The pool is at:
To join the pool go here: and PM me for the password.
As my first act as Pool Manager, I have changed the Pick Deadline from "One hour before week's first game" to "One hour before day's first game". This means that we are no longer ****ed if we miss the (still stupid) Thursday games.
**Update** However, it appears that CBS added new option or I have been managing in my sleep. Deadlines are now 5 minutes before each game.
As my second act as Pool Manager, I will listen to any objections you may have about my iron-fisted rule and demands for a replacement.
As my third act as Pool Manager, I hereby request feedback as to whether invites should be sent via email to keep it to people we know or using handy-dandy url link (which may or may not require use of the Pool password and thus may or may not be used by the general public).
As my fourth act as Pool Manager, I announce my intent to remove one of the Slowwhands participating in the Pool. There are two of them, and one Slowwhand is more than enough
I will either confer with Sloww via PM or remove whichever one does not make his picks.
If you have participated in the League at any time in the past 10 or 11 years you do not need a new invite provided you can still log into that account.
Also, I check here far more than I check LHL or any email that may be associated with it, so for a speedier response post here or send me a PM.
To join the pool go here: and PM me for the password.
As my first act as Pool Manager, I have changed the Pick Deadline from "One hour before week's first game" to "One hour before day's first game". This means that we are no longer ****ed if we miss the (still stupid) Thursday games.
**Update** However, it appears that CBS added new option or I have been managing in my sleep. Deadlines are now 5 minutes before each game.
As my second act as Pool Manager, I will listen to any objections you may have about my iron-fisted rule and demands for a replacement.
As my third act as Pool Manager, I hereby request feedback as to whether invites should be sent via email to keep it to people we know or using handy-dandy url link (which may or may not require use of the Pool password and thus may or may not be used by the general public).
As my fourth act as Pool Manager, I announce my intent to remove one of the Slowwhands participating in the Pool. There are two of them, and one Slowwhand is more than enough
If you have participated in the League at any time in the past 10 or 11 years you do not need a new invite provided you can still log into that account.
Also, I check here far more than I check LHL or any email that may be associated with it, so for a speedier response post here or send me a PM.