Nothing legitimises posting in the Technology forum.
Glad you enjoyed Peter's interview.
My own considered theory is this - they appointed Marcelo assuming it would bring Hernandez in. When it became clear that would not happen he became completely expendable.
Is a head coach completely off the hook for the side not having a plan B in critical games? I don't think we can completely absolve him of blame even if I do agree that players and sub coaches all have their own share.
Oh sorry - you told me not to get you re-started!
Glad you enjoyed Peter's interview.

My own considered theory is this - they appointed Marcelo assuming it would bring Hernandez in. When it became clear that would not happen he became completely expendable.
Is a head coach completely off the hook for the side not having a plan B in critical games? I don't think we can completely absolve him of blame even if I do agree that players and sub coaches all have their own share.
Oh sorry - you told me not to get you re-started!
