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Wierd crash when finising researching adv. eco engineering

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  • Wierd crash when finising researching adv. eco engineering

    So I'm playing SMACX, I finish researched Advanced Eco Engineering and I get a terranx.exe crash. Anyone know how to get around this or fix this? It only happens when I research that tech. If I switch to researching something else, the game doesn't crash...

  • #2
    As far as I know, this is not a known bug.

    Does this happen only in your current game, or in every game?

    If it's just the current game, your save file might have become corrupted. Does a reboot help? You could try going back to an earlier save. Might be easier just to start a new game.

    If you post your current save file (just prior to the crash, if possible) here, we could open it and see what happens on a different system.
    "The avalanche has already started. It is too late for the pebbles to vote."
    -- Kosh


    • #3
      I think it's happened one other time. I also tried using different save files from previous turns, not just the turn before it and it still happens.

