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Apolytoners' Hall of Fame: March 2007

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  • ok, 26 hours to go until these polls close

    great participation soo far

    gotta be in it to win it
    Gurka 17, People of the Valley
    I am of the Horde.


    • the top ten so far

      Rank Name new sum

      1 Solver , 326

      2 SlowThinker , 308

      3 Skanky Burns , 263

      4 loinburger , 257

      5 Aeson , 219

      6 WesW , 215

      7 Dominae , 213

      8 Kassiopeia , 211

      9 Molly Bloom , 181

      10 Bloody Monk , 179
      Gurka 17, People of the Valley
      I am of the Horde.


      • the movers and shakers so far

        Rank, Name, this round , new sum

        1 Solver , 84 , 326

        2 Blake , 71 , 122

        3 SlowThinker , 58 , 308

        4 LordShiva , 55 , 71

        5 Grandpa Troll , 53 , 145

        6 Aeson , 45 , 219

        7 Dis [Dissident] , 43 , 130

        8 Dominae , 42 , 213

        9 Bloody Monk , 40 , 179

        10 Skanky Burns , 36 , 263
        10 PLATO , 36 , 99
        Gurka 17, People of the Valley
        I am of the Horde.


        • Solver, Beta, fairline.
          - Lord Parkin / emperor

          Read all about my adventures in the Realms Beyond Pitboss 4 game!


          • the poll is now closed

            thanks all for your participation

            time for final tally
            Gurka 17, People of the Valley
            I am of the Horde.


            • popularity contests BAH Hum Bag
              GM of MAFIA #40 ,#41, #43, #45,#47,#49-#51,#53-#58,#61,#68,#70, #71


              • the final tally

                Rank, Name, the various rounds , this round for a total of Total

                Our two new inductees:

                1 Solver 13 8 12 8 17 38 69 77 then this round: 86 for a total of: 328

                2 SlowThinker 9 6 22 45 27 32 44 65 then this round: 58 for a total of: 308

                3 Skanky Burns 17 23 20 33 26 25 42 41 then this round: 36 for a total of: 263

                4 loinburger 18 22 38 48 25 22 39 15 then this round: 30 for a total of: 257

                5 Aeson 3 3 16 37 15 28 38 34 then this round: 52 for a total of: 226

                6 Dominae 19 27 15 12 11 25 31 31 then this round: 45 for a total of: 216

                7 Kassiopeia 10 17 25 30 22 26 29 29 then this round: 27 for a total of: 215
                8 WesW 30 24 23 21 24 31 20 21 then this round: 21 for a total of: 215

                9 Bloody Monk 4 24 34 39 38 then this round: 44 for a total of: 183

                10 Molly Bloom 2 14 16 35 31 25 17 22 then this round: 19 for a total of: 181

                11 hexagonian 6 20 14 15 28 29 20 24 then this round: 22 for a total of: 178

                12 Buster 3 10 13 28 31 30 30 19 then this round: 12 for a total of: 176

                13 DrSpike 7 20 29 23 20 16 18 24 then this round: 8 for a total of: 165

                14 Jamski 16 20 14 26 18 14 12 17 then this round: 10 for a total of: 147

                15 Grandpa Troll 3 8 47 34 then this round: 53 for a total of: 145

                16 Mercator 8 20 12 16 13 15 33 then this round: 18 for a total of: 135

                17 deity 8 7 16 21 13 12 13 19 then this round: 23 for a total of: 132

                18 Dis [Dissident] 11 10 8 12 12 25 9 then this round: 43 for a total of: 130

                19 Blake 7 10 34 then this round: 71 for a total of: 122

                20 Niessuh 2 2 4 5 2 19 28 31 then this round: 28 for a total of: 121

                21 MrFun 11 10 13 22 12 20 14 9 then this round: 9 for a total of: 120

                22 Techumseh 4 8 15 10 19 14 18 16 then this round: 11 for a total of: 115

                23 fairline 8 10 3 19 15 25 16 then this round: 17 for a total of: 113

                24 Hydro 5 7 22 26 19 13 5 then this round: 15 for a total of: 112

                25 Comrade Tassadar/Tacc 10 5 5 3 9 16 43 11 then this round: 6 for a total of: 108

                26 Alinestra Covelia 10 14 18 18 10 6 8 8 then this round: 12 for a total of: 104

                27 Tiamat 14 13 10 4 8 18 8 16 then this round: 9 for a total of: 100

                28 Fez/Giancarlo 29 18 17 11 8 8 5 3 then this round: 0 for a total of: 99
                29 PLATO 7 3 3 5 10 9 18 8 then this round: 36 for a total of: 99

                30 Sn00py 6 7 8 20 35 7 4 2 then this round: 9 for a total of: 98

                31 Arrian 12 8 10 13 3 4 10 9 then this round: 18 for a total of: 87
                32 ChrisiusMaximus 10 9 3 11 8 12 11 8 then this round: 15 for a total of: 87
                33 vmxa1 12 8 16 8 14 11 3 3 then this round: 12 for a total of: 87

                34 joncha 2 3 5 7 8 7 23 19 then this round: 12 for a total of: 86

                35 curtsibling 4 7 2 22 7 12 17 then this round: 9 for a total of: 80
                36 Illuminatus 11 19 31 then this round: 19 for a total of: 80

                37 Beta 3 10 11 18 16 8 2 2 then this round: 9 for a total of: 79

                38 Malevolent Light Eyes of Night) StarLightDeath) 14 17 8 15 7 4 2 7 then this round: 3 for a total of: 77

                39 LordShiva 3 13 then this round: 58 for a total of: 74

                40 cavebear 8 2 4 15 5 2 21 8 then this round: 7 for a total of: 72
                41 MLeonard 10 15 10 8 12 8 5 4 then this round: 0 for a total of: 72

                42 korn469 16 9 9 8 8 8 4 4 then this round: 4 for a total of: 70

                43 Bongo 3 3 3 7 6 9 16 8 then this round: 13 for a total of: 68

                44 Alfonso 22 24 then this round: 15 for a total of: 61
                45 Shi Huangdi 13 10 2 3 7 7 8 8 then this round: 3 for a total of: 61

                46 Zeus_of_Olimpos 25 4 4 4 4 4 5 5 then this round: 5 for a total of: 60

                47 snoopy369 24 12 7 then this round: 16 for a total of: 59

                48 Chilean President 18 5 9 3 10 then this round: 11 for a total of: 56
                49 Kaak 1 4 3 4 12 4 19 9 then this round: 0 for a total of: 56

                50 jm_ruiz 16 17 then this round: 19 for a total of: 52

                51 Ljube 7 7 3 3 15 10 6 then this round: 0 for a total of: 51

                52 Boann 12 8 8 10 5 then this round: 5 for a total of: 48
                53 GePap 2 10 8 7 3 3 3 6 then this round: 6 for a total of: 48

                54 Ben Kenobi 2 4 4 12 4 8 9 then this round: 3 for a total of: 46
                55 Flubber 8 10 3 17 3 5 then this round: 0 for a total of: 46
                56 Martin Gühmann 6 10 10 11 then this round: 9 for a total of: 46

                57 Sava 4 8 25 4 then this round: 4 for a total of: 45

                58 Mrs. Tuberski 4 10 7 8 10 then this round: 3 for a total of: 42

                59 Gerar Dean 17 6 1 4 then this round: 12 for a total of: 40
                60 Heresson 5 19 then this round: 16 for a total of: 40

                61 CivNation AKA DefensorFidei) 4 4 4 4 4 4 5 5 then this round: 5 for a total of: 39
                62 Rasbelin 2 4 7 7 4 3 8 then this round: 4 for a total of: 39
                63 Smacksim 9 19 4 2 2 then this round: 3 for a total of: 39

                64 Manolo 5 17 then this round: 13 for a total of: 35

                65 rjmatsleepers 4 2 4 8 then this round: 13 for a total of: 31

                66 Smiley 9 10 3 3 2 then this round: 3 for a total of: 30

                67 Sprayber 7 8 4 4 then this round: 5 for a total of: 28

                68 Nikolai 6 3 6 3 then this round: 9 for a total of: 27

                69 Jon Miller 4 17 5 then this round: 0 for a total of: 26
                70 Kody 3 4 2 2 3 3 4 5 then this round: 0 for a total of: 26

                71 Six Thousand Year Old Man 3 6 5 then this round: 10 for a total of: 24

                72 Astrologix then this round: 21 for a total of: 21

                73 Maniac 8 then this round: 13 for a total of: 21

                74 Carloquillo 6 3 3 then this round: 8 for a total of: 20
                75 Dauphin 12 then this round: 8 for a total of: 20
                76 E_T 5 8 then this round: 7 for a total of: 20

                77 Peaster 9 then this round: 10 for a total of: 19
                78 Zoid 6 2 then this round: 11 for a total of: 19

                79 fromafar 3 8 then this round: 5 for a total of: 16

                80 conmcb25 2 3 4 2 then this round: 3 for a total of: 14

                81 Cybershy 4 5 1 then this round: 3 for a total of: 13
                82 Drake Tungsten then this round: 13 for a total of: 13
                83 Frank Johnson 8 then this round: 5 for a total of: 13
                84 Harry Tuttle 11 then this round: 2 for a total of: 13
                85 Snotty 9 9 then this round: 4 for a total of: 13

                86 Drogue 3 then this round: 9 for a total of: 12
                87 Tau Ceti 4 4 4 then this round: 0 for a total of: 12

                88 Boco then this round: 11 for a total of: 11

                89 AGRICOLA 3 3 then this round: 4 for a total of: 10
                90 Golden Bear 2 8 then this round: 0 for a total of: 10
                91 Platypus Rex 4 then this round: 6 for a total of: 10

                92 Magno_uy 3 3 then this round: 3 for a total of: 9

                93 Elephant then this round: 8 for a total of: 8
                94 Keygen then this round: 8 for a total of: 8
                95 Robocon then this round: 8 for a total of: 8
                96 Sir Ralph 8 then this round: 0 for a total of: 8
                97 Toni 5 then this round: 3 for a total of: 8
                98 VJ then this round: 8 for a total of: 8

                99 b etor then this round: 7 for a total of: 7

                100 Flamerfin) 6 then this round: 0 for a total of: 6
                101 LotM then this round: 6 for a total of: 6

                102 dale then this round: 5 for a total of: 5
                103 Fed1943 5 then this round: 0 for a total of: 5
                104 FemMe 3 then this round: 2 for a total of: 5
                105 Guynemer then this round: 5 for a total of: 5
                106 Hatschy then this round: 5 for a total of: 5
                107 Maquiladora 2 then this round: 3 for a total of: 5
                108 Ned then this round: 5 for a total of: 5
                109 Oerdin then this round: 5 for a total of: 5
                110 PJayTycy 5 then this round: 0 for a total of: 5
                111 Ricketyclik then this round: 5 for a total of: 5
                112 Rob Worham 3 then this round: 2 for a total of: 5
                113 Rubin then this round: 5 for a total of: 5
                114 Sarsstock 3 2 then this round: 0 for a total of: 5
                115 Tism 3 then this round: 2 for a total of: 5
                116 Trev 5 then this round: 0 for a total of: 5

                117 BeBro then this round: 4 for a total of: 4
                118 Flash 4 then this round: 0 for a total of: 4
                119 Hercules then this round: 4 for a total of: 4
                120 Sikander then this round: 4 for a total of: 4
                121 SlowwHand then this round: 4 for a total of: 4
                122 StrayBow then this round: 4 for a total of: 4

                123 Cort haus then this round: 3 for a total of: 3
                124 Eli 3 then this round: 0 for a total of: 3
                125 Frozzy Kalius) 3 then this round: 0 for a total of: 3
                126 Jaguar 3 then this round: 0 for a total of: 3
                127 japher 3 then this round: 0 for a total of: 3
                128 lord of the mark 3 then this round: 0 for a total of: 3
                129 PoopBall then this round: 3 for a total of: 3
                130 TheBirdMan then this round: 3 for a total of: 3
                131 Unspeakable Horror 3 then this round: 0 for a total of: 3
                132 Winston then this round: 3 for a total of: 3

                133 Asona then this round: 2 for a total of: 2
                134 GeoModder then this round: 2 for a total of: 2
                135 James 2 then this round: 0 for a total of: 2
                136 MWIA then this round: 2 for a total of: 2


                and who voted for whom:

                1 AAHZ , voted for: Solver , Dis , Lord Shiva , with each vote worth: 3
                2 Aeson , voted for: Arrian , Dominae , LordShiva , with each vote worth: 4
                3 Alexander01 , voted for: Solver , Grandpa Troll , Snoopy369 , with each vote worth: 4
                4 alva , voted for: Aeson , Solver , Blake , with each vote worth: 4
                5 Arrian , voted for: Aeson , Dominae , Blake , with each vote worth: 4
                6 azona , voted for: jim_ruiz , manolo , Astrologix , with each vote worth: 2
                7 b etor , voted for: Joncha , tacc , LordShiva , with each vote worth: 1
                8 BeBro , voted for: loinburger , Molly Bloom , Lord Shiva , with each vote worth: 4
                9 Ben Kenobi , voted for: Mrs. Tuberski , Skanky Burns , Shi Huangdi , with each vote worth: 3
                10 Beta , voted for: Snoopy369 , conmcb25 , E_T , with each vote worth: 3
                11 BKWM , voted for: ChrisiusMaximus , Plato , Bongo , with each vote worth: 3
                12 Blondie , voted for: Grandpa Troll , Tism , Plato , with each vote worth: 2
                13 Bloody Monk , voted for: Slow Thinker , Six Thousand Year Old Man , StrayBow , with each vote worth: 4
                14 Chaos Theory , voted for: Illuminatus , Maniac , Hydro , with each vote worth: 3
                15 Chilean President , voted for: Niessuh , Geran Dean , Alfonso , with each vote worth: 4
                16 ChrisiusMaximus , voted for: Plato , Zoid , Bongo , with each vote worth: 3
                17 Chuckman , voted for: Grandpa Troll , rjmatsleepers , FeMme , with each vote worth: 2
                18 curtsibling , voted for: Boco , fairline , Techumsech , with each vote worth: 3
                19 CyberShy , voted for: Deity , Solver , Sn00py , with each vote worth: 5
                20 Cyrion , voted for: curtsibling , fairline , Bloody monk , with each vote worth: 3
                21 DarkCloud , voted for: Solver , Dr Spike , Mercator , with each vote worth: 4
                22 Darsan , voted for: Buster , Hydro , Illuminatus , with each vote worth: 4
                23 Datajack Franit , voted for: Lord Shiva , Winston , Blake , with each vote worth: 3
                24 Dauphin , voted for: Grandpa Troll , Dis , Drake Tungsten , with each vote worth: 5
                25 DaveV , voted for: Slow Thinker , Bloody Monk , Elephant , with each vote worth: 5
                26 DAVOUT , voted for: GePap , Molly Bloom , LotM , with each vote worth: 3
                27 DinoDoc , voted for: Blake , Slow Thinker , loinburger , with each vote worth: 5
                28 Dis , voted for: Solver , Blake , b etor , with each vote worth: 4
                29 Dominae , voted for: Aeson , Arrian , Blake , with each vote worth: 3
                30 Dr Strangelove , voted for: Solver , Tiamat , Mr Fun , with each vote worth: 5
                31 DrNick , voted for: Niessuh , Alfonso , Chilean President , with each vote worth: 5
                32 Drogue , voted for: Solver , Kassiopeia , Jamski , with each vote worth: 3
                33 DrSpike , voted for: Nikolai , Zoid , Dauphin , with each vote worth: 4
                34 duke o' york , voted for: Hercules , Molly Bloom , Ali Cove , with each vote worth: 4
                35 dunnm, voted for: slowthinker, cavebear, rjmatsleepers, with each vote worth: 3
                36 E , voted for: hexigonian , Martin Gühmann , fromafar , with each vote worth: 5
                37 el mencey , voted for: Niessu , Alfonso , Carloquillo , with each vote worth: 3
                38 Elephant , voted for: Bloody Monk , Mercator , SlowThinker , with each vote worth: 3
                39 Elok , voted for: loinburger , Mercator , Fairline , with each vote worth: 3
                40 emperor , voted for: Solver , Beta , Fairline , with each vote worth: 2
                41 fed1943 , voted for: Aeson , Blake , Buster , with each vote worth: 2
                42 FeMme , voted for: Blake , Zoid , GeoModder , with each vote worth: 2
                43 Frederick , voted for: Skanky Burns , Plato , Solver , with each vote worth: 2
                44 GePap , voted for: loinburger , Skanky Burns , vmxa1 , with each vote worth: 4
                45 Gerar Dean , voted for: Chilean president , Magno_uy , Carloquillo , with each vote worth: 3
                46 Gigante Verde , voted for: Manolo , jim_ruiz , Astrologix , with each vote worth: 3
                47 Grandpa Troll , voted for: Solver , WesW , Snoopy369 , with each vote worth: 4
                48 Grigor , voted for: Slow Thinker , Bloody Monk , paester , with each vote worth: 4
                49 Guynemer , voted for: Blake , loinburger , Dis , with each vote worth: 5
                50 Harry , voted for: Geran Dean , Niessuh , Alfonso , with each vote worth: 2
                51 Heresson , voted for: LordShiva , joncha , Mercator , with each vote worth: 4
                52 hexagonian , voted for: WesW , Solver , Dale , with each vote worth: 5
                53 Hotnails , voted for: Dominae , MrWhereItsAt , Plato , with each vote worth: 2
                54 Hydro , voted for: Solver , Illuminatus , Maniac , with each vote worth: 5
                55 Illuminatus , voted for: Maniac , Hydro , Smacksim , with each vote worth: 3
                56 Imran Siddiqui , voted for: Molly Bloom , Arrian , Tacc , with each vote worth: 5
                57 James , voted for: Plato , ChrisiusMaximus , Grandpa Troll , with each vote worth: 2
                58 Jaquar , voted for: Lord Shiva , Kassiopeia , Skanky , with each vote worth: 4
                59 JCP , voted for: SlowThinker , Cave Bear , Six Thousand Year Old Man , with each vote worth: 4
                60 jim_ruiz , voted for: Niessuh , Alfonso , Gerar dean , with each vote worth: 3
                61 Jon miller , voted for: Zeus_of_Olimpos , CivNation (DefensorFidei) , loinburger , with each vote worth: 5
                62 Joncha , voted for: Kassiopeia , Heresson , Lord Shiva , with each vote worth: 3
                63 Jrabbit , voted for: Bloody Monk , Slow Thinker , Malevolent Eyes of NightLightDeath , with each vote worth: 3
                64 Kassiopeia , voted for: Skanky Burns , Rasbelin , Alinestra Covelia , with each vote worth: 4
                65 Kelzad , voted for: Niessuh , Astrologix , jim_ruiz , with each vote worth: 3
                66 Keygen , voted for: Beta , , , with each vote worth: 4
                67 Kidicious , voted for: LotM , GeGap , Molly Bloom , with each vote worth: 3
                68 korn469 , voted for: Dis , Aeson , Solver , with each vote worth: 5
                69 KrazyHorse , voted for: loinburger , Sikander , Drake Tungsten , with each vote worth: 4
                70 Krill , voted for: Aeson , Dominae , Arrian , with each vote worth: 3
                71 Kuciwalker , voted for: Drake , Robocon , , with each vote worth: 4
                72 loinburger , voted for: Ned , , , with each vote worth: 5
                73 LordShiva , voted for: Dis , , , with each vote worth: 4
                74 MacGalleo , voted for: fairlane , curtsibling , techmuseh , with each vote worth: 3
                75 Madison520 , voted for: Bloody Monk , Plato , Blake , with each vote worth: 2
                76 magic_gorter , voted for: SlowThinker , Peaster , Bloody Monk , with each vote worth: 2
                77 Makahlua , voted for: Solver , Dominae , Aeson , with each vote worth: 3
                78 Maniac , voted for: Illuminatus , Hydro , Rubin , with each vote worth: 5
                79 manolo , voted for: Niessuh , jim_ruiz , Astrologix , with each vote worth: 3
                80 Maquiladora , voted for: WesW , hexagonian , Martin Guhamm , with each vote worth: 4
                81 Martin Gühmann , voted for: Solver , WesW , hexagonian , with each vote worth: 4
                82 Master Zen , voted for: Niessuh , Geran Dean , Chilean President , with each vote worth: 3
                83 Mercator , voted for: techmuseh , Boco , Heresson , with each vote worth: 5
                84 Metaliturtle , voted for: Grandpa Troll , , , with each vote worth: 3
                85 Method , voted for: Kassiopeia , alinestra covelia , joncha , with each vote worth: 4
                86 Ming , voted for: Blake , Slow Thinker , Dominae , with each vote worth: 5
                87 Mobius , voted for: Lord Shiva , Drogue , Dis , with each vote worth: 5
                88 Molly Bloom , voted for: BeBro , Platypus Rex , Lord Shiva , with each vote worth: 4
                89 Mrs. Troll , voted for: Grandpa Troll , Solver , Plato , with each vote worth: 3
                90 MrWhereItsAt , voted for: Dominae , Aeson , E_T , with each vote worth: 4
                91 Nelson D , voted for: Plato , Harry Tuttle , Grandpa Troll , with each vote worth: 2
                92 Niessuh , voted for: jim_ruiz , Astrologix , manolo , with each vote worth: 3
                93 Nikolai , voted for: DrSpike , Grandpa Troll , Skanky , with each vote worth: 4
                94 notyoueither , voted for: Aeson , Dominae , vmxa1 , with each vote worth: 4
                95 Nugog , voted for: Solver , Skanky , RobWorham , with each vote worth: 2
                96 Octavian X , voted for: Aeson , Dominae , Jamski , with each vote worth: 3
                97 Oerdin , voted for: Dis , Slowwhand , Skanky burns , with each vote worth: 4
                98 Ogie Oglethorpe , voted for: Oerdin , VJ , Guynemer , with each vote worth: 5
                99 Paddy , voted for: Chrisius , Plato , Bongo , with each vote worth: 4
                100 Palaiologos , voted for: Ben kenobi , fairline , Boco , with each vote worth: 3
                101 Perfection , voted for: curtsibling , LordShiva , PoopBall , with each vote worth: 3
                102 Petek , voted for: Buster , Solver , Blake , with each vote worth: 4
                103 Pinchak , voted for: Snoopy369 , Deity , Solver , with each vote worth: 2
                104 Plato , voted for: Chrisius Maximus , Grandpa Troll , Bongo , with each vote worth: 3
                105 Platypus Rex , voted for: Blake , Snoopy369 , Grandpa Troll , with each vote worth: 3
                106 PrinceBolkonsky , voted for: Grandpa Troll , , , with each vote worth: 1
                107 Provost Harrison , voted for: Dauphin , Snotty , Sava , with each vote worth: 4
                108 psyyco , voted for: jim_ruiz , Astrologix , asona , with each vote worth: 2
                109 quiquejavi , voted for: jim_ruiz , Astrologix , manolo , with each vote worth: 3
                110 rah , voted for: Slow Thinker , Deity , Blake , with each vote worth: 5
                111 Rasputin , voted for: Deity , Frank Johnson , Nikolai , with each vote worth: 5
                112 Remick , voted for: Skanky Burns , Grandpa Troll , Plato , with each vote worth: 3
                113 Ricketyclik , voted for: Grandpa Troll , Keygen , TheBirdMan , with each vote worth: 3
                114 rjmatsleepers , voted for: Blake , Bloody Monk , Elephant , with each vote worth: 3
                115 RobWorham , voted for: Plato , Zoid , Blake , with each vote worth: 2
                116 Rod101 , voted for: Skanky Burns , Plato , Smiley , with each vote worth: 1
                117 Rubychaser , voted for: Plato , ChrisiusMaximus , Grandpa Troll , with each vote worth: 3
                118 Scrapper82 , voted for: Platypus Rex , Plato , Smiley , with each vote worth: 2
                119 Sir Og , voted for: vmxa1 , Dis , heresson , with each vote worth: 4
                120 Sir Ralph , voted for: Aeson , Dominae , hexagonian , with each vote worth: 4
                121 Sirontnikov , voted for: Sn00py , korn489 , Lord Shiva , with each vote worth: 4
                122 Six Thousand Year Old Man , voted for: Bloody Monk , SlowThinker , rjmatsleepers , with each vote worth: 4
                123 Skanky Burns , voted for: Kassiopeia , Aeson , Jamski , with each vote worth: 4
                124 Slowhand , voted for: Boann , Sprayber , LordShiva , with each vote worth: 5
                125 SlowThinker , voted for: Bloody Monk , Mercator , Peaster , with each vote worth: 4
                126 Snoop369 , voted for: Beta , Grandpa Troll , Blake , with each vote worth: 3
                127 Solo , voted for: Slow Thinker , Bloody Monk , rjmatsleepers , with each vote worth: 4
                128 Solomwi , voted for: Blake , Aeson , Dominae , with each vote worth: 3
                129 Solver , voted for: Aeson , WesW , Hexagonian , with each vote worth: 4
                130 Spec , voted for: Cort haus , VJ , LordShiva , with each vote worth: 3
                131 Spiffor , voted for: Robocon , Dis , Drogue , with each vote worth: 4
                132 Straybow , voted for: SlowThinker , Kassiopeia , Bloody Monk , with each vote worth: 5
                133 StuporMan , voted for: Slow Thinker , Bloody Monk , Six Thousand Year Old Man , with each vote worth: 2
                134 Tacc , voted for: Joncha , LordShiva , b etor , with each vote worth: 3
                135 TheBirdMan , voted for: Ricketyclik , Keygen , Hatschy , with each vote worth: 5
                136 Toni , voted for: Deity , CyberShy , Maquiladora , with each vote worth: 3
                137 trev , voted for: Deity , Blake , Toni , with each vote worth: 3
                138 Trip , voted for: Aeson , Dominae , Arrian , with each vote worth: 3
                139 Velociryx , voted for: Solver , Skanky Burns , Hexigonioan , with each vote worth: 5
                140 VJ , voted for: Dis , Kassiopeia , Blake , with each vote worth: 4
                141 vondrak , voted for: Aeson , Dominae , Solver , with each vote worth: 3
                142 vyah , voted for: Buster , Illuminatus , Maniac , with each vote worth: 2
                143 wetback , voted for: Niessuh , manolo , Astrologix , with each vote worth: 2
                144 Will9 , voted for: Lord Shiva , Blake , Solver , with each vote worth: 2
                145 Wittlich , voted for: Tiamat , Grandpa Troll , Mr Fun , with each vote worth: 4
                146 Zoid , voted for: Solver , Grandpa Troll , LordShiva , with each vote worth: 3
                Gurka 17, People of the Valley
                I am of the Horde.


                • the movers and the shakers

                  those with 13 votes or more this election:

                  Name this round

                  Solver 86

                  Blake 71

                  SlowThinker 58
                  LordShiva 58

                  Grandpa Troll 53

                  Aeson 52

                  Dominae 45

                  Bloody Monk 44

                  Dis [Dissident] 43

                  Skanky Burns 36
                  PLATO 36

                  loinburger 30

                  Niessuh 28

                  Kassiopeia 27

                  deity 23

                  hexagonian 22

                  WesW 21
                  Astrologix 21

                  Molly Bloom 19
                  Illuminatus 19
                  jm_ruiz 19

                  Mercator 18
                  Arrian 18

                  fairline 17

                  snoopy369 16
                  Heresson 16

                  Hydro 15
                  ChrisiusMaximus 15
                  Alfonso 15

                  Bongo 13
                  Manolo 13
                  rjmatsleepers 13
                  Maniac 13
                  Drake Tungsten 13
                  Gurka 17, People of the Valley
                  I am of the Horde.


                  • ok, so we have had 146 people caste votes for 113 others...

                    later today / tomorrow I will hopefully post the remarks for entry into the Hall of Fame for Solver and SlowThinker

                    many thanks to all who have contributed and kept this institution alive at poly

                    and three cheers for Solver and SlowThinker

                    Gurka 17, People of the Valley
                    I am of the Horde.


                    • hmph...

                      There isn't my votes in the list.

                      Originally posted by proviisori
                      Vi Veri Veniversum Vivus Vici


                      • well bugger, thanks for the heads up, I will get to that
                        Gurka 17, People of the Valley
                        I am of the Horde.


                        • thanks
                          Vi Veri Veniversum Vivus Vici


                          • I also voted for TheBirdMan and proviisori after you asked me if I wanted to cast my two remaining votes


                            • ok, issues are easy to fix

                              step 1. I need your request in a private message

                              step 2. please put all deatils in the pm, including the link to the actual post(s) where that you refer to


                              Gurka 17, People of the Valley
                              I am of the Horde.


                              • woohoo, I broke the top 20. I remember the old days when I was over 50.

