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Awesome Yahoo Roto Baseball League.

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  • Awesome Yahoo Roto Baseball League.

    We're looking for 12 more managers for a sweet custom fantasy baseball roto league. Here are the settings:

    Season Type: Full
    Draft Type: Live Auction Draft
    Draft Time: Sun Mar 27 6:00am PDT [ Add to My Calendar ]
    Max Teams: 20
    Scoring Type: Rotisserie
    Player Universe: All baseball
    New Players Become Available: As soon as Yahoo! adds them View List of Forced Players
    Max Moves: No maximum
    Max Trades: No maximum
    Trade Reject Time: 2
    Trade End Date: August 14, 2011
    Allow Draft Pick Trades: No
    Waiver Time: 2 days
    Waiver Type: FAAB w/ Continual rolling list tiebreak
    Can't Cut List Provider: Yahoo! Sports
    Trade Review: Commissioner
    Post Draft Players: Follow Waiver Rules
    Max Games Played: 162
    Max Innings Pitched: 1200
    Weekly Deadline: Daily - Tomorrow
    Start Scoring on: Thursday, Mar 31
    Roster Positions: C, 1B, 2B, 3B, SS, LF, CF, RF, Util, SP, P, P, P, P, P, BN, BN, BN, BN, BN, BN, BN, BN, BN, BN
    Batters Stat Categories: Runs (R), Home Runs (HR), Runs Batted In (RBI), On-base Percentage (OBP), Net Stolen Bases (NSB)
    Pitchers Stat Categories: Saves (SV), Strikeouts (K), Holds (HLD), (Walks + Hits)/ Innings Pitched (WHIP), Quality Starts (QS)
    In this league you will have $400 to draft and to spend on free agent acquisitions. You could spend the whole thing in the draft and have nothing left over for FA, or you could put together a cheap team in the draft and save your $ for free agent bids.

    (I'm going to cap draft dollars at $375, allocating $25 to everyone's FAAB so that the inevitable auto-draft owners have a small amount of money to spend once teams are drafted. Also you'll be able to include $ in trade deals, so teams with a lot of FAAB can trade it to players who need more.)

    Private message me your e-mail and I will send you an invite.

  • #2
    9 am est draft time on Sunday Mar 27th and its a daily league with innings cap of 1200?

    whats FAAB?

    stats look okay to me, can we bump it to 14 if we have too many people?


    • #3
      9 am est draft time on Sunday Mar 27th and its a daily league with innings cap of 1200?

      FAAB is "Free Agent Allocation Bucks" - the money that you use to bid for players on the waiver wire. For instance, you bid $25, your rival bids $22, you have put more money on the player so you get him when he clears waivers.

      stats look okay to me, can we bump it to 14 if we have too many people?
      I set the total at the Yahoo max, 20, and last I checked nine had signed on. So we have up to 11 spots. I really want to get 20 total playing for the potential intensity.


      • #4
        sounds good to me, $375 for the live draft of 25 players and another $25 for free agents.

        I assume once the drafting and early (pre-season) waiver wire pick ups are done, the waiver wire is opened up and no more $$$ is needed?


        • #5
          I see Vlad is in


          • #6
            Anything you have left over from your draft is added to the $26 FAAB. FAAB is critical as the season progresses -- any player on waivers costs FAAB to pick up. You have a choice to spend little in the draft and reserve more for FAAB or spend all $374 in the draft and have very little left over for pick-ups/adjustments.

            I'd prefer to give teams $400 in the draft and just move remaining $ to FAAB, but a couple teams will auto-draft and I want them to have something ($1/wk) to spend on free agents.


            • #7
              ouch, that should make it interesting, I'll need to make a trade or 3 just to refill my coffers for players during the season

              then I assume theres a $1 minimum for ww pick ups


              • #8
                Yes, the smallest possible bid is $1. If you bid $1 and no one else bids on that player, you get him. If you bid $1 and there's a tie, the rolling tie-breaker decides it (works just like a waiver wire claim.) You still pay the $1 if you win.

                Here's some additional notes:

                The league is loosely based on Ron Shandler's Roto $500 rules (though I limited the bid total to $400.) I changed some of the stats (W --> QS, ERA --> WHIP and SB --> NSB) because the newer ones seem to capture player skill better (Wins and ERA are very dependent on fielding, QS and WHIP are better measures of pitcher skill, and Net SB better reflects effective stealing.) And because of the limitations of Yahoo scoring I couldn't use Shandler's "Run Production" (R + RBI - HR) and "Relief Performance" (SV + HLD - Blown Saves.) I had to split out Runs and RBI and SVs and HLDs.

                Shandler's draft is pretty complicated too, with base costs for players. Can't do it on Yahoo. Closest we can get is straight auction.

                But it's pretty close to what Shandler had in mind and the use of more SABRmetrically sound QS, WHIP and NetSB fits into Shander's skills over situation philosophy.

                If I get my 20 owners, even if some don't check in after the draft, it should be cutt-throat competitive. If you want a supreme Roto baseball challenge, play in this league!!

                It's also designed to reward very active managers. Managers who move players from bench to an active slot and vice-versa a lot will be more successful because we do daily changes and have a lot of bench spots and the same positions that real AL ballclubs have. (If you're an NL fan you can think of the Util player as your pinch hitter/runner/defensive sub.) Your roster is the same size as a typical Active MLB Roster. Every day your team plays one big game and hopefully you've made the right choices in setting up your team. You can adjust for injuries quickly. You can play match-ups. It's as close as you will get to being a real-life GM in a free Yahoo league.


                • #9
                  sounds good, I like daily, QS, and NSB

                  I sent yahoo a suggestion asking for SLG against to be added to pitching cats


                  • #10
                    The draft is this Sunday morning. Here's a direct lnk to join. At this moment we have four spots.

                    Best in class Yahoo Mail, breaking local, national and global news, finance, sports, music, movies... You get more out of the web, you get more out of life.


                    • #11
                      Sounds fun, I'm in! :P

