Originally posted by Havak
Even the aged 22 should have played better than that though Finbar. There is more wrong than just the obvious I feel.
Even the aged 22 should have played better than that though Finbar. There is more wrong than just the obvious I feel.
And they won last time because they were the best side in the world for the 18 months leading up the the Cup. Anyone who truly thought NZ (or even more ridiculously Australia) were better sides in 2003 is simply indulging in rose tinted revisionism.

Speaking of the aged Owen Finegan skippered Tigers in their last warm up game. They have won all five warm up fixtures.

Convicts - hard to tell, they put on a good performance but it was against Japan. They did what they needed to do and won convincingly, but they rely on their stars a lot don't they. Injuries to any of them are a big risk to their team.