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Dealing With Atrocity Victims?

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  • Dealing With Atrocity Victims?

    Is there any way to make peace with an atrocity victim? Or do you just have to eradicate them?

  • #2
    Peace? what's that? I didn't commit an atrocity to make friends. except the plauge victims. they're my friends.

    It's not very easy, though. It takes lots of gifts and time.
    It's really Synthetic God... I guess I didn't notice my own typo.


    • #3
      I've never done it, and I don't even think that they will sub pact. You pretty much have to wipe them out.


      • #4
        I've never done it, and I don't even think that they will sub pact. You pretty much have to wipe them out.


        • #5
          You can't talk to them, so you can't do anything to make ammends. Maybe if you let another faction conquer them, then you liberate them... then they might pact with you. But I bet they still wont talk to you, and will probably declare war as soon as you initiate contact.


          • #6
            When you free a faction they automaticly go into a sub-pact to you, regaurdless of past offences, even atrocity victoms and thos who want to fight to the death (if you refused a sub-pact).
            Are you safe from the dangers of dihydrogen monoxide? Learn more at


            • #7
              The best way to deal with them is even more atrocities. If they get angry enough you can push them into a coronary or stroke.


              • #8
                Chances are, if you commit atrocities to them, you really don't want peace. Then again, if you are willing to commit atrocities, you probably don't need peace either...


                • #9
                  Planet Busters. Dead opponents aren't opponents.
                  "Cutlery confused Stalin"
                  -BBC news


                  • #10
                    Mainly when I use atrocities, I use it to try to establish footholds, though I really do want to make a treaty afterwards if the party is willing.

                    As in, flood that city with nerve gas so I can wipe it off the map and establish my own foothold (upon its ruins) if it proves too costly to try to capture it.

                    (Psst..are tectonic missiles an atrocity...? Why do they generate ecological damage? What about reverse tectonics..? Lowering?)
                    Arise ye starvelings from your slumbers; arise ye prisoners of want
                    The reason for revolt now thunders; and at last ends the age of "can't"
                    Away with all your superstitions -servile masses, arise, arise!
                    We'll change forthwith the old conditions And spurn the dust to win the prize


                    • #11
                      A neverse tectonic is a PB, it lowers the terain 1 level per reactor level, just like tectonics with raising.
                      Are you safe from the dangers of dihydrogen monoxide? Learn more at


                      • #12
                        Ah yes, but PB's are exhorbitantly expensive......I was wondering if there was a cheaper way.
                        Arise ye starvelings from your slumbers; arise ye prisoners of want
                        The reason for revolt now thunders; and at last ends the age of "can't"
                        Away with all your superstitions -servile masses, arise, arise!
                        We'll change forthwith the old conditions And spurn the dust to win the prize


                        • #13
                          Run wealth, then build PBs
                          #play s.-cd#g+c-ga#+dgfg#+cf----q.c

                          Quantum P. is a champion:


                          • #14
                            But then your PBs have low morale
                            "Cutlery confused Stalin"
                            -BBC news


                            • #15

                              PB's with low morale...

                              Whatever their morale, they will certainly destroy a city not covered by ODP or Flechettes
                              He who knows others is wise.
                              He who knows himself is enlightened.
                              -- Lao Tsu

                              SMAC(X) Marsscenario

