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Life on Alpha Centauri

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  • Life on Alpha Centauri

    here is a question, what do you think life is like for a citizen of a faction on alpha centauri. it could be any faction, from the Hive to the Drones, What is it life for them to live in there faction.

  • #2
    Peacekeepers, Univeristy, Gaians or Morgans.

    They seems to have okay philophies which I like,
    Once in a while / I'm standing here, doing something / And I think / What in the world am I doing here? / It's a big surprise -- Donald Rumsfield, interview with the New York Times, May 16, 2001


    • #3
      Interesting question, and it has a multitude of answers (limited only by your imagination). This has been examined in some detail in fan fiction in the Fiction section of AC. You may have to dig a bit, but there is lots of items there from short stories to items the length of novels. You can also try Centaurian Tales, which have some of the older items the authors were asked to or volunteered to archive there.



      • #4
        This title sounds familiar... didn't we had a similar thread about 2 months ago?
        He who knows others is wise.
        He who knows himself is enlightened.
        -- Lao Tsu

        SMAC(X) Marsscenario


        • #5
          I tried this subject out before, but it turned into a agrument about ethics, and politics. So I am trying this out again.


          • #6
            I would hate to live under the Morganites. Morganites are a faction of whores and mercenaries (capitalists) who'd pimp out their own mothers.

            Give me the Hive or the Free Drones any day. And if you want to give your life a purpose, then look no further than the Prophet Cha Dawn.

            Since it's late and I don't have a lot of time, I'll hit the factions with a small hammer.

            Angels: Extremely jazzy, free, liberal. You can go out and do whatever whenever, and nobody will get in your way, unless you get someone hurt- even then, nobody will probably get in your way. Everyone's a hacker, you'll rarely see people without a headseat, maybe a candy bar. Very jazzy, sort of a "cyber-chic" atmosphere.

            Believers: Extremely pious, reminiscent of a futuristitc Puritan or old European-American societies, or modern Islamic theocracies. People are almost universally inspired by their faith, and put everything into it. They take scientific progress very carefully, making sure that an idea has been carefully analyzed for its effects on society and considering it against the background of religion before making wide applications with it. Citizens are basically good at heart, drawing strength from religious convictions to devote themselves more selflessly for the good of their fellow Believers.

            Consciousness: A bunch of algorithms in human bodies running around in well-engineered cities of steel and ceramic alloy.

            Drones: Communist Worker's Paradise, a la Stalin's Soviet Union or Maoist China right after the Revolution.

            Hive: My favorite faction. Similar to the Drones, but taking it a step further, turning a merely Communist society into a hive mind. There is no Hive citizen that does not feel the Chairman's moods, they are all interlinked by one means or another. Their concept of "self" is more hindered than in any other faction, including the Cyborgs, as just thinking of one's self-interest is considered immensely selfish and immature (hence the immunity to inefficiency). Citizens are expected to perform to the very best of their abilities and can expect to receive the fruits of the entire Hive according to their ability. Even if they did not, however, they would still be expected to fulfill their duty because their duty is the purpose for which they exist. Without their jobs, they are meaningless, a waste of flesh. Yes, there is leisure time, but leisure time in the Hive consists of less self-centered actions such as throwing big parties or going clubbing and more of work or hobby-oriented activities like learning at libaries, reading Hive philosophy, or participating in optional programs.

            Planet Cult: To be discussed in a later post. I'm very sleepy. -yawns- good night.


            • #7
              Originally posted by redazncommieDXP
              Drones: Communist Worker's Paradise, a la Stalin's Soviet Union or Maoist China right after the Revolution.
              I don't particularly agree with this one. The Drones are communist, yes, but not exactly like Stalin's Soviet Union or Mao's China. After all, the Free Drones are all about malcontents not disappearing in the middle of the night.

              As for your Hive assessment, which was too lenghty to quote here, I noticed how you very carefully made no mention of the people that don't fit in. Every faction has some, of course, even the Angels (but maybe not the Consciousness) and every faction deals with them differently.
              As for off-duty Hive activities, you forgot to mention their version of the Rec Commons: the "Feeding Bay". Also, I highly doubt Chairman Yang would allow much in libraries other than instruction manuals. Most works of fiction stimulate independant thought and in the Hive such things are to be avoided. Mind you, this independant thought doesn't have to be selfish, but even questioning if the Chairman's course is flawless would be ruinous for any Hive mind. People like that would have to be dealt with and, this being the Hive, they probably don't get a strong reprimand.
              "I'm too young and too male to be the mother of a seventeen year old female me!"


              • #8
                No, they make the ultimate 'sacifice' to the people: the rec tanks...
                He who knows others is wise.
                He who knows himself is enlightened.
                -- Lao Tsu

                SMAC(X) Marsscenario


                • #9
                  Not just to the people, but for the people. In their death they do what they refused to do in life. Ironic eh?
                  Play hangman.


                  • #10
                    So that's why the Hive can't pop boom...
                    "Cutlery confused Stalin"
                    -BBC news


                    • #11
                      Well, there's always golden age or Eudaimonic
                      Arise ye starvelings from your slumbers; arise ye prisoners of want
                      The reason for revolt now thunders; and at last ends the age of "can't"
                      Away with all your superstitions -servile masses, arise, arise!
                      We'll change forthwith the old conditions And spurn the dust to win the prize


                      • #12
                        Originally posted by Natalinasmpf
                        Well, there's always golden age or Eudaimonic
                        Yeah, but realistically, would Yang go for Eudaimonic wherein each citizen is encouraged to fulfill his or her potential? Sounds dangerously individualistic to me!

                        And Golden Ages? Yang would probably use his lacklustre economy to further the goals of the Hive, not to pamper the populace. After all, the needs of Hive are more important than the needs of its citizens.
                        Last edited by WotanAnubis; August 1, 2004, 11:36.
                        "I'm too young and too male to be the mother of a seventeen year old female me!"


                        • #13
                          Theres always cloning vats!


                          • #14
                            Originally posted by WotanAnubis

                            Yeah, but realistically, would Yang go for Eudaimonic wherein each citizen is encouraged to fulfill his or her potential? Sounds dangerously individualistic to me!

                            And Golden Ages? Yang would probably use his lacklustre economy to further the goals of the Hive, not to pamper the populace. After all, the needs of Hive are more important than the needs of its citizens.
                            Actually, I think Yang would go for Eudaimonic. Every citizen is already encouraged to fulfill his or her potential for the sake of the greater good, already like he wants. Eudaimonic wouldn't be difficult to believe, but he seems more of a thought control kind of guy. He wouldn't want the hit to morale.


                            • #15
                              Originally posted by WotanAnubis

                              I don't particularly agree with this one. The Drones are communist, yes, but not exactly like Stalin's Soviet Union or Mao's China. After all, the Free Drones are all about malcontents not disappearing in the middle of the night.

                              As for your Hive assessment, which was too lenghty to quote here, I noticed how you very carefully made no mention of the people that don't fit in. Every faction has some, of course, even the Angels (but maybe not the Consciousness) and every faction deals with them differently.
                              As for off-duty Hive activities, you forgot to mention their version of the Rec Commons: the "Feeding Bay". Also, I highly doubt Chairman Yang would allow much in libraries other than instruction manuals. Most works of fiction stimulate independant thought and in the Hive such things are to be avoided. Mind you, this independant thought doesn't have to be selfish, but even questioning if the Chairman's course is flawless would be ruinous for any Hive mind. People like that would have to be dealt with and, this being the Hive, they probably don't get a strong reprimand.
                              I'd forgotten to mention how the different factions deal with their malcontents, and to tell the truth, I have no idea what the feeding bay is. That always seemed more like a Planet Cult thing.

                              Maybe the Feeding Bays are where condemned criminals (murderers and the like) are thrown in to be torn up by big, tough animals. I dunno, though.

                              As for the libraries, yeah, instruction manuals and textbooks and history are what i was thinking about. It's not too hard to believe that there would be works of fiction, though. Independent thought would not be entirely discouraged, but it does have to follow within certain guiding paramaters. For example, it's one thing to try and figure out ways to make the Hive run more efficiently, or to learn more about human nature so that the Chairman can more effectively put together his communal utopia, and another thing entirely to denounce the Chairman and call him an "inhuman monster."

