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Question regarding transferring scores to new computer

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  • Question regarding transferring scores to new computer

    Hi all,

    Apologies if this has been discussed before, but after a hiatus I have got back to playing SMAC on a new and improved computer. All my old scores are on an old one.

    Is there any way I can transfer the scores to my new computer to see how I match up?

    I assume there must be a text file or something that holds the scores but I couldn't work it out.


  • #2
    Silly idea but I wonder if you still have saves of the turn before the final turn and if you loaded those on new computer (as in playing) you'd get those scores?
    Who is Barinthus?


    • #3
      You could just try foldercopying the old smac dir to your new computer, if the high scores are stored in files. Otherwise, poke around the registry and see if you can dig them up. (I don't know how smac stores highscores).
      #play s.-cd#g+c-ga#+dgfg#+cf----q.c

      Quantum P. is a champion:


      • #4
        Thanks for the ideas - hadn't thought of those!

        Forums are so useful in exchanging information!



        • #5
          The high scores are stored in a file in the main SMAC directory... near the end I think.

          I think the files you want are any that begin with hof (pictures), and hallfame.jhh
          I once was a slave to the Alderbaran 2 project!
          Now I shall work towards cIV:AC!... Oh Wait, that's dead too...
          It's Nword like 'lord' and 'sword'


          • #6
            Lord Nword is in the right place. Copy these files from the SMAC folder:


            anything with a filename in the pattern "hof_1_1.pcx" -- there may be as many as 35 of those, depending on whether you've played at least 5 games in each of the 7 player-slots. The first number will range from 1 to 7, the second from 1 to 5. These files are created only when the game is played out completely.

            "hof.pcx" and "hoficons.pcx" are the Hall of Fame display template -- you should not have to copy them.

            There is nothing in the Registry relevant to SMAC scores.
            I am on a mission to see how much coffee it takes to actually achieve time travel.

