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USA Bashing and Media Bias (Off-topic)

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  • USA Bashing and Media Bias (Off-topic)

    I was looking for a SMAC off-topic catagory, but I did not see one, so I posted here, where was where all of the quotes came from anyway.

    The following examples of USA and American bashing are from a single page of the Ideal Social Engineering Setting thread:

    I think you're just another brainwashed American.
    Implying most Americans are brainwashed, which is absurd slander.

    America is the biggest polluter in the world (both in per capita and absolute terms.)
    Actually, the only reasonable view is pollution per unit of industry produced. America is far better than most countries in this regard. Some companies locate manufacturing operations in other countries because the USA has strictly enforced regulations on pollution, so it costs them much more to manufacture in the US.

    I know in America u have nothing if u don't have work.
    Sadly, not even close to true. OVER HALF of the total budget of the USA is transfer payments (giving money/housing/medical/etc. to the poor). We give over 1000% of our military budget to poor.

    Dear Nabvrimn, you must clearly realise that USA hasn't ever got a WAR!!!
    This is absurd; you can't just arbitrarily redefine a word like war to mean whatever you want it to mean.

    Your pitiful historian pretends that US had drafted ~1/3 of USSR's amount and ~2/3 of Germany's amount.
    "Chill down a little, Travkin, I have already seen those numbers and although I haven't check all of them, those I have cross checked are correct. This (USA) guy is not a 'pitiful historian'."

    This is all from just one page. This is omitting the cases where America was being bashed indirectly, by sarcasm or unfair comparison.

    There was a claim that this was triggered by American arrogance. Not true. There was no American arrogance prior to these statements. (It may have triggered what might be construed as arrogant statement for those trying to set the record straight with respect to all of this slander.)

    This all came out of the blue, and totally derailed the thread.

    No other country was bashed at all. Even Germany, which came up in context of WWII, the remarks were historical, and seem disconnected from present day Germany. While the American bashing was definitely in a present day context.

    If people wanted to talk about and criticize free market, they should say free market countries, since America is not the only country with a *mostly* free market.

    People who are justifying their America bashing by various excuses are just deceiving themselves. They need to seriously rethink their attitudes, and try to figure out why they feel this pressing need to bash America, when the actual TOPIC was supposed to be about SMAC society settings.

    I suspect that they have been heavily influenced by the dominant anti-American mass media, particularly the highly biased world news television sources, and that they should look around for some news sources that provide some balance to what they have been spoon fed on television.

    BTW, the mass media even inside America is anti-American or far left, except perhaps for Fox News, so don't try to go to there for balance. For example, though USA is split roughly 46% republican, 46% democrat, 6% liberatarian, and 2% green, a survey of television news reporters found over 90% of the reporters voted for Gore. (This is not a fluke; about the same margin voted for democratic candicate for at least the last 20 years.) This does not happen by accident; this is deliberate selection of a viewpoint by those media sources. You must have a certain worldview orthodoxy, or you just don't get hired.

    The laughable thing is that American television networks and world news outlets claim to be balanced, despite this clear worldview orthodoxy. I would have much more respect if they were just up front about their bias.

    So I suggest checking out new sources that are up front about having a bias to the right, so that you get both points of view, and then can make up your own mind about which view is more accurate, or whether the truth is probably somewhere in the middle.

    Here is a page you might enjoy on media bias. It is brief with some excellent excepts to make the point.

    Two of my favorite American news sources that are up front about right bias, but are not too right biased (to balance the dominant left sources) are:

    Leading conservative magazine and website covering news, politics, current events, and culture with detailed analysis and commentary.

    If you want some far right, visit:

    RUSH: No longer is this just gonna be a long list of stories that I might mention on the program. Now, you will get specifically the stories that I talk about on the program and a select list of a few others that I intended to get to but ran out of time. It's going to be more of a real-time base feature rather than just a generic list of places that I go to prep the show.

    Sorry, I am not familiar with international news sources biased to the right, so I will leave that to those more knowledgeable.

    BTW, if want some left biased news sources, I usually view MSNBC and CNN. If you want far left, then go for the New York Times.

  • #2
    There is an off topic forum for the entire website. This should not be in here.

    Edit-- the general OFF-topic is in the Miscellaneous section of the site and is listed probably a dozen listings or so below the AC forums and a bit above the archives. Its active and full of people that will argue anything
    Last edited by Flubber; August 19, 2004, 18:36.
    You don't get to 300 losses without being a pretty exceptional goaltender.-- Ben Kenobi speaking of Roberto Luongo


    • #3
      IT's one thing for a topic to veer off it's original topic, but yet another to START one that is entirely off topic.


      • #4
        Hey, why not? I'm sure this'll get whisked away to the OT pretty soon, but it's a nice diversion for those of us who never go over there, or very rarely.

        America-bashing is an Olympic event, and there's nothing wrong with it. In fact, as a new event, it's still very competetive, so flex those non-centrist muscles: we could make the team.

        True: Many journalists describe themselves as Democrats or Liberals, rather than as Republicans or Conservatives.

        False: This means the reporting is Democratic or Liberal.

        Some might say it is reflective of a journalists preference for progress and knowledge rather than ignorance and fear

        True: The media business reports whatever is popular to it's listeners. Sadly this means stories on Michael Jackson rather than atrocities in Africa. It means looking for character flaws in our politicians rather than a discussion of the real issues, etc.

        False: Liberal or Conservative media is exempt from this.


        and on and on. My position on your 'Shhh, don't bash' stance:

        'Bashing' the USA is a very good thing , whether or not you agree with the policies of this country. The freedom to speak truth to authority, the freedom to challenge even our most taboo topics and cultural assumptions, and the freedom to do so in a public forum is the very strength you seem to want to protect with silence. Criticism and free discussion strengthen a free society.

        As the sole super-power, the duty to Bash the USA in particular is increased a 1000-fold. The world balance of power is teetering like a lopsided see-saw right now. Things could go very wrong (or have, depending on your position). It is not only a right to criticize our government, it is a duty, even as spelled out by our founding fathers, and by common sense. If the people bite their tongues out of polite-ness, they risk allowing things to go from bad to worse.

        I agree with you that a lot of things would be better left unsaid, and are unproductive to the common discourse. Nonetheless, there is no way to pick and choose just the relevent commentary without losing the freedom to comment at all, should you disagree. The media is biased. It is biased towards gossipy tabloids and exploitative 'reality' stories rather than news.

        As H.L. Menken said:
        Democracy is the theory that the common people know what they want and deserve to get it good and hard.
        Aldebaran 2.1 for Smax is in Beta Testing. Join us for our first Succession Game


        • #5
          Originally posted by Flubber
          There is an off topic forum for the entire website. This should not be in here.

          Edit-- the general OFF-topic is in the Miscellaneous section of the site and is listed probably a dozen listings or so below the AC forums and a bit above the archives. Its active and full of people that will argue anything
          Thanks for the info, Flubber. I moved the content over to off-topic. Can someone delete or move this thread?


          • #6
            Originally posted by smacksim
            True: Many journalists describe themselves as Democrats or Liberals, rather than as Republicans or Conservatives.

            False: This means the reporting is Democratic or Liberal.
            It is also false to assume that the reporting is unbiased regardless of worldview. People are people, and even if they are trying to be unbaised (and I don't think the majority of reporters are even trying to be unbiased anymore), they often fail. If you have selected the reporters for your organization in such a way as to stack the possibility for bias 10:1 toward the left, then you are going to get bias to the left, whether deliberate or accidental. This is why I included a link, so that people could check some specific examples of bias, and come to their own conclusion.

            If you take a wide poll of all reporters nationwide, you find the worldview mix very close to national average. So an ideological selection process is going on to filter reporters for these major television networks and newpapers. They don't just "accidentally" hire people with a particular worldview; they are stacking the deck.

            I saw an interesting article complaining about news bias because major networks had 28% total minorities, verses 38% total minorities in the USA. If these reporters were selected to be 90% white, there would be a huge outcry. (and I think race matter very little in terms of bias for most news articles.) But 90% democratic is not a problem, when the general population is less than 50%???

            I agree with you that a lot of things would be better left unsaid, and are unproductive to the common discourse.
            I am just tired of anti-American comments being sprinkled in here and there in forums such as this that are SUPPOSED to be about something else. I don't question someone's right to say them, but say them somewhere else, and please check facts first, because there is already too much disinformation floating around. Don't just interject a jibe into a post for the heck of it, because it will very likely derail the topic.


            • #7
              Originally posted by Flubber
              There is an off topic forum for the entire website. This should not be in here.

              Edit-- the general OFF-topic is in the Miscellaneous section of the site and is listed probably a dozen listings or so below the AC forums and a bit above the archives. Its active and full of people that will argue anything

              So true... So true... while some may find this a nice diversion... and they never visit the rest of the site...

              The gaming on topic forums are for gaming discussions... NOT political discussions. Take these kind of topics to the OTF... where they belong.
              Keep on Civin'
              RIP rah, Tony Bogey & Baron O

