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Two techs per round?

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  • #31
    2 Mega SSCs next to one another (if one has the ME), and a whole bunch of little bases.


    • #32
      Since I am never going to be getting more than one tech per turn any time soon, I guess I don't have to worry about lab points being wasted...


      • #33
        Originally posted by Flubber

        That would be a problem. The F3 screen does not show how many techs per round you get but it does show

        1. accumulated lab points
        2. lab points earned on the turn
        3. tech cost

        In the later game the tech costs do not rise so dramatically so if you can earn double the tech cost plus perhaps 10-15% more to compensate for wasted labs and the increase, you should be fine.

        Just be careful to assess where your better science bases fall in the order of bases to be counted since all labs beyond those necessary to make the discovery are wasted for the base that contributes those final lab points.
        If I were even more anal retentive than I already am I could foresee switching specialists and crawlers galore in order to maximize lab production / mimimize wastage. A whole mini game unto itself, turning the 30 minute turn into a 2 hour ordeal.
        He's got the Midas touch.
        But he touched it too much!
        Hey Goldmember, Hey Goldmember!


        • #34
          6 hour ordeal.

