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Questions on COndensers, Nutrients, farms, and growth

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  • Questions on COndensers, Nutrients, farms, and growth

    Okay, so I build a condensor. Now, correct me if I'm wrong, but it makes each neighboring square give plus one nutrient, including the square with the condensor, right, or is it more, for example, does the square with the condensor get two more nutrients?

    Second set of questions: If I build a soil enricher after I build a farm and condensor, how many nutrients does the soil enricher add? Is it a constant number, or does it depend on the type of terrain?

    Third set: When a square on the map says 8+, this means that the square produces eight or more of that particular resource, right? So, if the square, say, actually produces 9, then is that ninth nutrient wasted? Or is it just added in without you seeing it on the resource screen?


  • #2
    Condensor increases rainfall in nearby squares by one 'level' - arid to moist, or moist to rainy.
    A river, OTOH, increases rainfall in squares through which it passes by 1/2 of a level.

    When a square says 8+ and it produces 9, then the ninth unit is used.
    Firaxis were just lazy slobs that couldn't imagine a CMN making a 30 energy square.


    • #3

      So, then like, how do rivers make the land any more fertile? What makes up for the other half? And another question, if a rainy square has a condensor next to it, does it become like a super rainy square that gives a base of 3 nutrients instead of 2? Or is it still rainy?


      • #4
        Originally posted by Commy

        So, then like, how do rivers make the land any more fertile? What makes up for the other half? And another question, if a rainy square has a condensor next to it, does it become like a super rainy square that gives a base of 3 nutrients instead of 2? Or is it still rainy?
        I think the river simply adds a fractional moisture bonus to what is a fractional moisture rating for a tile, which is displayed as an integer, ie 0, 1, or 2.

        Example: A tile might have a "moisture quotient" of 0.6, and is displayed as Arid on the map, ie produces no nutrients. Now add a river to the tile, and the "moisture quotient" becomes 1.1, which means it now produces one nutrient and the tile is displayed as moist on the map.

        The game only has these three states of "raininess", 0, 1 or two nutrients. Terraforming, nutrient specials and rainforest all can add or detract from this base value.

        Farms add one nutrient.

        Rain forest adds one nutrient to the tiles it resides in.

        Nutrient Specials add two nutrients and lift nutrient restrictions on the tile they are in.

        Condensors increase the raininess level of the tile they are in and all adjacent tiles by one. Thus two condensors next to one another will always turn their tiles to Rainy, as well as any other tile they are both adjacent to. Condensors also lift nutrient restrictions in the tile they are in. Finally, condensors multiply the total nutrient value of the tile they are in by 1.5, rounded down.

        Soil enrichers also mutliply the nutrient value of the tile they are in by 1.5, rounded down.

        I think I have that right, but anyone who knows differently please correct me.

        Example: a Moist tile, no specials:

        Base production 1 nutrient

        With a farms (+1 nutrient) = 2 nutrients

        With a condensor, restrictions are lifted and raininess level is increased to rainy. Base nutrients are now 2 for moisture level, +1 for the farm (total 3) times 1.5 rounded down for the condensor (4.5 which rounds down to) = 4.

        With a Soil Enricher the new base of 4 established above is mutliplied by 1.5 (rounds down) which gives a total of 6 nutrients.

        Example: Moist tile in the Monsoon Jungle with a nutrient special:

        Base raininess nutrients = 1, plus 1 for the jungle, plus 2 for the nutrient special for a total of 4. Not restrictions apply to the tile.

        With a condensor the raininess increase to Rainy, which increases the base nutrients by 1 for a total of 5 base. Multiply by 1.5 rounded down for a new total of 7 nutrients.

        Add a soil enricher to the mix and we mutliply the new total by 1.5 again rounding down, for a total of 13 nutrients.
        He's got the Midas touch.
        But he touched it too much!
        Hey Goldmember, Hey Goldmember!


        • #5
          If you build a condenser without a farm, and let a forest grow over it, the condenser will add to the forest's nutrient production. An early-game forest won't see any improvement, but with the Jungle, a Nutrient special, or a TF+HF, the bonus will become evident.


          • #6
            Originally posted by Sikander

            With a condensor, restrictions are lifted
            Condensors do not lift restrictions Sikander.

            I remember seeing a table for nut output giving different combinations. I'll see if I can find it.

            [Edit] Hmmm I guess I was wrong. Condensors do lift restrictions ...
            Last edited by Snowflake; June 3, 2004, 14:07.
            Be good, and if at first you don't succeed, perhaps failure will be back in fashion soon. -- teh Spamski

            Grapefruit Garden


            • #7
              Be good, and if at first you don't succeed, perhaps failure will be back in fashion soon. -- teh Spamski

              Grapefruit Garden


              • #8
                Originally posted by HongHu
                Condensors do not lift restrictions Sikander.
                [Edit] Hmmm I guess I was wrong. Condensors do lift restrictions ...
                /me slaps HongHu around a bit with a large trout


                • #9

                  It's not like I don't get WP every time I play a game, it's just that I don't check and don't remember even if I checked.
                  Be good, and if at first you don't succeed, perhaps failure will be back in fashion soon. -- teh Spamski

                  Grapefruit Garden


                  • #10

                    I don't get the WP all the time... 'specially not against human players.


                    • #11
                      I was joking. It's certainly hard to grab WP from Googlie's AI's hand.
                      Be good, and if at first you don't succeed, perhaps failure will be back in fashion soon. -- teh Spamski

                      Grapefruit Garden

