League ID 122520
Password apolyton
League URL: http://baseball.fantasysports.yahoo.com/b1/122520
I'll be deleting the other league (if and when I figure out how), I set it up as a temporary league strictly for research and invited everyone from last year. That is preventing people from joining so I started a new league.
We have 14 now, my apologies to anyone else who shows up and wants to play - we may end up with a daily roster change league too or another weekly league, so there's still hope. Yahoo allows us up to 8 teams now and I'm sure several people will play another team... I certainly will.
Option # 4 wins the vote
and the roster
C, 1B, 2B, 3B, SS, OF, OF, OF, UT, SP, SP, SP, RP, RP, P, P, BN, BN, BN, BN, BN, BN, DL, DL
thats 22 rounds
I still need people to express an opinion on the play off schedule, as of now its 2 brackets (primary and consolation) of 6 teams each with a 3 week play off - the top 2 seeds in each bracket get a bye the first week.
Here's the 14 managers: post your team name so we know who you are
Berzerker (Berz)
Tuberski (responded to PM)
Mike (Speakeasy)
illram (Speakeasy/cfc)
sanabas (Speakeasy)
We can start a different thread for chat and trash talk, I'd like to keep this thread for the actual picks and important information, like double pick notices, etc.
We'll start with edit 12 HOUR BAPAYS beginning in the 2nd round - no BAPAYS in the 1st round since not everyone knows we're starting before the weekend. Be patient, we'll get this done in time... I hate with a passion 1st round BAPAYS, I hate 'em anyway
So to avoid BAPAYS LEAVE LISTS of PICKS with someone (preferably at least 2 people, your pick is your responsibility). We could use volunteers who are around a computer during the day to take lists.
The BAPAY Clock goes off at midnight EST and starts back up at 8 AM EST
We've been very lenient in the past about letting people change BAPAYS but that practice can cause serious problems - somebody picking after the BAPAY may have wanted that player and now they're screwed if the BAPAY is changed after they pick and somebody else takes the player.
So what we'll do is this: if you're picking after a BAPAY you wanted, make your pick and make a note at the bottom of your post that you wanted the BAPAY - that will reserve that player for you if the absent manager wants to change the BAPAY - and BAPAYS can only be changed within 1 round (14) of picks of the BAPAY (excluding of course players taken after the BAPAY).
If your pick gets hurt during the draft, you can change the pick but you cant grab a player taken after your pick.
And when issuing a BAPAY (Best Available Player At Yahoo) we'll take into account the needs of the manager - field positions and starting pitchers are a higher priority than relief pitching and bench spots. If someone expressed a desire to play and I missed them, we'll go to 16 teams
One last hope for any stragglers 
I'll be doing a draft order here shortly and we can start drafting tonight... I'll make a list of the managers in random order and send it to Slowwhand. Then I will ask for someone to post the #s 1-14 in random order here and Sloww and/or I will post my list of names - the name at top of the list will be assigned the first # as their draft position, the 2nd name will be assigned the 2nd # as their draft position, and so on... For example, if my name is first on the list and the first # posted randomly is 7, I'll pick 7th... Give me 15 minutes or so to send Slowwhand the names before posting the #s.
One last thing: PM THE NEXT PERSON IN LINE TO PICK after you pick
Okay, list of names sent to Slowwhand
anyone other than me and Sloww is welcome to post the # 1-14 in random order - we'll take the first poster
BAPAYS are O-Rank ie projected ranks
We have people in Italy and Australia, so...lets give people a bit more time
Password apolyton
League URL: http://baseball.fantasysports.yahoo.com/b1/122520
I'll be deleting the other league (if and when I figure out how), I set it up as a temporary league strictly for research and invited everyone from last year. That is preventing people from joining so I started a new league.
We have 14 now, my apologies to anyone else who shows up and wants to play - we may end up with a daily roster change league too or another weekly league, so there's still hope. Yahoo allows us up to 8 teams now and I'm sure several people will play another team... I certainly will.
Option # 4 wins the vote
and the roster
C, 1B, 2B, 3B, SS, OF, OF, OF, UT, SP, SP, SP, RP, RP, P, P, BN, BN, BN, BN, BN, BN, DL, DL
thats 22 rounds
I still need people to express an opinion on the play off schedule, as of now its 2 brackets (primary and consolation) of 6 teams each with a 3 week play off - the top 2 seeds in each bracket get a bye the first week.
Here's the 14 managers: post your team name so we know who you are
Berzerker (Berz)
Tuberski (responded to PM)
Mike (Speakeasy)
illram (Speakeasy/cfc)
sanabas (Speakeasy)
We can start a different thread for chat and trash talk, I'd like to keep this thread for the actual picks and important information, like double pick notices, etc.
We'll start with edit 12 HOUR BAPAYS beginning in the 2nd round - no BAPAYS in the 1st round since not everyone knows we're starting before the weekend. Be patient, we'll get this done in time... I hate with a passion 1st round BAPAYS, I hate 'em anyway

The BAPAY Clock goes off at midnight EST and starts back up at 8 AM EST
We've been very lenient in the past about letting people change BAPAYS but that practice can cause serious problems - somebody picking after the BAPAY may have wanted that player and now they're screwed if the BAPAY is changed after they pick and somebody else takes the player.
So what we'll do is this: if you're picking after a BAPAY you wanted, make your pick and make a note at the bottom of your post that you wanted the BAPAY - that will reserve that player for you if the absent manager wants to change the BAPAY - and BAPAYS can only be changed within 1 round (14) of picks of the BAPAY (excluding of course players taken after the BAPAY).
If your pick gets hurt during the draft, you can change the pick but you cant grab a player taken after your pick.
And when issuing a BAPAY (Best Available Player At Yahoo) we'll take into account the needs of the manager - field positions and starting pitchers are a higher priority than relief pitching and bench spots. If someone expressed a desire to play and I missed them, we'll go to 16 teams

I'll be doing a draft order here shortly and we can start drafting tonight... I'll make a list of the managers in random order and send it to Slowwhand. Then I will ask for someone to post the #s 1-14 in random order here and Sloww and/or I will post my list of names - the name at top of the list will be assigned the first # as their draft position, the 2nd name will be assigned the 2nd # as their draft position, and so on... For example, if my name is first on the list and the first # posted randomly is 7, I'll pick 7th... Give me 15 minutes or so to send Slowwhand the names before posting the #s.
One last thing: PM THE NEXT PERSON IN LINE TO PICK after you pick
Okay, list of names sent to Slowwhand
anyone other than me and Sloww is welcome to post the # 1-14 in random order - we'll take the first poster
BAPAYS are O-Rank ie projected ranks
We have people in Italy and Australia, so...lets give people a bit more time