Now don't go labeling me as a communist or anything over such statements; I've (sic) for free speech as much as the next guy.
However, I cannot in good conscience stand by while DanQ, the present Head of State and Head of Government of Apolyton, publicly slanders the good character of all communists. This bigoted viewpoint, powered by the twin evils of bias and indoctorination, serves only to promote the discrimination that communists everywhere must face from their peers and countrymen as they attempt to live their daily lives.
The implication appears to be that a communist is a bad person who wants to infringe upon the free speech rights of those around him. Ignoring for a moment the irony of hearing this from a loyal subject of the Supreme Governor of the so-called "Church of England", the statement at the very least lends itself to a certain offensive aura, an indignation upon the common sense of the mind and upon the realities of the world. Far from being the despots that Mr. Quick would lead you to believe, communists (and their socialist brothers) are among the staunchest supporters of these freedoms. The communist does not seek to oppress, for such a person by definition cannot be a communist: Instead, the communist seeks the maximisation of freedom that has been traditionally withheld from all but the highest of classes.
The United Eventian Republic is headed by a communist, Joncha, and yet the nation is run as a parliamentary democracy with a vibrant and active community that debates a wide variety of issues ranging from as mundane as the best sorts of food to as serious as the moral imperative (or lack of such) to provide healthcare. This is contrasted with the Apolytonian military dictatorship headed by DanQ, a supposed liberal, who actively fights against democratic reform and greater rights to the people.
Of course, Mr. Quick's slander of communism becomes yet another laughable irony in his monstrosity of analysis when we realise that Mr. Quick is not the champion of freedom but rather it's detractor! He claims that the internet is too free and that only the immature and young would ever support such an absurd notion as freedom of information. This is in complete contradiction to his insult and ad-hominem attack against communists, and Mr. Quick reveals himself to not be the liberal that he would have us take him for, but instead merely yet another defender of the interests of the collective bourgeoise in their quest to continue to oppress the people in order to bring about their own personal profit.
Thus I call upon you, Mr. Quick, to publicly apologise to all the communists of Apolyton for this grave idignity against the name of the Communist Party of Apolyton, and to apologise to the public at large for your denouncement of freedom that we hold so dear. We may live under your dictatorship, but we must never forget the spirit of democratic liberty that has brought us all together in unity.
While undoubtedly an aristocrat and loyal subject of The Queen will ignore or even silence this thread of protest, it is important that this pathetic attempt to scapegoat the communists to hide DanQ's erosion of our collective rights and interests be exposed for all the people of the world to see.
Allow me to leave you with a final thought: If we do not stand up and demand accountability in our leaders today, what group of people will be next? Today it is the communists....tomorrow perhaps it is the democrats, or the classic liberals....but perhaps tomorrow the target shall be YOU.
Thank you.