Transcendance involved copying yourself into the fungus neural net, and causing the fungus to completely cover the planet.
No announcement yet.
Has Firaxis ever said anything about the possibility af a SMAC 2?
I agree that SMAC II shouldn't move forward in means of story. It should still be the same with fixed bugs and some changes to make game more balanced. smax is really a great game as it is.
From all things I would change really only one. It occured to me long ago, after I'd started to play pbem's. I think it could be very interesting to connect faction's ability to produce big army with its population and not only with its factory ability. That is to say building each military units would consume some nutriens already acumulated by a city. Infantry units, for example, would demand less minerals but would take more nutriens in comparison to mechanized units. The same would apply to how advanced the unit is.
All this would allow to simulate the situation we have had in our history (like chines or russinan armies, for example) when huge countries (that's to say with big population), though with bad economies, used it's main advantage by making big but badly equipped armies. In the same time you could make smaller army but more advanced and equipped better.
This has occured to me when I was playing the Hive. Just imagine Hive's army, thousands and thousand infantry troops) From time to time a tank
Not a bad idea at all. Sort of Paradox games-ish.
Hey, im starting to spread the like for SMAC/X! The other day a guy at school asked me about it because he had heard me talking about it, and guess what? that if there was a sequel..."Too much ambition is a sin...only if you fail"
Yoritomo Kumiko
First off, Firaxis owns the license to SMAC and SMACAX.
Second, Sid has said that they are looking at the possibility of doing a SMAC 2. Seriously. It's in an interview he gave a while back, about what Firaxis is going to do after Pirates! He said that Firaxis is looking at old properties that could do with an updating, a fresh look. SMAC was one of those listed old properties being looked at by Firaxis.
So keep your ears open. If Firaxis is continuing to return to Sid's big hits of the past, SMAC is a definate strong possibility.-Darkstar
(Knight Errant Of Spam)
Hey, after all this time, look who's still posting here.
Hi Googlie!
And lotsa other old names, in other threads I barely recognise 1 in 100
just droppyng by, but...
Originally posted by Zalek
I agree that SMAC II shouldn't move forward in means of story. It should still be the same with fixed bugs and some changes to make game more balanced. smax is really a great game as it is.
Bugs? What do you mean "bugs"???
Ah, after all this time, you haven't learned yet that they're GAME FEATURES ...
Wait, < looks around > this is Poly... ok, j/k
Hey, should they release just a patch (sorry, proper name was "enchantment" IIRC), fixing say 70-80% of the major SMAC/X bugs, I've got so supple with aging that I'd bend as low as to buy it...
After all this was Firaxis policy from the start.
What? Yes, didn't you know SMAX was SMAC patch #5, and they got you to pay for it?
I know there were new features in SMAX, but that's not what you paid for. If that was the case, then they'd have made available the SMAC patch *included* in SMAX as a free standalone patch (just as like the previous patches), for the SMAC owners who were not interested in paying for just the new SMAX pizzazz. But they didn't, if you wanted the last SMAC patch you had to buy it, and get some new frills with it...
...but I've not come here for old rants.
Actually... hey DS, is CG down???I don't exactly know what I mean by that, but I mean it (Holden Caulfield)
The next Poly Wishlist project: SMAC2. The game'll be announced shortly after C4 is released. Don't they have some secret project they're planning on next after C4? But then I guess they've indicated that one at least wouldn't be SMAC2. If the next project ain't SMAC2, it'll be Colonization2.
The best SMAC2 would indeed be a rewrite of the original SMAC (plus X). It would come with 21 factions out of the box. There would be a scenario to play as linear continuations of Earth nations. Maybe 7 of the factions would be Projenitors, or some of these would be factions of native life forms. The game would be released including a map of Earth in Chiron terrain. Every SMAC+X faction would be in the new game.
Other SMAC2 possibilities: SMEE (Sid Meier's Epsilon Eridani) or SMEI (Sid Meier's Epsilon Indi), where there was a separate ship that left earth, and there would be similar factions and some similar technology, but a completely different world.
SMAC System: A different rewrite, where you colonize more than just Chiron, maybe the rest of the system would be a little different than described in the original SMAC.
SMAC Interstellar: Begin somewhere in the middle of the original SMAC, but change history from there and colonize other systems. Possibly go with just a 20 to 60 light year cube around Earth, or the Local Fluff (about the same size), or the Local Bubble (quite a bit larger). I'd love it if it used what we actually know of actual stars, but I would accept it if it is random but covering approximately the same volume of space.
SMAC the Prequel: an all- progenitor game.
SIM ALPHA CENTAURI: like Sim Earth, plus Sim Life, but on Chiron or covering the whole Alpha Centauri System.
Oh yea?? Well I want to play "Sim SIM!" The Sims playing simulator, where you play the guy playtesting "The Sims"
If you can get the playtester to get his sim to play on the computer, the three of you all gaming at the same time will cause a dimensional rupture that will swallow the universe!!
.....or something like that."They’re lazy troublemakers, and they all carry weapons." - SMAC Manual, Page 59 Regarding Drones
"Without music, life would be a mistake." -- Friedrich Nietzsche
"If fascism came to America it would be on a program of Americanism." -- Huey Long
"Voice or no voice, the people can always be brought to the bidding of the leaders. That is easy. All you have to do is tell them they are being attacked, and denounce the pacifists for lack of patriotism and exposing the country to greater danger. It works the same in any country." -- Hermann Goering
If I had ever plugged into the game a faction of my own, it would have been "The Inspired", a cross between the Believers and the University. Both religion and science would be important to them. Maybe a sequel could do two sides to every coin: Two basic scientific factions, two basic religious ones, two basic environmentals, two militaristic ones, two commercial ones. One military faction could focus on technology, like the Spartans seem to have if I remember correctly, and the other could focus on manpower. I agree that new, more complex social engineering should be required, probably starting from scratch. And each faction, or some social engineering choices, could have a monopoly on one unit element, or maybe we'd abandon the unit workshop? Then each faction or some SE choice would simply have a unique unit. Or the main game could be the linear continuations of earth nations. Or we could have subfactions? Maybe borrow from The Political Machine? Or this heresy: the lack of cultural distinction!
I was gonna suggest a different system, but someone beat me to it.
I didnt really like whole Planet storyline, and always play with transcendence truned off. Thats not to say a completely different storyline wouldnt have me rivetted.
Several other planets have been identified as being likely to produce conditions close to earth, so how about Beta Canum Venaticorum (Chara), which is 27ly away.
Would make a cool name for a game too (we need a bigger box).The strength and ferocity of a rhinoceros... The speed and agility of a jungle cat... the intelligence of a garden snail.
Yeah, I don't like the idea too much of a game about transcendence, at least not one that people will want a sequel to.
Sid Meier's Chara? sure, but I still like SMEI and SMEE. Hmm... Sid Meier's Upsilon Andromedae... SMUA... kinda resembles the Norwegian word for butter... but I guess there isn't likely to be an earthlike planet there. Then again, that one could be all about space stations...