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Martin Gühmann becomes Co-Owner of Apolyton

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  • Martin Gühmann becomes Co-Owner of Apolyton

    Martin Gühmann becomes new co-owner of Apolyton Civilization Site on June the 1st 2011. Martin is known for modding Call to Power 2 and maintaining the Apolyton CTP2 Edition. He has been a Senior Staff member of Apolyton since the site has been moved to its new environment in 2010. Since then he contributed substantially to Apolyton. He restructured and imported the entire Call to Power 2 section, he imported Apolyton's Archives into Apolyton's new forums and fixed the attachments from Apolyton's old environment. These are just a few of his contributions.

    When Jeroen Schweitzer and Arno Zwaag departed the Apolyton Administration the only left over owner and admin, Robert Plomp, knew that Martin was the right choice to co-lead Apolyton with. "His technical skills and knowledge and his ability to learn anything he doesn't know yet, combined with his friendly nature and his reliable and pro-active attitude make him the perfect choice for Apolyon" Plomp commented. Plomp and Gühmann will both be co-owners of Apolyton, both will share ownership and responsibility, equally. Martin will mainly care about the technical issues like server administration, software maintenance, and site configuration. Robert will mainly be responsible for the community, staff, content, and PR.

    "This way we will turn Apolyton into what it once was and should be again, a home for all civers" Martin Gühmann commented.

    We are looking forward to improve Apolyton and make it a primary source for all civ-related things!
    Keep on civin'
    Formerly known as "CyberShy"
    Carpe Diem tamen Memento Mori