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Buying SMAX?

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  • Buying SMAX?

    Hi there... where is an inexpensive place to buy SMAX? Are there any more options as to acquire it? Thanks!

  • #2
    Abandonware. You can also get the Planetary pack on ebay...

    but just search for abandonware.


    • #3
      That depends on what you call inexpensive. As I recall, I purchased SMAX for ~$50 US in 1999. With at bit of inflation that would be between $55 and $60 now. I'm sure I saw SMAX at Amazon a week or two ago for $79. Considering how much I've used it, SMAX at $79 is quite a bargain. I've heard that e-bay copies are in the same range.

      Good luck! If you find a place that is cheaper, I'm sure lots of folks would like to know!



      • #4
        One of my PBEM partners mentioned a few days ago that e-bay had 19 copies for sale



        • #5
          I bought the planetary pack at the Finnish auction site for about 10€. There is also currently one planetary pack for sale there for 25€:

          Unfortunately, this is not very useful for people outside of Finland.


          • #6
            I tried abandonware, but the game was unplayable. Tried the cracks, no good. It was a waste of time downloading it. I don't recommend it. I'm resigned to forever play SMAC.


            • #7
              Originally posted by Hydro
              That depends on what you call inexpensive. As I recall, I purchased SMAX for ~$50 US in 1999. With at bit of inflation that would be between $55 and $60 now. I'm sure I saw SMAX at Amazon a week or two ago for $79. Considering how much I've used it, SMAX at $79 is quite a bargain. I've heard that e-bay copies are in the same range.
              er, i got mine a few years ago for $10
              and it was hard to find then, i doubt you'll be able to buy it anywhere other than eBay.


              • #8
                "abandonware" is bull****. It is theft.


                • #9
                  So is paying over $50 for an expansion pack.


                  • #10
                    I tried abandonware, but the game was unplayable. Tried the cracks, no good. It was a waste of time downloading it. I don't recommend it. I'm resigned to forever play SMAC.
                    I when playing SMAX you need to add a specific line into the settings file, something like "set volex algorithms=1"

                    Otherwise SMAX will always crash on many computers (computer newer than 3 years old).


                    • #11
                      Originally posted by mucker
                      So is paying over $50 for an expansion pack.
                      Then don't buy it and just do without.


                      • #12
                        I frequently put things in ‘pizza equivalents’ to do my own reality check. By my estimation, SMAX at e-bay or Amazon is 4 pizza equivalents. So, if you can’t afford it then skip 4 pizzas and you’re all set. It is a big bargain, and you really don't need the extra calories anyway, right?


                        P.S. - As with all 5-finger discounts, it is hard to complete with ‘free’, or the perception of ‘free’ (eg – I won’t get caught, so it’s all right).


                        • #13
                          walmart now has them together....Alpha Centauri AND Alien a package with 3 other games i believe....only 20 bucks...just bought it today


                          • #14
                            What's the name of the pack?


                            • #15
                              Laptop collection or soemthing like that....

                              it has a Tiger Woods game (or golf game), Red Alert 2, and Simcity 3000 unlimited....along with SMAC & SMAX

                              it was only 20 dollars, so I grabbed it....

