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Why doesn't anyone mention this bug?

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  • Why doesn't anyone mention this bug?

    I was just curious. I've read people's lists of different bugs and exploits for SMAC and SMAX, why does no one ever list the reload bug, so you can advance production and research without changing the year? Or is it that it is so blatant no one ever thinks about it? Or no one else has ever found it?

  • #2
    In my memory, cheats are not listed here because for some people, even just knowing the cheat is too tempting, apparently. Please don't list cheats or the thread will be 'dissapeared'. 99% of Multiplayers would never consider cheating. It's just for the other 1% that we avoid it I suppose.

    Aldebaran 2.1 for Smax is in Beta Testing. Join us for our first Succession Game


    • #3
      reload bug? never heard of it.


      • #4
        I don't cheat, but my friends do, and sometimes they might give me some money for telling them, even though they can just find on the internet. Last time I got a dime. Maybe if you tell this one, I might get a quarter...


        • #5
          Originally posted by Dissident
          reload bug? never heard of it.
          I have some blur remembrance of such thing. Wasn't that in some unpatched early version?
          The books that the world calls immoral are the books that show the world its own shame. Oscar Wilde.


          • #6
            Are you referring to the cheat where you load a previous played game from the menu screen? Usually one from around 2275 or so, but could be any year when you had some pretty good tech, then cancel the load, and then go back to the menu screen and select “start game”?

            I know this gives you and all the other factions the same tech that you and they had in the game you just cancelled.

            I have played a few games like this and they are very different. You still start at the same year as normal, but with tech. Of course you can afford hardly any of it, and you still have to get all the secret projects as you normal would. Also, if you have say, a quantum shard drop tank, you cannot make it into a fusion missile drop tank. No reverse engineering. You must discover all the techs as you normally would.

            While it is a cheat, it can be a very enjoyable game. I’ve notice that the factions act and react quite a bit differently than in a normal start game. They don’t expand as fast, or vendetta as easily. The only reason that I can think of is they are hard at work trying to make very expensive units right from planet fall.


            • #7
              Cheat. Use the senario editor, give yourself all the tech, non to other factions save, use the trick, the new game gives you all the tech without the game thinking you cheated.
              Are you safe from the dangers of dihydrogen monoxide? Learn more at


              • #8
                Double post, Do'h. Why does the edit post have a delete post function, but won't let someone (the poster) who can edit the post delete it?
                Last edited by Qwerty88; July 14, 2004, 01:41.
                Are you safe from the dangers of dihydrogen monoxide? Learn more at


                • #9
                  I think I know the bug Ouro is refering to, and it's not the one fender is talking about. The problem with that bug is that it's so simple to do that mentioning it in the bug descriptions would have to tell people how to do it. Not a good thing IMHO, as it can be used to easily give illegal advantage.
                  Play hangman.


                  • #10
                    is it usable in multiplayer? then yes that would be a problem. I have no problem with people cheating on single player games though. though I never do it (although i do use exploits like reloading. I'll never be cured of reloading )


                    • #11
                      Hmm. I know of 2 more cheats, and they are *NOT* ones listed at I admit, I use them all the freakin time. I think it has really crippled my game. I'd just not use them.

