Dear Apolyton Civilization Site's (ACS) and the greater Civilization community,
Nearing 11 years ago, Markos "MarkG" Giannopoulos and I co-founded ACS. We were students then -- Markos in university, and I a senior in high school. We served as Co-Owners/Administrators for more than eight years until Markos left the administration in late 2006. A university graduate, Markos had co-founded a business in recent years and that was taking up an increasing portion of his available time and energy. For the past two-and-a-half-years, I have led the Apolyton administration as Chief Owner/Administrator with Co-Owner/Administrators Wouter "Locutus" Snijders, Ming and rah with Solver joining the administration in September 2007.
Effective May 1, 2009, I am no longer the Chief Owner/Administrator of Apolyton CS; further, I am leaving the site's staff as well as its administration. In fact, the rest of the current administration is departing as well. [See press release for more particulars on this front.]
This was not a decision I came to easily, or lightly. This marks an end to an incredible era in my life, something which I have devoted countless tens of thousands of hours to and associate so much with my identity online and offline. I completed my second degree (Bachelor of Education) in mid-2005 and am continuing to upgrade my skills, still striving to secure full-time employment for the first time. I came to a comparable decision last month that Markos had come to before: in the best interests of this site and myself, the decision to step aside.
Adding my years first as Webmaster, then Administrator, than Owner as well of a CivII-dedicated fansite, I have been a fansite operator in the Civilization community for almost 13 years. This gives me the distinction of serving in this capacity longer than anyone else in the Civ community to date, and I expect it ranks high in comparison to other fan-based communities as well (gaming or otherwise). During this time I feel that I have grown to be a more approachable as well as accomplished individual than I began. I am not claiming to be perfect, but I believe I have been fair and timely in my actions for the most part throughout. Yet we all have our limits, and I know I have reached mine. My time and energy levels are no longer sufficient to be properly effective in my long-standing capacity anymore.
For all the trials and tribulations, it is the positives and highlights of my time in this role I am now turning over that I hope have made the most lasting impressions on others. More important than all the situations, places and things -- good, bad and so many shades of gray between -- are the people. I have had the honour and privilege of working with so many thoughtful and talented individuals for more than a decade who share a passion for the computer (and now also console) strategy game known as Civilization. I have made associations, connections and friendships that I value very much and look forward to continuing and growing beyond the here and now.
With that very much in mind, I have decided that my leaving the Apolyton team will not mark the end of my active involvement in the Civ community as well. In fact, I consider this the start of my 'second life' in this regard. As many of you are likely aware, I have been leading PolyCast since about the same time that Markos left the Apolyton administration. I will be retaining ownership and otherwise control of that operation, as well as Age of Nations. I enjoy the creativity, interaction and production involved in these processes. I am also remaining an adviser to the Committee behind CivCon '09 to be held this summer.
As with anything, there are a number of challenges that Apolyton faces in the present. I, along with a small but dedicated staff, have been working away at these with admittedly varying degrees of success in recent years. I thank those past and present for their tireless contributions. I believe that they, and future, obstacles can and will be overcome. Progress has been made, but there is more that needs to be realized. But I have come to accept that my role in that growth and renewal process cannot be what it has been to date. I know it is time to make way for others who are willing and able to take on these challenges. I have had the opportunity to speak to them about their intentions and preliminary plans, and am encouraged.
I will miss the regular day-to-day exchanges of emails, private and instant messages from you, and people like you, that came from being an and ultimately lead administrator of Apolyton. Rest assured I have no intention of becoming a stranger to Poly post this transition though! I will still be frequenting these forums and other parts of this site. You will continue to hear from me with regards to PolyCast and the like, and in other ways as well I'm sure. There are still many days (turns?
) ahead.
Keep On Civ'in,
Daniel "DanQ" Quick
Nearing 11 years ago, Markos "MarkG" Giannopoulos and I co-founded ACS. We were students then -- Markos in university, and I a senior in high school. We served as Co-Owners/Administrators for more than eight years until Markos left the administration in late 2006. A university graduate, Markos had co-founded a business in recent years and that was taking up an increasing portion of his available time and energy. For the past two-and-a-half-years, I have led the Apolyton administration as Chief Owner/Administrator with Co-Owner/Administrators Wouter "Locutus" Snijders, Ming and rah with Solver joining the administration in September 2007.
Effective May 1, 2009, I am no longer the Chief Owner/Administrator of Apolyton CS; further, I am leaving the site's staff as well as its administration. In fact, the rest of the current administration is departing as well. [See press release for more particulars on this front.]
This was not a decision I came to easily, or lightly. This marks an end to an incredible era in my life, something which I have devoted countless tens of thousands of hours to and associate so much with my identity online and offline. I completed my second degree (Bachelor of Education) in mid-2005 and am continuing to upgrade my skills, still striving to secure full-time employment for the first time. I came to a comparable decision last month that Markos had come to before: in the best interests of this site and myself, the decision to step aside.
Adding my years first as Webmaster, then Administrator, than Owner as well of a CivII-dedicated fansite, I have been a fansite operator in the Civilization community for almost 13 years. This gives me the distinction of serving in this capacity longer than anyone else in the Civ community to date, and I expect it ranks high in comparison to other fan-based communities as well (gaming or otherwise). During this time I feel that I have grown to be a more approachable as well as accomplished individual than I began. I am not claiming to be perfect, but I believe I have been fair and timely in my actions for the most part throughout. Yet we all have our limits, and I know I have reached mine. My time and energy levels are no longer sufficient to be properly effective in my long-standing capacity anymore.
For all the trials and tribulations, it is the positives and highlights of my time in this role I am now turning over that I hope have made the most lasting impressions on others. More important than all the situations, places and things -- good, bad and so many shades of gray between -- are the people. I have had the honour and privilege of working with so many thoughtful and talented individuals for more than a decade who share a passion for the computer (and now also console) strategy game known as Civilization. I have made associations, connections and friendships that I value very much and look forward to continuing and growing beyond the here and now.
With that very much in mind, I have decided that my leaving the Apolyton team will not mark the end of my active involvement in the Civ community as well. In fact, I consider this the start of my 'second life' in this regard. As many of you are likely aware, I have been leading PolyCast since about the same time that Markos left the Apolyton administration. I will be retaining ownership and otherwise control of that operation, as well as Age of Nations. I enjoy the creativity, interaction and production involved in these processes. I am also remaining an adviser to the Committee behind CivCon '09 to be held this summer.
As with anything, there are a number of challenges that Apolyton faces in the present. I, along with a small but dedicated staff, have been working away at these with admittedly varying degrees of success in recent years. I thank those past and present for their tireless contributions. I believe that they, and future, obstacles can and will be overcome. Progress has been made, but there is more that needs to be realized. But I have come to accept that my role in that growth and renewal process cannot be what it has been to date. I know it is time to make way for others who are willing and able to take on these challenges. I have had the opportunity to speak to them about their intentions and preliminary plans, and am encouraged.
I will miss the regular day-to-day exchanges of emails, private and instant messages from you, and people like you, that came from being an and ultimately lead administrator of Apolyton. Rest assured I have no intention of becoming a stranger to Poly post this transition though! I will still be frequenting these forums and other parts of this site. You will continue to hear from me with regards to PolyCast and the like, and in other ways as well I'm sure. There are still many days (turns?

Keep On Civ'in,
Daniel "DanQ" Quick