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  • #16
    You must have been strong on the power chart, but devoid of military force. As the Hive, I'm frequently on top of the charts, but other factions are friendly. As the Uni, everyone hates me as soon as they see me, since my military consists of a few scout patrols and some probe teams, but my tech and population are far beyond those of the other factions.

    The solution? Defend yourself adequately. All 6 AIs combined are still usually impotent. Don't trust a non-submissive AI, especially if you have ideological differences. Truces are worth the paper they're written on (and paper has been abolished).
    "Cutlery confused Stalin"
    -BBC news


    • #17
      Try switching sides as a challenge . .. The AI just loves you when you are the weakest
      You don't get to 300 losses without being a pretty exceptional goaltender.-- Ben Kenobi speaking of Roberto Luongo


      • #18
        And if you want to avoid wars- it is possible (unlike games like civ3 where it's nearly impossible- though I have done it once).

        You just have to give them what they want. Sometimes I won't give them a tech if I just started a SP from it. But once I get far enough along or finish it, then I'll give them the tech. I almost always give them the gold the demand.


        • #19
          I'm playing the university and I think my troops are the most eliete. But 5 other factions declared war on me!

