Seriously, I just started playing SMAC about 3 weeks ago and have to admit this game awesome. I've played Civ3 and Rome: Total War, but it seems that none are as innovative (if you rule out graphic and sound) as SMAC. I especially like the part that you can design your own units and the AI, which is really really good, better than Civ3 in my opinion. Almost in every game I play, my allied AI will send their forces to guard my bases if they are under-garrisoned, and occasionally, give me the control of some of their units. They really make units to counter yours too.
Now my question is: is there a way to make the AI even smarter? BTW, I am currently playing around the Talent and Librarian level. Is there a mod, or, does the expansion pack: Alien Crossfire, make the AI even more challenging? By challenging I don't mean in terms of resources or military power, I mean military maneauvers and diplomatic manipulations? Of course, I am already very satisfied, just want to know if there's something else I've not tried out yet?
Now my question is: is there a way to make the AI even smarter? BTW, I am currently playing around the Talent and Librarian level. Is there a mod, or, does the expansion pack: Alien Crossfire, make the AI even more challenging? By challenging I don't mean in terms of resources or military power, I mean military maneauvers and diplomatic manipulations? Of course, I am already very satisfied, just want to know if there's something else I've not tried out yet?
