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    I kept getting urgent messages from people and when I click ok the same message pops up again and eventually it disappears . I never got a chance to see what the message is. What's wrong here?

  • #2
    The game is wrong here. Either that or it's deliberately trying to annoy you.
    "Cutlery confused Stalin"
    -BBC news


    • #3
      In the original smac the AI would pop up half a dozen consecutive urgent message speils before telling me it hated my guts and intended to kill me or die trying. In smax I've had it happen in one game only where someone with an informal truce who had never spoken to me would do what you're describing. He was pacted with an enemy and I'd been bombarding his needles on the tarmac, so he may have been trying unsucessfully to declare war. He never suceeded and never launched a sneak attack, though.


      • #4
        Are they acutally trying to say something but due to a bug it won't get through and they get angry at you for ingoring thier transmission?


        • #5
          I get the same thing about every 4 or 5 games or so. It only happens when I'm taking most of his/her bases. It does finally clear up, not that it matters. It's always been a bother to me that the AI can ignore your transmissions, but they always get a word in when you ignore them.


          • #6
            I had this problem with the peacekeepers (and if I recall, only the peacekeepers).

            kind of annoying because eventually they really got pissed and nuked me pretty bad during a war with them.


            • #7
              Originally posted by Dissident
              I had this problem with the peacekeepers (and if I recall, only the peacekeepers).

              kind of annoying because eventually they really got pissed and nuked me pretty bad during a war with them.
              Exactly, did they try to talk to you but it dosen't get through due to a bug and to them you are ingoring them?


              • #8
                yes. and it was during a war when I was taking all their cities. Yet they still had a planetbuster tucked away somewhere


                • #9
                  Now that you mention it. For me this happens only with Lal and the Hive, no one else. It's always when taking bases.

