I'm in a H2H baseball league over at CFC and the commish (El Justo) has locked the consolation bracket out for the play offs. He wants to give the top bracket priority but wont even let the other bracket (my bracket
) drop players to make room for people coming off the DL. Is that appropriate? I understand giving the top bracket some priority but to act like the consolation bracket dont even exist is not how we've run things here that I recall.
I'm terribly biased, the same guy changed the pitching positions from 3-2-3 to 5-3 after we drafted and refused to change it back so I'm already pissed off at the guy.

I'm terribly biased, the same guy changed the pitching positions from 3-2-3 to 5-3 after we drafted and refused to change it back so I'm already pissed off at the guy.