If you belong in one the following categories
- You're a PLUS member
- You're banned
- Your account is not activated cause your email has not been confirmed
- Your account was disabled cause your email bounced back
you will get a message on the forum page stating so and giving you advice on what to do (except for PLUS members who just get a thank you note )
If the rest of you feel jealous i'll add an option saying "your account is just fine, enjoy your stay "
- You're a PLUS member
- You're banned
- Your account is not activated cause your email has not been confirmed
- Your account was disabled cause your email bounced back
you will get a message on the forum page stating so and giving you advice on what to do (except for PLUS members who just get a thank you note )
If the rest of you feel jealous i'll add an option saying "your account is just fine, enjoy your stay "