I'm no stranger to modifying the Alphax.txt or faction.txt documents to tweak the SMAX experience over the years, and in all my single-player games work with a re-shuffled tech tree, re-balanced SMAX factions, two custom factions, and different mineral costs for a few facilities/secret projects. Juggling unit abilities and such within the existing tech tree seems to go down smoothly, but the real speed-bump is with creating wholesale new techs. Some say this is hard-wired into the programming code and can't be done, but I can't help but notice two "delected tech" spots in the Alphax.txt and one "user tech" at the end of the list. Could these be modified to create new techs within the tree? It stands to reason that within the playtesting and development trials of SMAC/X back in the day certain ideas were chucked, which included techs that never made the final cut (also observe unused .wav files in the "voice" folder of SMAC/X).
I've already tried, of course. The tech in question is "Advanced Naval Algorithims," about mid-range in the tech tree that includes the Carrier Deck, Repair Bay, and Subsea Trunkline, requires Doc: Init and Doc: Air to aquire, and is the pre-requisite for Homo Superior and NanoMetallurgy (taking the spot of Doc: Init previously).
In the techshorts and techlong.txt files I filled in descriptions for a Tech24, respectively, since that spot is vacant; in the list Tech 23 jumps to Tech 25.
When I've tried to load SMAX now, I get a bad chassis error message, and a bad weapkey and armkey in the "script".txt, so it claims, and crashes back to the desktop. Insight into what I'm doing from those who have already tried and succeeded/failed, is much appreciated.
I've already tried, of course. The tech in question is "Advanced Naval Algorithims," about mid-range in the tech tree that includes the Carrier Deck, Repair Bay, and Subsea Trunkline, requires Doc: Init and Doc: Air to aquire, and is the pre-requisite for Homo Superior and NanoMetallurgy (taking the spot of Doc: Init previously).
In the techshorts and techlong.txt files I filled in descriptions for a Tech24, respectively, since that spot is vacant; in the list Tech 23 jumps to Tech 25.
When I've tried to load SMAX now, I get a bad chassis error message, and a bad weapkey and armkey in the "script".txt, so it claims, and crashes back to the desktop. Insight into what I'm doing from those who have already tried and succeeded/failed, is much appreciated.