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How infiltrating datalinks and tech stealing should work

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  • #16
    Perhaps they just disable the security checkpoints that lead underground. Something like that would have basically the same effect.

    And yeah, that's a good idea. There should be a way to eliminate infiltrators/infiltration.
    Civ IV is digital crack. If you are a college student in the middle of the semester, don't touch it with a 10-foot pole. I'm serious.


    • #17
      Originally posted by favetvshows1x3
      True, Yang's assassintation would be as close to impossible is it can be without a 0% chance (in Dragon Sun, he had 99 different bedrooms and chose one at random every night!)(so, maybe it even is 1 0% chance), but still, bases are likely to protect (especially) their top researchers.
      And you can fail and escape (happened once or twice to me), but chances are, if you are able to escape a failed mission, you're likely to succeed in the mission anyway.

      Well, the team may come up against extra security measures they are poorly equipped to deal with and abort the mission.

      Perhaps you should be able to set the aggressiveness of the probe team based in part on SE and unit morale. A Demo/FM probe team will be more likely to withdraw rather than risk discovery. A Fundy or Police State team might not be so eager to face their superiors with empty hands and an excuse.

      Elite teams are likely to assess risks well and escape when the situation makes the mission unlikely to succeed. Gung-ho green teams might underestimate the defenses and get caught more easily.
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      • #18
        In reply to Commy: I'm pretty sure that with the Hive and the SE that gives all bases perimeter defence, probes can destroy the perimeter defense, but it doesn't last, at most, the perimeter defense is gone until that player's next turn.

        As for the whole probe team thing; I'm tempted to just turn off probe teams and turn on steal tech when capture base. That ought to be fun. Granted I'd rather just eliminate a few of the probe team actions...
        I once was a slave to the Alderbaran 2 project!
        Now I shall work towards cIV:AC!... Oh Wait, that's dead too...
        It's Nword like 'lord' and 'sword'


        • #19
          Virtual facilities granted by SPs can never be sabotaged.
          Facilities granted by a faction ability can always be sabotaged, and remain destroyed.
          "Cutlery confused Stalin"
          -BBC news

