Dear Markos and Dan,
When I am not logged in and am viewing the forums only as a Guest, I can only see topics from the past 10 days. When I attempt to see older topics or topics buried more than a page deep in, for instance, the OT- I cannot search that.
While I can understand some rationale (bandwith) for not allowing Guests to view this information- could you at least pop up an explanation of why they cannot see this... as it is frustrating for people not familiar with the site... and it is also off-putting if someone is attempting to look something up.
Does anyone else here have a similar difficulty, or similar opinions?
When I am not logged in and am viewing the forums only as a Guest, I can only see topics from the past 10 days. When I attempt to see older topics or topics buried more than a page deep in, for instance, the OT- I cannot search that.
While I can understand some rationale (bandwith) for not allowing Guests to view this information- could you at least pop up an explanation of why they cannot see this... as it is frustrating for people not familiar with the site... and it is also off-putting if someone is attempting to look something up.
Does anyone else here have a similar difficulty, or similar opinions?