This was set up as the annual FFZ pool, but I don't want to make picks in two places, so I'm posting the Yahoo league info here:
FFZ NFL Confidence 2010
League # 60987
Password: ffz
This is straight-up game picks with confidence points. I set it up so the lowest week is dropped -- hopefully to snag a few latecomers.
New this year: You can make/change picks up to 5 minutes before each game (instead of making all picks before the week's first game). Should make Sunday and Monday nights more interesting.
FFZ NFL Confidence 2010
League # 60987
Password: ffz
This is straight-up game picks with confidence points. I set it up so the lowest week is dropped -- hopefully to snag a few latecomers.
New this year: You can make/change picks up to 5 minutes before each game (instead of making all picks before the week's first game). Should make Sunday and Monday nights more interesting.