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Get your senior a nice selection of computer solitaire games & they'll ask you for help less

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  • Get your senior a nice selection of computer solitaire games & they'll ask you for help less

    I just installed an old version of GIMP on Momma's computer late this morning. Little story to do with that...

    When her mother died in '04 I ended up with a two-month project scanning in Gramma's lifetime of pics. I was doing a lot of enhancing when needed within the limited range of Lexmark Photo Editor, which is a user-friendly program -I didn't learn to shoop until I took up SMACX custom factions in '09- mostly good for cropping, a little brighten/contrast. Snapshots need a judicious crop, more often than not. She often sat on the bed behind me and watched me work - family pics and all.

    She eventually asked to try herself - got cropping nailed instantly from watching and an intuitive program. And then she expressed interest in email, and I set her an account up. All she had to do was select my first name and type hers -they were in the addresses and otherwise the same- but there no experience with joysticks, let alone the mouse, was telling. She had a hand-eye coordination problem that lasted over a month --- until she took an interest in computer solitaire and that practice using the mouse heavily made her selecting-drag ills go right away.

    -Same way I learned in the early 80s, playing games.

    So she's upstairs GIMPing right now, age 80.5. I'll probably be back to brag on her soon enough.

    And I'd also advise anyone with a senior they love to get them to keep a notepad file on the Desktop, where it's Easy to Find, to keep notes about stuff like [cntrl]z and all the shortcuts seniors have trouble remembering. And there's some good solitaire programs downloadable free one googling away. Mom loved playing a variety of types of solitaire I'd never heard of - I'd told her "the Help file is your friend" and she took care of the rest...
    AC2- the most active SMAC(X) community on the web.
    JKStudio - Masks and other Art

    No pasarán

  • #2
    Since making ^that post^, I've installed some new solitaire - and finally started that Desktop Notepad file for her, 11 years after I told her to do it. She's GIMPed the college photo to her satisfaction.

    Mom's a vigorous, young, 80.5, and active -brings in the firewood herself when conditions permit- but time spent interacting w/ the computer is more mentally stimulating than watching TV. She's certainly old enough that it can't hurt and might help.
    AC2- the most active SMAC(X) community on the web.
    JKStudio - Masks and other Art

    No pasarán


    • #3
      She's GIMPing this:

      Click image for larger version

Name:	82846346_10221119966567164_8351990715152072704_n.jpg
Views:	144
Size:	85.8 KB
ID:	9416243

      That's four cousins at the kids' table, Christmas, about three weeks after I was born. I'll post her end result when she's done...
      AC2- the most active SMAC(X) community on the web.
      JKStudio - Masks and other Art

      No pasarán


      • #4
        She's done some nice work, here, on a snapshot of her from 1958. Here's what she'd already done in MSPaint to try to patch white where the emulsion had come off.

        Click image for larger version  Name:	thumbnail_IMG_20210102_0003.jpg Views:	2 Size:	224.0 KB ID:	9416316
        -Mom's a babe, yes.

        And HERE:

        Click image for larger version  Name:	thumbnail_IMG_20210102_0004.jpg Views:	1 Size:	221.7 KB ID:	9416317

        It's not as nice/subtle as I could do, but it ain't bad. The shadow on the post she's leaning on is entirely invented - her skirt was vanishing white-on-white. I don't think she's done anything to her face. Good trainer pic, that. B&W, washed-out, you have more wiggle room to not have the alterations stand out.

        Click and zoom on those thumbnails and see how much difference GIMP made...
        AC2- the most active SMAC(X) community on the web.
        JKStudio - Masks and other Art

        No pasarán


        • #5
          Originally posted by AntiFash Gordon View Post
          She's GIMPing this:

          Click image for larger version

Name:	82846346_10221119966567164_8351990715152072704_n.jpg
Views:	144
Size:	85.8 KB
ID:	9416243

          That's four cousins at the kids' table, Christmas, about three weeks after I was born. I'll post her end result when she's done...
          Click image for larger version

Name:	BackPorchXmas64d.jpg
Views:	135
Size:	83.0 KB
ID:	9417144

          So - pretty fair hand at shooping pics at age 80.5... I'm proud.
          AC2- the most active SMAC(X) community on the web.
          JKStudio - Masks and other Art

          No pasarán


          • #6
            The result is amazing!


            • #7
              It's amazing how technology can open up new avenues for creativity at any age. And your tip about using computer solitaire to improve hand-eye coordination is spot on. I've seen similar transformations with seniors in my family too. It's not just about passing time; it's about keeping those cognitive wheels turning. I think the idea of keeping a notepad file for shortcuts is genius. It's those little tricks that make navigating the digital world easier, especially for those who didn't grow up with it. And yes, there are some fantastic solitaire games out there! spider solitaire is a classic for a reason. It's addictive and great for mental agility.
              Last edited by Westikane; July 11, 2024, 08:16.


              • #8
                Originally posted by Buster Crabbe's Uncle View Post
                I just installed an old version of GIMP on Momma's computer late this morning. Little story to do with that...

                When her mother died in '04 I ended up with a two-month project scanning in Gramma's lifetime of pics. I was doing a lot of enhancing when needed within the limited range of Lexmark Photo Editor, which is a user-friendly program -I didn't learn to shoop until I took up SMACX custom factions in '09- mostly good for cropping, a little brighten/contrast. Snapshots need a judicious crop, more often than not. She often sat on the bed behind me and watched me work - family pics and all.

                She eventually asked to try herself - got cropping nailed instantly from watching and an intuitive program. And then she expressed interest in email, and I set her an account up. All she had to do was select my first name and type hers -they were in the addresses and otherwise the same- but there no experience with joysticks, let alone the mouse, was telling. She had a hand-eye coordination problem that lasted over a month --- until she took an interest in computer solitaire and that practice using the mouse heavily made her selecting-drag ills go right away.

                -Same way I learned in the early 80s, playing games.

                So she's upstairs GIMPing right now, age 80.5. I'll probably be back to brag on her soon enough.

                And I'd also advise anyone with a senior they love to get them to keep a notepad file on the Desktop, where it's Easy to Find, to keep notes about stuff like [cntrl]z and all the shortcuts seniors have trouble remembering. And there's some good solitaire programs downloadable free one googling away. Mom loved playing a variety of types of solitaire I'd never heard of - I'd told her "the Help file is your friend" and she took care of the rest...
                I'm trying to decide if this is brilliant or the ravings of a mad man.

