Unfortunately Oscar had to leave ModCast due to his schedule getting overbooked, see episode 15 that's released today. We will miss him and wish him the best in his career and with his Age of Decadence indy game project. Hopefully he'll be back as a guest host from time to time, but for the most part this means we have an empty seat to fill: we need someone to replace Oscar as a regular host on ModCast, who can every fortnight join Tony, Ken and me to discuss a bunch of mods and interview cool modders. So we're hereby making an open call for people that are interested in doing this: sign up now for a chance at eternal fame and glory in the Civ modding community! 
Job description
If you've listened to any episode of ModCast, you've got a pretty good idea of what it's like
We record every other week in the weekends (right now Sunday at 15:00 EDT/19:00 UTC but that was mostly to fit Oscar's schedule; we could change the time a little bit to suit a new host, though we're pretty much stuck with Fri/Sat/Sunday starting at roughly 14-17:00 EDT). Recording itself generally doesn't take more than an hour but all-in-all count on having to be available for about twice that time (we often start late and sometimes have some technical issues to deal with, or administrative things to discuss afterwards).
We'll also need you to help us come up with topics for every show and have something to say about them, so if you don't already browse the CFC modding forums and play the mods we discuss, count on spending at least a little bit of time every week doing so. If you'd be willing to (occasionally) help out with booking guests and/or editing the show that's definitely a big plus, but it's not required.
Mostly, we want our next host to have an interest in modding, and of course in doing the show with us. It's definitely a bonus if you have modding experience yourself, but if you just play mods that's fine too. We don't care too much whether you're a coder, artist, map maker, playtester, etc, but if you bring a unique perspective that isn't already represented by the other hosts that's a plus. We welcome submissions from all over the world, having an accent shouldn't be a problem -- we already let two Americans in, after all
During recordings, we have each host record their side of the conversation locally with Audacity using the LAME plugin over Skype, and afterwards upload those recordings using an SFTP client like FileZilla, but as all of that software is open source, free and available on all major platforms (Windows, Mac, Linux) that shouldn't stop anyone from joining us.
Hardware-wise, it's obviously necessary that you have a computer and a microphone, as well as a pair of headphones (feedback from speakers makes the sound unlistenable, so headphones are a must) -- whether you use a headset or two separate pieces is not important. For auditions the quality of the equipment doesn't matter too much, though once we've found our new host the show becomes a lot easier on the ear if there's a certain minimum standard in this regard, but if need be Apolyton can help out with that (so don't feel it's necessary to go running out the door to buy $300 worth of hardware right away -- that's not necessary at all, our combined equipment probably didn't cost that much).
How to sign up
If you're interested in joining our crew, please let us know by recording an MP3 or OGG file using Audacity in which you mention your name (or however you'd like us to address you
), your forum handle (and whether that's on Apolyton or CFC) and where you're from, and also briefly tell us who you are: Are you a modder? What kind of modding do you do (and/or what kind of mods do you play)? Also, would you be able to help us with editing or booking guests (or in other ways)? Keep it short, 20-30 seconds would be a good length, anything over a minute is excessive -- at this point we mostly just want to have a basic idea of who you are and what you sound like. Post the file as link/attachment in this thread, or email it to modcast@apolyton.net (if you do the latter, make sure the subject of the mail is "Apolyton's Next Top ModCast Host", mention your forum handle in the email itself, and please send the raw MP3/OGG file, don't zip it up).
Recording with Audacity is as simple as downloading and installing the software, optionally also downloading and installing LAME so you can export as MP3 (which you'll need to do later anyway, but if you're having trouble with it for now exporting as OGG is fine as well), opening Audacity, hitting the big red record button and start talking into your mic. When you're done, hit stop and go to File > Export to export the file as MP3 or OGG. If you're having trouble with this, feel free to contact me or Tony.
The exact details of how we will select a new host are yet to be finalised (also depending on how many responses we get), but it will almost certainly involve getting some/all candidates on the show with us once to see how that goes, so basically an audition. Please let us know as soon as possible if you're interested in the 'job': for now we'll set the deadline at Saturday August 16th at noon EDT (16:00 UTC). We can accept a few late submissions, but really need to have a rough idea of how many people are signing up for this so we can work out the selection process quickly. Because of this please try to get your submission in on time if you can -- if you can't get your MP3/OGG file worked out before the deadline at least let us know in the forums that you're interested.
If possible we'd like to have the first audition on the Sunday after the deadline, so please also indicate (whether in your audio file or in text form) if you're available for a recording on Sunday the 17th at 15:00 EDT/19:00 UTC (=20:00 BST) -- if you are, we'll contact you later in the day on Saturday if we actually want you for that. Other auditions will take place in subsequent episodes, we'll contact you to work out the details for that.
If you have any questions, comments, etc, feel free to post here or contact me or Tony.

Job description
If you've listened to any episode of ModCast, you've got a pretty good idea of what it's like

We'll also need you to help us come up with topics for every show and have something to say about them, so if you don't already browse the CFC modding forums and play the mods we discuss, count on spending at least a little bit of time every week doing so. If you'd be willing to (occasionally) help out with booking guests and/or editing the show that's definitely a big plus, but it's not required.
Mostly, we want our next host to have an interest in modding, and of course in doing the show with us. It's definitely a bonus if you have modding experience yourself, but if you just play mods that's fine too. We don't care too much whether you're a coder, artist, map maker, playtester, etc, but if you bring a unique perspective that isn't already represented by the other hosts that's a plus. We welcome submissions from all over the world, having an accent shouldn't be a problem -- we already let two Americans in, after all

During recordings, we have each host record their side of the conversation locally with Audacity using the LAME plugin over Skype, and afterwards upload those recordings using an SFTP client like FileZilla, but as all of that software is open source, free and available on all major platforms (Windows, Mac, Linux) that shouldn't stop anyone from joining us.
Hardware-wise, it's obviously necessary that you have a computer and a microphone, as well as a pair of headphones (feedback from speakers makes the sound unlistenable, so headphones are a must) -- whether you use a headset or two separate pieces is not important. For auditions the quality of the equipment doesn't matter too much, though once we've found our new host the show becomes a lot easier on the ear if there's a certain minimum standard in this regard, but if need be Apolyton can help out with that (so don't feel it's necessary to go running out the door to buy $300 worth of hardware right away -- that's not necessary at all, our combined equipment probably didn't cost that much).
How to sign up
If you're interested in joining our crew, please let us know by recording an MP3 or OGG file using Audacity in which you mention your name (or however you'd like us to address you

Recording with Audacity is as simple as downloading and installing the software, optionally also downloading and installing LAME so you can export as MP3 (which you'll need to do later anyway, but if you're having trouble with it for now exporting as OGG is fine as well), opening Audacity, hitting the big red record button and start talking into your mic. When you're done, hit stop and go to File > Export to export the file as MP3 or OGG. If you're having trouble with this, feel free to contact me or Tony.
The exact details of how we will select a new host are yet to be finalised (also depending on how many responses we get), but it will almost certainly involve getting some/all candidates on the show with us once to see how that goes, so basically an audition. Please let us know as soon as possible if you're interested in the 'job': for now we'll set the deadline at Saturday August 16th at noon EDT (16:00 UTC). We can accept a few late submissions, but really need to have a rough idea of how many people are signing up for this so we can work out the selection process quickly. Because of this please try to get your submission in on time if you can -- if you can't get your MP3/OGG file worked out before the deadline at least let us know in the forums that you're interested.
If possible we'd like to have the first audition on the Sunday after the deadline, so please also indicate (whether in your audio file or in text form) if you're available for a recording on Sunday the 17th at 15:00 EDT/19:00 UTC (=20:00 BST) -- if you are, we'll contact you later in the day on Saturday if we actually want you for that. Other auditions will take place in subsequent episodes, we'll contact you to work out the details for that.
If you have any questions, comments, etc, feel free to post here or contact me or Tony.