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Live Recording Details: PolyCast Episode 100, July 31 at 1PM ET (North America)

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  • Live Recording Details: PolyCast Episode 100, July 31 at 1PM ET (North America)

    If you're a Civilization series fan and haven't blocked off the two-hour period beginning at 1PM Eastern Time (North America) on July 31, now is the time to do so. The 100th episode of PolyCast (PC), the bi-weekly strategy podcast that has been focusing on CivIV since it began, is to be the first such production to be recorded live. As first announced last month, its regular co-hosts and some guest co-hosts are to be on-air to take your questions and comments.

    Now that the technical particulars have been set, you can best prepare yourself in order to be able to participate. Here's the overview for you to review:

    WHAT: PolyCast Episode 100 Live Recording
    WHERE: "The PolyCast" Channel @ UStream (RSVP)
    WHO: Regular Co-Hosts ("DanQ", "Makahlua", "TheMeInTeam" and Lisa "qnl" Bang), Guest Co-Hosts... and Audience Members!
    WHY: To celebrate the centennial episode of the initial and leading Civ community podcast with regular, occasional and first-time listeners to discuss the show and the gaming series in general in equal measure.

    WHEN: July 31, 2010 @ 1PM Eastern Time (North America)
    Below is the intended agenda for this event; depending upon circumstances leading up to and while it's being carried out, be advised that subjects, participants, times or a combination thereof may change without notice.

    13:00:00 | Introductions: DanQ, Makahlua, TheMeInTeam & qnl
    13:05:00 | Franchise Reps: Barry Caudill (Firaxis Games); Greg Laabs, Elizabeth Tobey (2K Games)
    13:10:00 | Past Regulars: Locutus, KMadCandy
    13:20:00 | AUDIENCE: Call-ins, Chat items, Emails/Forum Posts
    13:25:00 | Season 1 Co-Hosts: OzzyKP, Methos, condor223
    13:35:00 | AUDIENCE: Call-ins, Chat items, Emails/Forum Posts
    13:45:00 | Season 2 Co-Hosts (1): bt_oz, CanuckSoldier
    13:50:00 | Season 2 Co-Hosts (2): emeseles, ruff_hi
    14:00:00 | AUDIENCE: Call-ins, Chat items, Emails/Forum Posts
    14:10:00 | Season 3 Co-Hosts (1): Lars_Domus, Lord Parkin
    14:15:00 | Season 3 Co-Hosts (2): Rusty Edge, AlphaShard, dacole
    14:25:00 | AUDIENCE: Call-ins, Chat items, Emails/Forum Posts
    14:30:00 | Season 4 Co-Hosts (1): Steiner-Davion, Izmir Stinger, ParadigmShifter
    14:35:00 | Season 4 Co-Hosts (2): colonelmustard, White Elk
    14:45:00 | AUDIENCE: Call-ins, Chat items, Emails/Forum Posts
    14:55:00 | Conclusion w/DanQ, Makahlua, TheMeInTeam & qnl

    1. You can submit feedback in advance by: a) responding to this thread or b) by calling into the show: (301) 637-7659 (North America), +44 121 288 7659 (Europe) or via Skype with your Skype account.
    2. During the show, you can provide written feedback in the "The PolyCast" channel's chat room. Towards moderatorship and flood control capabilities, you will need to create an account on UStream to do so. (Registration is free and should not take more than a few minutes.)
    3. During the show, you can provide verbal feedback by calling into the show; see 1b) above for details.

    Spread positive word about this, the first live PolyCast recording and help celebrate its 100th episode in entertaining and informing style, by choosing to be in attendance and letting your own voice (or keyboard) be heard.
    Last edited by DanQ; July 27, 2010, 12:13. Reason: Updated guest data
    PolyCast Co-Host, Owner and Producer: entertaining | informing civ
    >> PolyCast (Civ strategy), ModCast (Civ modding), TurnCast (Civ multiplay); One More Turn Dramedy

  • #2
    Guest Data Updated

    Firaxis Games' Marketing Associate Pete Murray is not going to be able to make this event ultimately. However, Executive Producer Barry Caudill will.
    PolyCast Co-Host, Owner and Producer: entertaining | informing civ
    >> PolyCast (Civ strategy), ModCast (Civ modding), TurnCast (Civ multiplay); One More Turn Dramedy

