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DrSpike's Challenge: The Wrath on Con

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  • DrSpike's Challenge: The Wrath on Con

    Hear Ye, hear ye, this poll is to decide the fate of conmcb25, who with frivolous maliciousness, or perhaps malicious frivolousness, sought to disrupt our good community with barbaric and unlawful acts seeking to usurp the position of the Post Stats Challenge King. The charges against him, including but not limited to, are:
    • Encouraging deviance in a minor;
    • Encouraging said minor to fraudulently post a question in the A/C in order for himself to obtain the aforementioned title;
    • Falsely charging others with grievances and seeking redress;
    • International violation of above rules and regulations;
    • Consorting with witches and demons;
    • Being a smartass in general.

    This foul trickery was only discovered thru the vigilance of one Sparrowhawk, esq., and by the stupidity of the defendant 'cuz he picked the wrong day for his own setup. IT HAS THEREFORE been decided that a panel of his peers shall decide what fate shall befall him. We encourage all good citizens of Apolyton to cast your vote in this grave matter (and also the rest of you lot ).
    I'm consitently stupid- Japher
    I think that opinion in the United States is decidedly different from the rest of the world because we have a free press -- by free, I mean a virgorously presented right wing point of view on the air and available to all.- Ned