I was looking for a SMAC off-topic catagory, but I did not see one, so I posted here, where was where all of the quotes came from anyway.
The following examples of USA and American bashing are from a single page of the Ideal Social Engineering Setting thread:
Implying most Americans are brainwashed, which is absurd slander.
Actually, the only reasonable view is pollution per unit of industry produced. America is far better than most countries in this regard. Some companies locate manufacturing operations in other countries because the USA has strictly enforced regulations on pollution, so it costs them much more to manufacture in the US.
Sadly, not even close to true. OVER HALF of the total budget of the USA is transfer payments (giving money/housing/medical/etc. to the poor). We give over 1000% of our military budget to poor.
This is absurd; you can't just arbitrarily redefine a word like war to mean whatever you want it to mean.
"Chill down a little, Travkin, I have already seen those numbers and although I haven't check all of them, those I have cross checked are correct. This (USA) guy is not a 'pitiful historian'."
This is all from just one page. This is omitting the cases where America was being bashed indirectly, by sarcasm or unfair comparison.
There was a claim that this was triggered by American arrogance. Not true. There was no American arrogance prior to these statements. (It may have triggered what might be construed as arrogant statement for those trying to set the record straight with respect to all of this slander.)
This all came out of the blue, and totally derailed the thread.
No other country was bashed at all. Even Germany, which came up in context of WWII, the remarks were historical, and seem disconnected from present day Germany. While the American bashing was definitely in a present day context.
If people wanted to talk about and criticize free market, they should say free market countries, since America is not the only country with a *mostly* free market.
People who are justifying their America bashing by various excuses are just deceiving themselves. They need to seriously rethink their attitudes, and try to figure out why they feel this pressing need to bash America, when the actual TOPIC was supposed to be about SMAC society settings.
I suspect that they have been heavily influenced by the dominant anti-American mass media, particularly the highly biased world news television sources, and that they should look around for some news sources that provide some balance to what they have been spoon fed on television.
BTW, the mass media even inside America is anti-American or far left, except perhaps for Fox News, so don't try to go to there for balance. For example, though USA is split roughly 46% republican, 46% democrat, 6% liberatarian, and 2% green, a survey of television news reporters found over 90% of the reporters voted for Gore. (This is not a fluke; about the same margin voted for democratic candicate for at least the last 20 years.) This does not happen by accident; this is deliberate selection of a viewpoint by those media sources. You must have a certain worldview orthodoxy, or you just don't get hired.
The laughable thing is that American television networks and world news outlets claim to be balanced, despite this clear worldview orthodoxy. I would have much more respect if they were just up front about their bias.
So I suggest checking out new sources that are up front about having a bias to the right, so that you get both points of view, and then can make up your own mind about which view is more accurate, or whether the truth is probably somewhere in the middle.
Here is a page you might enjoy on media bias. It is brief with some excellent excepts to make the point.
Two of my favorite American news sources that are up front about right bias, but are not too right biased (to balance the dominant left sources) are:
If you want some far right, visit:
Sorry, I am not familiar with international news sources biased to the right, so I will leave that to those more knowledgeable.
BTW, if want some left biased news sources, I usually view MSNBC and CNN. If you want far left, then go for the New York Times.
The following examples of USA and American bashing are from a single page of the Ideal Social Engineering Setting thread:
I think you're just another brainwashed American.
America is the biggest polluter in the world (both in per capita and absolute terms.)
I know in America u have nothing if u don't have work.
Dear Nabvrimn, you must clearly realise that USA hasn't ever got a WAR!!!
Your pitiful historian pretends that US had drafted ~1/3 of USSR's amount and ~2/3 of Germany's amount.
This is all from just one page. This is omitting the cases where America was being bashed indirectly, by sarcasm or unfair comparison.
There was a claim that this was triggered by American arrogance. Not true. There was no American arrogance prior to these statements. (It may have triggered what might be construed as arrogant statement for those trying to set the record straight with respect to all of this slander.)
This all came out of the blue, and totally derailed the thread.
No other country was bashed at all. Even Germany, which came up in context of WWII, the remarks were historical, and seem disconnected from present day Germany. While the American bashing was definitely in a present day context.
If people wanted to talk about and criticize free market, they should say free market countries, since America is not the only country with a *mostly* free market.
People who are justifying their America bashing by various excuses are just deceiving themselves. They need to seriously rethink their attitudes, and try to figure out why they feel this pressing need to bash America, when the actual TOPIC was supposed to be about SMAC society settings.
I suspect that they have been heavily influenced by the dominant anti-American mass media, particularly the highly biased world news television sources, and that they should look around for some news sources that provide some balance to what they have been spoon fed on television.
BTW, the mass media even inside America is anti-American or far left, except perhaps for Fox News, so don't try to go to there for balance. For example, though USA is split roughly 46% republican, 46% democrat, 6% liberatarian, and 2% green, a survey of television news reporters found over 90% of the reporters voted for Gore. (This is not a fluke; about the same margin voted for democratic candicate for at least the last 20 years.) This does not happen by accident; this is deliberate selection of a viewpoint by those media sources. You must have a certain worldview orthodoxy, or you just don't get hired.
The laughable thing is that American television networks and world news outlets claim to be balanced, despite this clear worldview orthodoxy. I would have much more respect if they were just up front about their bias.
So I suggest checking out new sources that are up front about having a bias to the right, so that you get both points of view, and then can make up your own mind about which view is more accurate, or whether the truth is probably somewhere in the middle.
Here is a page you might enjoy on media bias. It is brief with some excellent excepts to make the point.
Two of my favorite American news sources that are up front about right bias, but are not too right biased (to balance the dominant left sources) are:
If you want some far right, visit:
Sorry, I am not familiar with international news sources biased to the right, so I will leave that to those more knowledgeable.
BTW, if want some left biased news sources, I usually view MSNBC and CNN. If you want far left, then go for the New York Times.