I tried another Time Warp game. This time as the drones. this is my first time playing the drones. they are a challenge. My research sucks. I probably should run free market, but I'm running democracy/planned right now and knowledge.
For some reason diplomacy has been rough this game. I didn't start out in the monsoon jungle, but I did use transports to get there. Long story short, I'm #1 in power. Even though I'm behind in tech and military. I really think this game puts too much emphasis on population, because I'm not really that powerful. But to the point, everyone hates me for some reason.
It really got bad when the Spartans demanded 2500 energy. I had only around 100. what's up with that? I didn't have 1250 either. So I denied, and I ended up in war.
Diplomacy got worse from there. Everyone wanted to declare war on me because I wouldn't betray my pact and later truce with the Gaians. What's up with that? I eventually did betray and go to vendetta with the gaians to make truce with some nasty civs that are developing planetbusters.
I'm still so far away from orbital defense pods
. I really don't know what to do.
right now I'm in a truce with everyone but the gaians. I'm the drones as I said. All game I have been giving in to their demands trying to stay on their good side. But it hasn't worked. I need to know how to remain at peace until I can get some orbital defense pods up. Other factions I'm against: University, Conciousness, Spartans, Gaians, believers, planet cult.
And at one point I did make a truce with the planet cult, but when my turn came up we were in a vendetta. What's up with that?
I'm really not having very much fun this game. It's very tough battling everyone. I'm playing a standard sized map, and I"m in the middle. But I am on a seperate islands (I occupy 1 contient and 1 island) except for one city on the spartan continent (this was a city the time warp establish). If I'm so high on the bar graph, I shouldn't be struggling like this should I?
These damn bug just make it unfun to play. But if I coul find a way to get people to like me, things would be okay. Any suggestions?
For some reason diplomacy has been rough this game. I didn't start out in the monsoon jungle, but I did use transports to get there. Long story short, I'm #1 in power. Even though I'm behind in tech and military. I really think this game puts too much emphasis on population, because I'm not really that powerful. But to the point, everyone hates me for some reason.
It really got bad when the Spartans demanded 2500 energy. I had only around 100. what's up with that? I didn't have 1250 either. So I denied, and I ended up in war.
Diplomacy got worse from there. Everyone wanted to declare war on me because I wouldn't betray my pact and later truce with the Gaians. What's up with that? I eventually did betray and go to vendetta with the gaians to make truce with some nasty civs that are developing planetbusters.
I'm still so far away from orbital defense pods

right now I'm in a truce with everyone but the gaians. I'm the drones as I said. All game I have been giving in to their demands trying to stay on their good side. But it hasn't worked. I need to know how to remain at peace until I can get some orbital defense pods up. Other factions I'm against: University, Conciousness, Spartans, Gaians, believers, planet cult.
And at one point I did make a truce with the planet cult, but when my turn came up we were in a vendetta. What's up with that?
I'm really not having very much fun this game. It's very tough battling everyone. I'm playing a standard sized map, and I"m in the middle. But I am on a seperate islands (I occupy 1 contient and 1 island) except for one city on the spartan continent (this was a city the time warp establish). If I'm so high on the bar graph, I shouldn't be struggling like this should I?
These damn bug just make it unfun to play. But if I coul find a way to get people to like me, things would be okay. Any suggestions?