OK, here we go: 10 teams in the league, 22 rounds of drafting. Let's all make a good faith effort to keep things moving forward. Traditionally, that means notifying the next person in line that they are on the clock. As always, please copy/paste the draft-to-date when adding your pick.
1. Craig's Champion Team (Craig/cb4)
2. Dallas Dwarf Tossers (SlowwwHand)
3. Mark Guth's Dandy Team (Mark Guth/mguth)
4. The Peeled Bananas REBORN (Eric/EPW)
5. Mingapulcos (Ming)
6. Vicious Rabbits (-Jrabbit)
7. Omaha Steaks (Flatlander Fox)
8. Demonballers (Demonbinder)
9. the lambs (Berz)
10. Culverhouse Party (ColdWizard)
Using player names and positions per their Yahoo listing would be helpful in keeping everything accurate.
List the name, their position and team.
Here are a couple of round templates that are useful when copy/pasting a new round:
1.01 cb4 -
1.02 SlowwHand -
1.03 mguth -
1.04 EPW -
1.05 Ming -
1.06 -Jrabbit -
1.07 Flatlander Fox -
1.08 Demonbinder -
1.09 Berzerker -
1.10 ColdWizard -
2.01 ColdWizard -
2.02 Berzerker -
2.03 Demonbinder -
2.04 Flatlander Fox -
2.05 -Jrabbit -
2.06 Ming -
2.07 EPW -
2.08 mguth -
2.09 SlowwHand -
2.10 cb4 -
Let the games begin -- GLA!
1. Craig's Champion Team (Craig/cb4)
2. Dallas Dwarf Tossers (SlowwwHand)
3. Mark Guth's Dandy Team (Mark Guth/mguth)
4. The Peeled Bananas REBORN (Eric/EPW)
5. Mingapulcos (Ming)
6. Vicious Rabbits (-Jrabbit)
7. Omaha Steaks (Flatlander Fox)
8. Demonballers (Demonbinder)
9. the lambs (Berz)
10. Culverhouse Party (ColdWizard)
Using player names and positions per their Yahoo listing would be helpful in keeping everything accurate.
List the name, their position and team.
Here are a couple of round templates that are useful when copy/pasting a new round:
1.01 cb4 -
1.02 SlowwHand -
1.03 mguth -
1.04 EPW -
1.05 Ming -
1.06 -Jrabbit -
1.07 Flatlander Fox -
1.08 Demonbinder -
1.09 Berzerker -
1.10 ColdWizard -
2.01 ColdWizard -
2.02 Berzerker -
2.03 Demonbinder -
2.04 Flatlander Fox -
2.05 -Jrabbit -
2.06 Ming -
2.07 EPW -
2.08 mguth -
2.09 SlowwHand -
2.10 cb4 -
Let the games begin -- GLA!