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Alien Crossfire problem

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  • Alien Crossfire problem

    Is there any way at all to get around the damn terranx crashes caused by the invalid page fault with the terranx.icd file? I've done some searching and it looks like this problem (or bug) was never fixed with version 2.0 of Alien Crossfire. I'm currently running Win 98.


  • #2
    I have had the same problem. I don't have it anymore so I guess I've done something right. Also running with win98.
    Try to reinstall and this time do not update it to v 2.0

    Also, i think downloading some modpacks/scenarios/maps/faction editors etc. may help.
    Que l’Univers n’est qu’un défaut dans la pureté de Non-être.

    - Paul Valery


    • #3
      Thanks Laurentis but I've tried uninstalling several times with and without the 2.0 patch and even deleting the terranx.icd file so that it would have to recreate it each time upon installation. Nothing seems to work.


      • #4
        I have finally gotten SMAX up on my machine and I'm hitting the same problem- but it reminds me of the same kind of issue SMAC had during a large MP game. That problem was apparently 'sound module' related, so I reinstalled AC w/o the movies or sound files and things ran great. I just don't want to do that now that I've got SMAX because I want the full, deluxe-o experience- sigh... if there was a simple way to fix it on the OS side (i run win95) that would be cool, but who to ask?


        • #5
          Apparently this problem isn't resolved yet.

          FOr old time's sake I installed alien crossfire on my XP Professional machine. No worky. I get TerranX.icd crashes.


          • #6
            is it really a widespread problem? i've played smacx quite a bit on win98, and now on xp prof, and never got an appreciable amount of crashes


            • #7
              In my case I can't even get the game to work. It crashes immediately upon startup. Well after the menu and the splash screen displays for a while.


              • #8
                Yeah, I've had similar problems.

                When I installed SMAC/X I got SMACX to work OK (after playing with classic SMAC for a bit) once I installed the patches.

                Then one day I try to play SMACX and get a terranx.exe error and haven't gotten the game to work since. I have tried numerous combinations of patch applications, but to no avail. I may just try a complete erase (not just an Uninstall but manually deleting the folders [saving the save games of course]) and see if that works.


                • #9
                  Have you done the change in the .ini file for new processors? (I can't find the file right now to check it's name, but this fix should sound familiar if you've done it)

                  Everyone should get to play.

                  Aldebaran 2.1 for Smax is in Beta Testing. Join us for our first Succession Game


                  • #10
                    Those of you who mentioned problems with XP professional this post by me in SMAC/X FAQ post might help:

                    When launching Alpha Centauri. I receive the error message "CPU not supported". My computer has a Pentium 4 or newer CPU.

                    You will need to modify a line in the Alpha Centauri.ini that is located in the game folder. To do this:

                    Double click on My Computer
                    Double click on the C: Local Drive (your Hard Drive or the drive that the game is installed to)
                    Double click on the Program Files Folder
                    Double click on the Firaxis Games Folder
                    Double click on the Sid Meier's Alpha Centauri Folder]
                    Double click on the Alpha Centauri.ini File (The file looks like a read me text file with a little gold symbol on it).

                    Once the file is open in Notepad, change:




                    Be sure to save your changes, then run the game. You may still receive the error message. If it occurs, click OK and the game will load fine.

                    If you are Installed Sid Meier's Planetary pack then their will be no Alpha Centauri.ini File initially. Upon attemping to play the game and
                    clicking ok despite CPU being unsupported the ini file will be produced. Then simply change the ForceOldVoxelAlgorithm to 1. Or if necessary copy ini file from original SMAC.

                    ALSO download the patch that helps XP:

                    Alpha Centauri (PC) PATCH - Update for XP.

                    What does this update do?

                    This patch will attempt to locate your installation of Sid Meier's Alpha Centauri, and defaults to that location, if found. If the patch cannot locate Alpha Centauri, it will default to C:\Program Files\Firaxis Games\Sid Meier's Alpha Centauri.

                    In this situation, you should ensure the patch installs to the directory that you have installed Alpha Centauri into.

                    This patch is a Windows 2000/XP compatibility update, to allow users of Windows 2000 or XP to run Alpha Centauri. It is not required for users of Windows 95, 98, or ME. However, users with these operating systems may will need to install this patch if they wish to play multiplayer games with other players who have installed this patch.

                    There is a known issue with sounds skipping on Windows ME machines. This should not affect the game stability.


                    I didn't need the XP compatability patch on my machine. I've never encountered not enough memory though. If it helps I run a P4 1.7 Ghz, 256 MB SD-RAM, 64 MB Geforce 2 and 40 GB hard disk space.

                    The latest patches need to be installed before the compatability patch can be also. But if your running planetary pack you should be at SMACX 2.0 already from memory.


                    • #11
                      Originally posted by Kaboth
                      I run a P4 1.7 Ghz, 256 MB SD-RAM, 64 MB Geforce 2 and 40 GB hard disk space.
                      /me giggles like a schoolgirl
                      Kaboth has a small computer!

                      I can't help much, I'm on Windows 2000.
                      Got the patch, set FOVA to 1, but I get an annoying issue of sounds not playing occasionally...
                      meh, that will teach me to stuff around with the registry.


                      • #12
                        .icd files are used by SafeDisc protected games.
                        Get something like UnSafeDisc and crack SMAX and it should work fine. I have had no troubles after doing this.
                        #play s.-cd#g+c-ga#+dgfg#+cf----q.c

                        Quantum P. is a champion:


                        • #13
                          I agree, the no-cd might very well solve your problems. It's available as a download at quite a few fansites, so shouldn't be hard to find.


                          • #14
                            I've never had problems with SMACX in Windows 95, 98 SE, or XP. I can't run SMAC on my new XP machine though, after applying the patches. I'm not too concerned though, I never play SMAC anyway, and if I want to I still have two machines that will run it.
                            He's got the Midas touch.
                            But he touched it too much!
                            Hey Goldmember, Hey Goldmember!


                            • #15
                              Ah, the thread that just won't die.

                              I have yet to find a way to get smacx to run on XP pro. The regular smac does just fine until near the end of a game (has anyone ever finished a multiplayer game from firaxis?) at that point its just a matter of corrupt saves or something because we'll crash from a no sync or just crash to desktop at the same stage every time in a game.

                              Smacx just refuses to work. I may, err, um, try the no-cd solution.

