For the Xth time... it's that time of year again, gentlemen. 
As always, the pool is at CBS Sportsline and the URL is as follows:
If you've played with us before simply sign on to your Sportsline account and you will have access to the pool site. If you haven't, simply send me a PM with a working e-mail address and I will send you an invitation with all the information you'll need to access the league. (You'll need to sign up for a free Sportsline account; the how-to information for that will also be included.)
Spreads are usually posted on Wednesdays so it'll be a tight window to get Week 1 picks in given that kickoff for the season is on Thursday night. Don't be late!

As always, the pool is at CBS Sportsline and the URL is as follows:
If you've played with us before simply sign on to your Sportsline account and you will have access to the pool site. If you haven't, simply send me a PM with a working e-mail address and I will send you an invitation with all the information you'll need to access the league. (You'll need to sign up for a free Sportsline account; the how-to information for that will also be included.)
Spreads are usually posted on Wednesdays so it'll be a tight window to get Week 1 picks in given that kickoff for the season is on Thursday night. Don't be late!