wormfang Shrine, Consecration Pit, Planetvision Gate, Trance of Purity, Virgin Planet, Chiron Stigmata, Locust Haven, Well of Souls, Remain in Light, Sporerunner Sanctum, Childhood's End, Trial By Fire, Dawn's Chancel, Concordat of Worms, Misericordia, The Hermitage, Invictus

      Deep Isle Shoals, WaveTrance Dome, Point Flensing, Ninevah, Rising, Ark of the Edicts, Dawn's Reverie, Sealurk City, Sanctuary Dome

      Usurper Bases
      Courage : To Question, Dimension : Sky, Strafing Run, Spires : Ascendant, Honor : Progenitor, Conquest of the Weak, Genesis : Destiny, Tusk and Claw, Skymaster Base, Red Stick, Fear Song, Evil Eye, Fragment of Sound, Union Place, Warrior's Harmony, Maar's Dissolution, Razorwing City, Era of Blood, Godhood's Grasp, Satiation, Tau Ceti Mantle, Resonance of Swords, Manifest Doom, Martial Air, Memories : Pain, Risks of Flowering, Final Honor

      Hornbill Point, Scorch Island, Destroyer Base, Impaler Dome, Salt : Wound, Conquest Seaway, Ramspeed Shoals, Predator's Quay, Ocean Scar

      Caretaker Bases:
      Decision : Manifold, Tau Ceti Memory, Manifold : Sixth, Resonance : Power, Resonant Node, Hymn : Modulation, Adapt to Live, M'dar Holding, Tower Preserve, Phantom Forces, Balance of Nature, Star Harmony, Energy Nexus, Vinculum, Melody of Souls, Greater Harmonic, Worlds : Within Worlds, Home : Hearth, Vision : Sound, Great Intertwining, Caretaker Reverence, Thought : Seed, Consonance, Overtone Song, Conservator's Mantle, Harmonic Acolyte

      Carapace Point, Wavesound, Bird : Cry, Ripplesound, Sea : Wind, Echo Bay, Nest : Water, Island Shallows
      SMAC/X FAQ | Chiron Archives
      The reasonable man adapts himself to the world; the unreasonable one persists in trying to adapt the world to himself. Therefore all progress depends on the unreasonable man. --G.B.Shaw


      • #4
        However here is a quote from Cha Dawn : Mankind has been blind for thousands of years-for all of its history. We have come to a place whose wonders are a hundred-fold more amazing than anything on Earth. Around us is clear evidence of the will of a igher power. I bring the Vision to the blind eyes of men. I bring the Word to the deaf ears of men. I will make them see it. I will make them hear it.
        SMAC/X FAQ | Chiron Archives
        The reasonable man adapts himself to the world; the unreasonable one persists in trying to adapt the world to himself. Therefore all progress depends on the unreasonable man. --G.B.Shaw


        • #5
          i will make them, i will make them, hes a compulsive little bastard isnt he?


          • #6
            If our society seems more nihilistic than that of previous eras, perhaps this is simply a sign of our maturity as a sentient species. As our collective consciousness expands beyond a crucial point, we are at last ready to accept life's fundamental truth: that life's only purpose is life itself.

            Chairman Sheng-ji Yang
            "Looking God in the Eye"
            Despot-(1a) : a ruler with absolute power and authority (1b) : a person exercising power tyrannically
            Beyond Alpha Centauri-Witness the glory of Sheng-ji Yang
            *****Citizen of the Hive****
            "...but what sane person would move from Hawaii to Indiana?" -Dis


            • #7
              Hey thanks for all your help guys, I really appreciate it.


              • #8
                7 years later...this post was quite helpful! I am color blind and knowing the names of the bases helps. The colorblind patch has always seemed to goof up the colors and textures and not help me too much. Ive owned boxed copies since SMACX was new..never got too good at it though!

