I have two great proposals for the future of Apolyton:
1. Democracy. The democratic experiment on Eventis has been very successful - people are able to regulate themselves and the administration is able to continue to rule without whinery. Why not try the same here? Every 6 months we could elect the National Assembly of Apolyton where some division of the forums into districts would elect and send representatives to the National Assembly, which would then govern most aspects of Apolyton - various rules to be set, forums to be created/destroyed, etc.
Of course, the Administration would have a veto on any legislation that the National Assembly passes. This way, Apolytoners can rule themselves, the Administration can preserve its aims while at the same time having its workload lessened, and less whining will result. Glory
2. Governors. By allowing forums to elect their own moderators (in addition to moderators appointed by the administration), order and greatness results.
I encourage all Apolytoners to stand up for their rights and petition the present military government to relinquish control, for the glory of God and Country.
Thank you.
1. Democracy. The democratic experiment on Eventis has been very successful - people are able to regulate themselves and the administration is able to continue to rule without whinery. Why not try the same here? Every 6 months we could elect the National Assembly of Apolyton where some division of the forums into districts would elect and send representatives to the National Assembly, which would then govern most aspects of Apolyton - various rules to be set, forums to be created/destroyed, etc.
Of course, the Administration would have a veto on any legislation that the National Assembly passes. This way, Apolytoners can rule themselves, the Administration can preserve its aims while at the same time having its workload lessened, and less whining will result. Glory
2. Governors. By allowing forums to elect their own moderators (in addition to moderators appointed by the administration), order and greatness results.
I encourage all Apolytoners to stand up for their rights and petition the present military government to relinquish control, for the glory of God and Country.
Thank you.