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The Apolyton Sports Record Book

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  • The Apolyton Sports Record Book

    Welcome to the new and improved Apolyton Sports HOF.

    "GROUND HOG DAY" caused us some serious problems since we lost many threads and too much information.
    Fortunately, I had all the data backed up on my computer, so I was able to re-create what was lost.
    In addition, I have found even more events that were not included before, and I have made corrections that have been pointed out to me by the members.

    Since 2002, there has been a long tradition of sports events at Apolyton.
    And this is the place to honor those that have won "Sports Contests"

    This thread will be used to list the achievements of the winners and also document forever the stunning failures.

    All the events are now in chronological order. In addition, there are now recap posts that includes lists of all the events/winner by chronological order and alpha order

    Thanks to the help of our members providing events that have been missed, and some more research on my part, we were able to track down some events that are now included.
    Unfortunately, there are still many events that aren't included. By just looking at what's here, it's obvious what is still missing. Sigh…


    So, if you can:
    Provide information on a contest that is not included
    Correct any mistakes I may have made
    Provide Apolyton User Handles for some of the winners that I have NO CLUE who they are
    Post results of contests that have finished

    Please post the information in the "Dear Moderator of Sports Forum" thread

    It will be reviewed, and if it can be substantiated, the records or changes will be added to this thread.
    All final decisions on whether something counts or not, or whether it should be considered rests solely in my power


    This thread wouldn't be possible without the help of the members. Thanks to all those that set up and run contests. Thanks to all those members that paticipate in the contests. And thanks to all those that report the results

    Congratulations to all the winners!

    Click image for larger version  Name:	Poly Ming.gif.jpe Views:	42 Size:	7.1 KB ID:	9331084








    Imran Siddiqui
    tony bogey

    Boris Godunov


    Ben Kenobi
    Dylan Baker
    Garth Vader
    H Tower
    Herr Mike
    Hot Mustard

    Adam Smith
    Al B. Sure
    Corey Hebel
    Deity Dude
    Drake Tungsten
    Krazy Horse
    Old Warrior_42
    Tashi Hebel
    The Emperor Fabulous
    Touchdown Syndrome
    Last edited by Ming; December 15, 2017, 23:07.
    Keep on Civin'
    RIP rah, Tony Bogey & Baron O

  • #2
    Chronological Order

    2002 World Cup Juggernaut
    2002 Lombardi Handicapper's League zoom
    2003 NCAA March Madness H Tower
    2003 Yahoo Weekly Fantasy Baseball Imran Siddiqui
    2003 FFZ/Poly Daily Fantasy Baseball Ming
    2003 Lombardi Handicappers League Sloth
    2003 FFZ/Poly Fantasy Football Ming
    2003 NFL Pick the Pros Rah
    2003 NFL Betting Pool MBloom
    2003 College Football Pick'em Flatlander Fox
    2003 College Bowl Betting Pool MBloom
    2003 NFL Playoffs Confidence Pool Dylan Baker
    2003 Super Bowl Betting Pool Ming
    2004 NCAA Yahoo March Madness Venom
    2004 NCAA March Madness Adam Smith
    2004 NCAA Sweet Sixteen demonbinder
    2004 The NFL Draft Predictions Jrabbit
    2004 Euro Kitschum
    2004 Yahoo Weekly Fantasy Baseball jdd2007
    2004 FFZ/Poly Daily Fantasy Baseball FortyJ
    2004 FFZ/Poly Daily Fantasy Baseball Betting Pool Ming
    2004 Poly/FFZ Fantasy Golf Zopperoni
    2004 D/ST Fantasy Football Reismark
    2004 FFZ/Poly Fantasy Football - Gold League Muckraker
    2004 FFZ/Poly Fantasy Football - Blue League Berzerker
    2004 NFL Confidence Pool demonbinder
    2004 NFL Pick the Pros Old Warrior_42
    2004 NFL Betting Pool Chris
    2004 College Bowl Pick'em Jrabbit
    2004 Super Bowl Betting Pool rah
    2004 NFL Fantasy Playoff Challenge Jrabbit
    2004 NFL Playoff Confidence Pool Jrabbit
    2004 NFL Playoff Pick the Pros Jrabbit
    2005 NCAA March Madness Reismark
    2005 NCAA Sweet Sixteen Ming
    2005 Yahoo Weekly Fantasy Baseball jdd2007
    2005 FFZ/Poly Daily Fantasy Baseball National League Dylan Baker
    2005 FFZ/Poly Daily Fantasy Baseball American League Ur32212451
    2005 Baseball Predictions Ming
    2005 Poly/FFZ Fantasy Golf Berzerker
    2005 D/ST "Apple II" Fantasy Football MOBIUS
    2005 Lombardi Handicappers League Zopperoni
    2005 NFL CBS Confidence Pool Koshko
    2005 NFL Betting Pool Ming
    2005 NFL Yahoo Pick'em demonbinder
    2005 College Football Betting Contest rah
    2006 NCAA March Madness Berzerker
    2006 World Cup Locutus
    2005/06 Fantasy Hockey Hot Mustard
    2006 Yahoo Weekly Fantasy Baseball League One Stuie
    2006 Yahoo Weekly Fantasy Baseball League Two The Emperor Fabulous
    2006 Fantasy Football League One snoopy369
    2006 Fantasy Football League Two SlowwHand
    2006 Salary Cap Football League Ming
    2006 Lombardi Football Ned
    2006 Bowl Game Challenge Imran Siddiqui
    2006 Apolyton Playoff Pick'Em Imran Siddiqui
    2007 NCAA March Madness Ming
    2006/07 Fantasy Hockey Hot Mustard
    2006/07 Stanley Cup Playoff Pick 'Em KrazyHorse
    2006/07 UEFA Champions League Fantasy Football LordShiva
    2007 Yahoo Weekly Fantasy Basebal Ninot
    2007 Yahoo Daily Fantasy Baseball Guynemer
    2007 FFZ/Poly Daily Online Draft Fantasy Baseball Berzerker
    2007 Poly/FFZ Fantasy Golf Jrabbit
    2007 Fantasy Football League One Jaguar
    2007 Fantasy Football League Two Jrabbit
    2007 Fantasy Football League Three snoopy369
    2007 FFZ/Poly NFL Offline Draft League Jrabbit
    2007 Lombardi Football gjramsey
    2007 ACS NFL Salary Cap League Koyaanisqatsi
    2007 College Football Bowl Games Pick-'em SlowwHand
    2008 NCAA March Madness Brackets mguth
    2008 NCAA Lombardi Handicappers' March Madness Reismark
    2008 Euro Prediction Competition Locutus
    2007/08 Apolyton Hockey League Tingkai
    2007/08 NHL Stanley Cup Playoffs Prediction Competition Guynemer
    2008 Yahoo Weekly Fantasy Baseball Imran Siddiqui
    2008 Poly Auction Fantasy Baseball Berzerker
    2008 FFZ/Poly Daily Online Draft Fantasy Baseball mguth
    2008 Yahoo College Football Pick'em Deity Dude
    2008 ACS NFL Salary Cap League Berzerker
    2008 Yahoo Pro Football Pick'em Berzerker
    2008 Fantasy Football Koy's League Jrabbit
    2008 Fantasy Football Jag League SlowwHand
    2008 FFZ/Poly NFL Offline Draft League Jrabbit
    2008 Yahoo College Bowl Pick'em Guynemer
    2008 Yahoo NFL Survival League Donegeal
    2008 Yahoo NFL Survival League snoopy369
    2008 Lombardi Football Ming
    2008 Gridiron Playoff Challenge Ming
    2009 NCAA March Madness Ming
    2008/09 AHL- Apolyton Hockey League Asher
    2008/09 Fantasy Hockey Auction Draft KONTIKI
    2009 Stanley Cup Playoff Pick'em Garth Vader
    2009 Yahoo Weekly Fantasy Baseball Berzerker
    2009 Poly Auction Fantasy Baseball Berzerker
    2009 FFZ/Poly Daily Online Draft Fantasy Baseball Vlad
    2009 Baseball Playoff Prediction Competition Imran Siddiqui
    2009 Baseball Playoff Prediction Competition Berzerker
    2009 Yahoo NFL Survival League Sparrowhawk
    2009 Yahoo College Football Pick'em Drake Tungsten
    2009 ACS NFL Salary League Berzerker
    2009 College Bowl Pick'em Guynemer
    2009 Fantasy Football -Jrabbit's League EPW
    2009 Fantasy Football -- D/ST League Jonny
    2009 FFZ/Poly NFL Offline Draft League Zopperoni
    2009 Lombardi Football Berzerker
    2009 ESPN Playoff Salary Cap Ming
    2009/10 Apolyton Hockey League notyoueither
    2009/10 Apolyton Hockey League Auction Draft Flubber
    2010 POLY FANTASY GOLF Berzerker
    2010 Yahoo Weekly Fantasy Baseball Berzerker
    2010 Fantasy Football Season Team D Jaguar
    2010 IDP Fantasy Football League Berzerker
    2010 FFZ/Poly NFL Offline Draft League Zopperoni
    2010 Yahoo NFL Survival League Zopperoni
    2010 Poly College Football Picks SlowwHand
    2010 ESPN NFL Salary Cap League Berzerker
    2010 Poly/FFZ NFL Confidence Pool Demonbinder
    2010 Lombardi Football ColdWizard
    2010 Yahoo College Bowl Pick'em Ming
    2010 NFL Play-Offs Pick'em Jrabbit
    2011 March Madness H Tower
    2010-2011 Apolyton Hockey League Asher
    2011 Stanley Cup Playoff Pick'em notyoueither
    2011 Poly/FFZ Fantasy Golf Overall Champion tony bogey
    2011 Poly/FFZ Fantasy Golf Winter Champion Berzerker
    2011 Poly/FFZ Fantasy Golf Spring Champion Ming
    2011 Poly/FFZ Fantasy Golf Summer Champion rah
    2011 Fantasy Baseball EPW
    2011 FFZ/Poly Daily Online Draft Fantasy Baseball mguth
    2011 College Football pickem Ming
    2011 Poly IDP League Zopperoni
    2011 Poly Team D League Berzerker
    2011 PolyFanatic Auction League Ben Kenobi
    2011 FFZ/Poly NFL Offline Draft League Chris
    2011 Poly NFL Salary Cap Koyaanisqatsi
    2011 NFL Football Pick 'ems @ Yahoo brtndr4u
    2011 Poly/FFZ NFL Pick 'ems Confidence League Ming
    2011 Lombardi Handicappers League rah
    2011 Survivor Football @ Yahoo SlowwHand
    2011 Survivor Football @ Yahoo rah
    2011 Yahoo College Bowl Pick'em Ming
    2011/12 Super Bowl Prop Bets Al B. Sure
    2012 March Madness @ Yahoo brtndr4u
    2012 March Madness Lombardi rah
    2011/12 AHL- Apolyton Hockey League Asher
    2011/12 Stanley Cup Playoff Pick'em Guynemer
    2012 Poly/FFZ Fantasy Golf Overall Champion tony bogey
    2012 Poly/FFZ Fantasy Golf Winter Champion Ming
    2012 Poly/FFZ Fantasy Golf Spring Champion tony bogey
    2012 Poly/FFZ Fantasy Golf Summer Champion Jrabbit
    2012 Fantasy Baseball Fistandantilus
    2012 FFZ/Poly Daily Online Draft Fantasy Baseball Ming
    2012 College Football pickem Boris Godunov
    2012 Poly IDP League Jrabbit
    2012 Jaguar's League (D/ST) Fantasy Football Jaguar
    2012 Poly NFL Auction League Jrabbit
    2012 FFZ/Poly NFL Offline Draft League Rick
    2012 Poly NFL Salary Cap Koyaanisqatsi
    2012 Lombardi Handicappers League SlowwHand
    2012 Yahoo College Bowl Pick'em Ming
    2012 Survivor Football Jrabbit
    2012 NFL Football Pick 'ems @ Yahoo SlowwHand
    2012 ESPN NFL Playoffs Salary Cap League Sparrowhawk
    2012 Poly/FFZ NFL Pick 'ems Confidence League Berzerker
    2013 March Madness @ Yahoo mguth
    2013 March Madness Lombardi Brtndr4u
    2012/13 AHL- Apolyton Hockey League notyoueither
    2012/13 Stanley Cup Playoff Pick'em Guynemer
    2012/13 Stanley Cup Playoff Pick'em Asher
    2013 Poly/FFZ Fantasy Golf Overall Champion tony bogey
    2013 Poly/FFZ Fantasy Golf Winter Champion tony bogey
    2013 Poly/FFZ Fantasy Golf Spring Champion SlowwHand
    2013 Poly/FFZ Fantasy Golf Summer Champion VonSchack
    2013 Fantasy Baseball 2013 Herr Mike
    2013 FFZ/Poly Daily Online Draft Fantasy Baseball Berzerker
    2013 College Football pickem Boris Godunov
    2013 Apolyton Auction League Fantasy Football MRT144
    2013 Fantasy Football D/ST League Koyaanisqatsi
    2013 Poly IDP WhydmerG
    2013 FFZ/Poly NFL Offline Draft League Zopperoni
    2013 Lombardi Handicappers League Ming
    2013 Poly NFL Salary Cap snoopy369
    2013 Survivor Football @ Yahoo Ming
    2013 Survivor Football @ Yahoo Slowwhand
    2013 NFL Football Pick 'ems @ Yahoo walruskkkch
    2013 Poly/FFZ NFL Confidence League Ming
    2013 NFL Playoff Pick Em Ming
    2014 March Madness Lombardi rah
    2014 CBS March Madness Corey Hebel
    2013/14 AHL- Apolyton Hockey League Kontiki
    2013/14 Stanley Cup Playoff Pick'em Kontiki
    2014 Fantasy Baseball Vlad
    2014 College Football pickem brtndr4u
    2014 Poly/FFZ Fantasy Golf Overall Champion Berzerker
    2014 Poly/FFZ Fantasy Golf Winter Champion Skyfish
    2014 Poly/FFZ Fantasy Golf Spring Champion ColdWizard
    2014 Poly/FFZ Fantasy Golf Summer Champion Berzerker
    2014 Poly NFL Auction League Touchdown Syndrome
    2014 Poly IDP League Jaguar
    2014 Jaguar's League (D/ST) Fantasy Football Berzerker
    2014 FFZ/Poly NFL Offline Draft League Gryffindor
    2014 Lombardi Handicappers League ColdWizard
    2014 NFL Football Pick 'ems @ Yahoo Boris Godunov
    2014 Poly Pickers Football Zopperoni
    2014 Poly Pickers Football MRT144
    2014 Poly Pickers Football MRT144
    2014 Poly Pickers Football Ming
    2014 Poly Survivor Football @ Yahoo Slowwhand
    2014 Poly Survivor Football @ Yahoo Berzerker
    2014 Poly Survivor Football @ Yahoo Ming
    2014 ESPN Gridiron Challenge Demonbinder
    2014 Yahoo College Bowl Pick'em Berzerker
    2015 March Madness @ Yahoo mguth
    2015 CBS March Madness Jrabbit
    2015 March Madness Lombardi Berz
    2014/15 Stanley Cup Playoff Pick'em Jrabbit
    2015 Fantasy Baseball Herr Mike
    2015 Poly/FFZ Fantasy Golf Overall Champion Skyfish
    2015 Poly/FFZ Fantasy Golf Winter Champion Skyfish
    2015 Poly/FFZ Fantasy Golf Spring Champion VonSchack
    2015 Poly/FFZ Fantasy Golf Summer Champion rah
    2015 Poly IDP League Ben Kenobi
    2015 FFZ/Poly NFL Offline Draft League Jrabbit
    2015 Lombardi Handicappers League Jonny
    2015 NFL Football Pick 'ems @ Yahoo Ming
    2015 Poly Survivor Football @ Yahoo rah
    2015 Poly Survivor Football @ Yahoo Ming
    2015 Poly Survivor Football @ Yahoo Berz
    2015 Poly Survivor Football @ Yahoo Jrabbit
    2015 FFZ/Poly NFL Offline Draft League Jrabbit
    2016 March Madness @ Yahoo Berzerker
    2016 CBS March Madness Berzerker
    2016 March Madness Lombardi Berzerker
    2015/16 Stanley Cup Playoff Pick'em Garth Vader
    2015/16 Stanley Cup Playoff Pick'em Ming
    2015/16 Stanley Cup Playoff Pick'em Jrabbit
    2015/16 Stanley Cup Playoff Pick'em gjramsey
    2016 FFZ/Poly Daily Online Draft Fantasy Baseball Ming
    2016 FFZ/Poly Daily Online Draft Fantasy Baseball rah
    2016 FFZ/Poly Daily Online Draft Fantasy Baseball Jrabbit
    2016 Fantasy Baseball EPW
    2016 Poly/FFZ Fantasy Golf Overall Champion Zopperoni
    2016 Poly/FFZ Fantasy Golf Winter Champion Zopperoni
    2016 Poly/FFZ Fantasy Golf Spring Champion Ming
    2016 Poly/FFZ Fantasy Golf Summer Champion Ming
    2016 FFZ/Poly NFL Offline Draft League Ming
    2016 Chicago NFL Offline Draft League Ming
    2016 Poly IDP League Berzerker
    2016 Lombardi Handicappers League Berzerker
    2016 Survivor Football @ Yahoo rah
    2016 Survivor Football @ Yahoo rah
    2016 Survivor Football @ Yahoo gjramsey
    2016 Yahoo College Bowl Pick'em Boris Godunov
    2016 Super Bowl Prop Bets Ming
    2017 March Madness @ Yahoo Tashi Hebel
    2017 CBS March Madness Ming
    2017 March Madness Lombardi Berzerker
    2017 March Madness WTFoxtrot Hoops Berzerker
    2016/17 Stanley Cup Playoff Pick'em Ming
    2017 FFZ/Poly Daily Online Draft Fantasy Baseball Ming
    2017 FFZ/Poly Daily Online Draft Fantasy Baseball rah
    2017 FFZ/Poly Daily Online Draft Fantasy Baseball Jrabbit
    2017 Fantasy Baseball Berzerker
    2017 Poly/FFZ Fantasy Golf Overall Champion Skyfish
    2017 Poly/FFZ Fantasy Golf Winter Champion Jrabbit
    2017 Poly/FFZ Fantasy Golf Spring Champion mguth
    2017 Poly/FFZ Fantasy Golf Summer Champion Slowwhand
    Last edited by Ming; November 5, 2017, 07:17.
    Keep on Civin'
    RIP rah, Tony Bogey & Baron O


    • #3
      Alpha List

      Adam Smith 2004 NCAA March Madness
      Al B. Sure 2011/12 Super Bowl Prop Bets
      Asher 2008/09 AHL- Apolyton Hockey League
      Asher 2010-2011 Apolyton Hockey League
      Asher 2011/12 AHL- Apolyton Hockey League
      Asher 2012/13 Stanley Cup Playoff Pick'em
      Ben Kenobi 2011 PolyFanatic Auction League
      Ben Kenobi 2015 Poly IDP League
      Berzerker 2004 FFZ/Poly Fantasy Football - Blue League
      Berzerker 2005 Poly/FFZ Fantasy Golf
      Berzerker 2006 NCAA March Madness
      Berzerker 2007 FFZ/Poly Daily Online Draft Fantasy Baseball
      Berzerker 2008 ACS NFL Salary Cap League
      Berzerker 2008 Poly Auction Fantasy Baseball
      Berzerker 2008 Yahoo Pro Football Pick'em
      Berzerker 2009 ACS NFL Salary League
      Berzerker 2009 Baseball Playoff Prediction Competition
      Berzerker 2009 Lombardi Football
      Berzerker 2009 Poly Auction Fantasy Baseball
      Berzerker 2009 Yahoo Weekly Fantasy Baseball
      Berzerker 2010 ESPN NFL Salary Cap League
      Berzerker 2010 IDP Fantasy Football League
      Berzerker 2010 POLY FANTASY GOLF
      Berzerker 2010 Yahoo Weekly Fantasy Baseball
      Berzerker 2011 Poly Team D League
      Berzerker 2011 Poly/FFZ Fantasy Golf Winter Champion
      Berzerker 2012 Poly/FFZ NFL Pick 'ems Confidence League
      Berzerker 2013 FFZ/Poly Daily Online Draft Fantasy Baseball
      Berzerker 2014 Jaguar's League (D/ST) Fantasy Football
      Berzerker 2014 Poly Survivor Football @ Yahoo
      Berzerker 2014 Poly/FFZ Fantasy Golf Overall Champion
      Berzerker 2014 Poly/FFZ Fantasy Golf Summer Champion
      Berzerker 2014 Yahoo College Bowl Pick'em
      Berzerker 2015 March Madness Lombardi
      Berzerker 2015 Poly Survivor Football @ Yahoo
      Berzerker 2016 CBS March Madness
      Berzerker 2016 Lombardi Handicappers League
      Berzerker 2016 March Madness @ Yahoo
      Berzerker 2016 March Madness Lombardi
      Berzerker 2016 Poly IDP League
      Berzerker 2017 Fantasy Baseball
      Berzerker 2017 March Madness Lombardi
      Berzerker 2017 March Madness WTFoxtrot Hoops
      Boris Godunov 2012 College Football pickem
      Boris Godunov 2013 College Football pickem
      Boris Godunov 2016 Yahoo College Bowl Pick'em
      Boris Godunov 2014 NFL Football Pick 'ems @ Yahoo
      brtndr4u 2011 NFL Football Pick 'ems @ Yahoo
      brtndr4u 2012 March Madness @ Yahoo
      Brtndr4u 2013 March Madness Lombardi
      brtndr4u 2014 College Football pickem
      Chris 2004 NFL Betting Pool
      Chris 2011 FFZ/Poly NFL Offline Draft League
      ColdWizard 2010 Lombardi Football
      ColdWizard 2014 Lombardi Handicappers League
      ColdWizard 2014 Poly/FFZ Fantasy Golf Spring Champion
      Corey Hebel 2014 CBS March Madness
      Deity Dude 2008 Yahoo College Football Pick'em
      demonbinder 2004 NCAA Sweet Sixteen
      demonbinder 2004 NFL Confidence Pool
      demonbinder 2005 NFL Yahoo Pick'em
      Demonbinder 2010 Poly/FFZ NFL Confidence Pool
      Demonbinder 2014 ESPN Gridiron Challenge
      Donegeal 2008 Yahoo NFL Survival League
      Drake Tungsten 2009 Yahoo College Football Pick'em
      Dylan Baker 2003 NFL Playoffs Confidence Pool
      Dylan Baker 2005 FFZ/Poly Daily Fantasy Baseball National League
      EPW 2009 Fantasy Football -Jrabbit's League
      EPW 2011 Fantasy Baseball
      EPW 2016 Fantasy Baseball
      Fistandantilus 2012 Fantasy Baseball
      Flatlander Fox 2003 College Football Pick'em
      Flubber 2009/10 Apolyton Hockey League Auction Draft
      FortyJ 2004 FFZ/Poly Daily Fantasy Baseball
      Garth Vader 2009 Stanley Cup Playoff Pick'em
      Garth Vader 2015/16 Stanley Cup Playoff Pick'em
      gjramsey 2007 Lombardi Football
      gjramsey 2015/16 Stanley Cup Playoff Pick'em
      gjramsey 2016 Survivor Football @ Yahoo
      Gryffindor 2014 FFZ/Poly NFL Offline Draft League
      Guynemer 2007 Yahoo Daily Fantasy Baseball
      Guynemer 2007/08 NHL Stanley Cup Playoffs Prediction Competition
      Guynemer 2008 Yahoo College Bowl Pick'em
      Guynemer 2009 College Bowl Pick'em
      Guynemer 2011/12 Stanley Cup Playoff Pick'em
      Guynemer 2012/13 Stanley Cup Playoff Pick'em
      H Tower 2003 NCAA March Madness
      H Tower 2011 March Madness
      Herr Mike 2013 Fantasy Baseball 2013
      Herr Mike 2015 Fantasy Baseball
      Hot Mustard 2005/06 Fantasy Hockey
      Hot Mustard 2006/07 Fantasy Hockey
      Imran Siddiqui 2003 Yahoo Weekly Fantasy Baseball
      Imran Siddiqui 2006 Apolyton Playoff Pick'Em
      Imran Siddiqui 2006 Bowl Game Challenge
      Imran Siddiqui 2008 Yahoo Weekly Fantasy Baseball
      Imran Siddiqui 2009 Baseball Playoff Prediction Competition
      Jaguar 2007 Fantasy Football League One
      Jaguar 2010 Fantasy Football Season Team D
      Jaguar 2012 Jaguar's League (D/ST) Fantasy Football
      Jaguar 2014 Poly IDP League
      jdd2007 2004 Yahoo Weekly Fantasy Baseball
      jdd2007 2005 Yahoo Weekly Fantasy Baseball
      Jonny 2009 Fantasy Football -- D/ST League
      Jonny 2015 Lombardi Handicappers League
      Jrabbit 2004 College Bowl Pick'em
      Jrabbit 2004 NFL Fantasy Playoff Challenge
      Jrabbit 2004 NFL Playoff Confidence Pool
      Jrabbit 2004 NFL Playoff Pick the Pros
      Jrabbit 2004 The NFL Draft Predictions
      Jrabbit 2007 Fantasy Football League Two
      Jrabbit 2007 FFZ/Poly NFL Offline Draft League
      Jrabbit 2007 Poly/FFZ Fantasy Golf
      Jrabbit 2008 Fantasy Football Koy's League
      Jrabbit 2008 FFZ/Poly NFL Offline Draft League
      Jrabbit 2010 NFL Play-Offs Pick'em
      Jrabbit 2012 Poly IDP League
      Jrabbit 2012 Poly NFL Auction League
      Jrabbit 2012 Poly/FFZ Fantasy Golf Summer Champion
      Jrabbit 2012 Survivor Football
      Jrabbit 2014/15 Stanley Cup Playoff Pick'em
      Jrabbit 2015 CBS March Madness
      Jrabbit 2015 FFZ/Poly NFL Offline Draft League
      Jrabbit 2015 FFZ/Poly NFL Offline Draft League
      Jrabbit 2015 Poly Survivor Football @ Yahoo
      Jrabbit 2015/16 Stanley Cup Playoff Pick'em
      Jrabbit 2016 FFZ/Poly Daily Online Draft Fantasy Baseball
      Jrabbit 2017 FFZ/Poly Daily Online Draft Fantasy Baseball
      Jrabbit 2017 Poly/FFZ Fantasy Golf Winter Champion
      Juggernaut 2002 World Cup
      Kitschum 2004 Euro
      KONTIKI 2008/09 Fantasy Hockey Auction Draft
      Kontiki 2013/14 AHL- Apolyton Hockey League
      Kontiki 2013/14 Stanley Cup Playoff Pick'em
      Koshko 2005 NFL CBS Confidence Pool
      Koyaanisqatsi 2007 ACS NFL Salary Cap League
      Koyaanisqatsi 2011 Poly NFL Salary Cap
      Koyaanisqatsi 2012 Poly NFL Salary Cap
      Koyaanisqatsi 2013 Fantasy Football D/ST League
      KrazyHorse 2006/07 Stanley Cup Playoff Pick 'Em
      Locutus 2006 World Cup
      Locutus 2008 Euro Prediction Competition
      LordShiva 2006/07 UEFA Champions League Fantasy Football
      MBloom 2003 College Bowl Betting Pool
      MBloom 2003 NFL Betting Pool
      mguth 2008 FFZ/Poly Daily Online Draft Fantasy Baseball
      mguth 2008 NCAA March Madness Brackets
      mguth 2011 FFZ/Poly Daily Online Draft Fantasy Baseball
      mguth 2013 March Madness @ Yahoo
      mguth 2015 March Madness @ Yahoo
      mguth 2017 Poly/FFZ Fantasy Golf Spring Champion
      Ming 2003 FFZ/Poly Daily Fantasy Baseball
      Ming 2003 FFZ/Poly Fantasy Football
      Ming 2003 Super Bowl Betting Pool
      Ming 2004 FFZ/Poly Daily Fantasy Baseball Betting Pool
      Ming 2005 Baseball Predictions
      Ming 2005 NCAA Sweet Sixteen
      Ming 2005 NFL Betting Pool
      Ming 2006 Salary Cap Football League
      Ming 2007 NCAA March Madness
      Ming 2008 Gridiron Playoff Challenge
      Ming 2008 Lombardi Football
      Ming 2009 ESPN Playoff Salary Cap
      Ming 2009 NCAA March Madness
      Ming 2010 Yahoo College Bowl Pick'em
      Ming 2011 College Football pickem
      Ming 2011 Poly/FFZ Fantasy Golf Spring Champion
      Ming 2011 Poly/FFZ NFL Pick 'ems Confidence League
      Ming 2011 Yahoo College Bowl Pick'em
      Ming 2012 FFZ/Poly Daily Online Draft Fantasy Baseball
      Ming 2012 Poly/FFZ Fantasy Golf Winter Champion
      Ming 2012 Yahoo College Bowl Pick'em
      Ming 2013 Lombardi Handicappers League
      Ming 2013 NFL Playoff Pick Em
      Ming 2013 Poly/FFZ NFL Confidence League
      Ming 2013 Survivor Football @ Yahoo
      Ming 2014 Poly Pickers Football
      Ming 2014 Poly Survivor Football @ Yahoo
      Ming 2015 NFL Football Pick 'ems @ Yahoo
      Ming 2015 Poly Survivor Football @ Yahoo
      Ming 2015/16 Stanley Cup Playoff Pick'em
      Ming 2016 Chicago NFL Offline Draft League
      Ming 2016 FFZ/Poly Daily Online Draft Fantasy Baseball
      Ming 2016 FFZ/Poly NFL Offline Draft League
      Ming 2016 Poly/FFZ Fantasy Golf Spring Champion
      Ming 2016 Poly/FFZ Fantasy Golf Summer Champion
      Ming 2016 Super Bowl Prop Bets
      Ming 2016/17 Stanley Cup Playoff Pick'em
      Ming 2017 CBS March Madness
      Ming 2017 FFZ/Poly Daily Online Draft Fantasy Baseball
      MOBIUS 2005 D/ST "Apple II" Fantasy Football
      MRT144 2013 Apolyton Auction League Fantasy Football
      MRT144 2014 Poly Pickers Football
      MRT144 2014 Poly Pickers Football
      Muckraker 2004 FFZ/Poly Fantasy Football - Gold League
      Ned 2006 Lombardi Football
      Ninot 2007 Yahoo Weekly Fantasy Basebal
      notyoueither 2009/10 Apolyton Hockey League
      notyoueither 2011 Stanley Cup Playoff Pick'em
      notyoueither 2012/13 AHL- Apolyton Hockey League
      Old Warrior_42 2004 NFL Pick the Pros
      rah 2003 NFL Pick the Pros
      rah 2004 Super Bowl Betting Pool
      rah 2005 College Football Betting Contest
      rah 2011 Lombardi Handicappers League
      rah 2011 Poly/FFZ Fantasy Golf Summer Champion
      rah 2011 Survivor Football @ Yahoo
      rah 2012 March Madness Lombardi
      rah 2014 March Madness Lombardi
      rah 2015 Poly Survivor Football @ Yahoo
      rah 2015 Poly/FFZ Fantasy Golf Summer Champion
      rah 2016 FFZ/Poly Daily Online Draft Fantasy Baseball
      rah 2016 Survivor Football @ Yahoo
      rah 2016 Survivor Football @ Yahoo
      rah 2017 FFZ/Poly Daily Online Draft Fantasy Baseball
      Reismark 2004 D/ST Fantasy Football
      Reismark 2005 NCAA March Madness
      Reismark 2008 NCAA Lombardi Handicappers' March Madness
      Rick 2012 FFZ/Poly NFL Offline Draft League
      Skyfish 2014 Poly/FFZ Fantasy Golf Winter Champion
      Skyfish 2015 Poly/FFZ Fantasy Golf Overall Champion
      Skyfish 2015 Poly/FFZ Fantasy Golf Winter Champion
      Skyfish 2017 Poly/FFZ Fantasy Golf Overall Champion
      Sloth 2003 Lombardi Handicappers League
      SlowwHand 2006 Fantasy Football League Two
      SlowwHand 2007 College Football Bowl Games Pick-'em
      SlowwHand 2008 Fantasy Football Jag League
      SlowwHand 2010 Poly College Football Picks
      SlowwHand 2011 Survivor Football @ Yahoo
      SlowwHand 2012 Lombardi Handicappers League
      SlowwHand 2012 NFL Football Pick 'ems @ Yahoo
      SlowwHand 2013 Poly/FFZ Fantasy Golf Spring Champion
      Slowwhand 2013 Survivor Football @ Yahoo
      Slowwhand 2014 Poly Survivor Football @ Yahoo
      Slowwhand 2017 Poly/FFZ Fantasy Golf Summer Champion
      snoopy369 2006 Fantasy Football League One
      snoopy369 2007 Fantasy Football League Three
      snoopy369 2008 Yahoo NFL Survival League
      snoopy369 2013 Poly NFL Salary Cap
      Sparrowhawk 2009 Yahoo NFL Survival League
      Sparrowhawk 2012 ESPN NFL Playoffs Salary Cap League
      Stuie 2006 Yahoo Weekly Fantasy Baseball League One
      Tashi Hebel 2017 March Madness @ Yahoo
      The Emperor Fabulous 2006 Yahoo Weekly Fantasy Baseball League Two
      Tingkai 2007/08 Apolyton Hockey League
      tony bogey 2011 Poly/FFZ Fantasy Golf Overall Champion
      tony bogey 2012 Poly/FFZ Fantasy Golf Overall Champion
      tony bogey 2012 Poly/FFZ Fantasy Golf Spring Champion
      tony bogey 2013 Poly/FFZ Fantasy Golf Overall Champion
      tony bogey 2013 Poly/FFZ Fantasy Golf Winter Champion
      Touchdown Syndrome 2014 Poly NFL Auction League
      Ur32212451 2005 FFZ/Poly Daily Fantasy Baseball American League
      Venom 2004 NCAA Yahoo March Madness
      Vlad 2009 FFZ/Poly Daily Online Draft Fantasy Baseball
      Vlad 2014 Fantasy Baseball
      VonSchack 2013 Poly/FFZ Fantasy Golf Summer Champion
      VonSchack 2015 Poly/FFZ Fantasy Golf Spring Champion
      walruskkkch 2013 NFL Football Pick 'ems @ Yahoo
      WhydmerG 2013 Poly IDP
      zoom 2002 Lombardi Handicapper's League
      Zopperoni 2004 Poly/FFZ Fantasy Golf
      Zopperoni 2005 Lombardi Handicappers League
      Zopperoni 2009 FFZ/Poly NFL Offline Draft League
      Zopperoni 2010 FFZ/Poly NFL Offline Draft League
      Zopperoni 2010 Yahoo NFL Survival League
      Zopperoni 2011 Poly IDP League
      Zopperoni 2013 FFZ/Poly NFL Offline Draft League
      Zopperoni 2014 Poly Pickers Football
      Zopperoni 2016 Poly/FFZ Fantasy Golf Overall Champion
      Zopperoni 2016 Poly/FFZ Fantasy Golf Winter Champion
      Last edited by Ming; November 5, 2017, 07:42.
      Keep on Civin'
      RIP rah, Tony Bogey & Baron O


      • #4
        2002 World Cup


        Click image for larger version

Name:	Juggernaut.gif
Views:	157
Size:	2.3 KB
ID:	9330628

        1 Juggernaut 131
        2 Yaroslav 117
        3 Dauphin 116
        4 Eli 114
        5 Smash 113
        5 Paul 113
        7 MikeH 112
        8 Bas 107
        8 Our_man 107
        10 El Awrence 105
        11 End Is Forever 104
        11 Winston 104
        13 Zopperoni 101
        14 Jay Bee 100
        14 Saint Marcus 100
        16 Monk 95
        16 OneFootInTheGrave 95
        18 Rogan Josh 94
        19 Kindal 93
        20 Urban Ranger 90
        21 Mercator 88
        21 Imran Siddiqui 88
        21 Cairo_East 88
        24 The Vagabond 81
        25 Sloth 80
        25 Kropotkin 80
        27 Fiera 79
        27 Dalgetti 79
        29 CyberShy 76
        29 Wernazuma III 76
        31 Ecthelion 73
        32 Dr. Stiby 69
        33 Giovanni Wine 68
        34 Snapcase 66
        35 Kamrat X 64
        35 Notyoueither 64
        37 Serb 58
        38 John III 57
        39 Fergus Horkan 56
        40 Mordhiem 54
        41 Mark13 53
        41 Earwicker 53
        43 Juggler 46
        44 VetLegion 43
        45 Asmodean 41
        45 TheArsenal 41
        47 The Viceroy 31
        47 Zealot 31
        49 Germanos 27
        50 Carolus Rex 22
        51 War4ever 19
        52 JCG 15
        53 Fez 13
        54 Ixnay37 12
        55 GePap 11
        56 Boddington's 10
        56 Gopher 10
        58 Krelian 8
        59 SpencerH 7
        60 Mobius 4
        60 Tuberski 4
        60 Paiktis22 4
        63 ZoboZeWarrior 2
        64 Reismark 0
        64 Frostycreep 0
        64 Civman2000 0
        Last edited by Ming; August 24, 2017, 19:10.
        Keep on Civin'
        RIP rah, Tony Bogey & Baron O


        • #5
          2002 Lombardi Handicapper's League


          NO AVATAR

          zoom 155 SA 158 + 18 + 20 = 196 WINNER

          reismarkTK 155 + 18 + 20 = 193
          Laser 144 + 9 = 153
          RAH-SKP 146 + 0 = 146
          Ming SKP 123 + 18 = 141
          ColdWizard (SKP) 127 + 9 = 136
          [BBB]brtndr4u 134
          Berzerker 123 + 9 = 132
          Chris Poulos 123 + 9 = 132
          The Peacemaker-TFB 120 + 9 = 129
          J-rabbit 123
          Vlad Wood {SPW} 120 + 0 = 120
          [BBB]mactbone 116 - 6 = 110
          Sloth 110
          Guynemer TFB 109
          Slow Hand 107 + 0 = 107
          Imran Siddiqui 107 + 0 = 107
          Drake Apolyton 93
          MOBIUS [SPW] 88
          [BBB]ixnay37 88 - 9 = 79
          MrWizardSA 73
          SuperSneak SPW 71
          Sam aka Fuel SA 53
          John Thornton TFB 52
          Orioles 25
          Last edited by Ming; August 24, 2017, 19:05.
          Keep on Civin'
          RIP rah, Tony Bogey & Baron O


          • #6
            2003 NCAA March Madness

            H Tower

            Click image for larger version

Name:	tower.jpg
Views:	123
Size:	2.9 KB
ID:	9330627

            FINAL RESULTS
            1 H Tower 182 WINNER

            2 Barry Goldenberg 163
            3 Berzerker 158
            4 Sam Gibson 146
            5 Rebecca Sol 145
            6 Ming 143
            7 -Jrabbit 140
            8 Imran Siddiqui 129
            9 JohnT 123
            10 jacob durst 121
            10 Peacemaker 121
            12 Guynemer 119
            13 reismark 117
            14 rah 106
            15 ixnay 103
            16 ColdWizard 102
            17 Adam Smith 100
            18 Brtndr4u 83
            Last edited by Ming; August 24, 2017, 19:09.
            Keep on Civin'
            RIP rah, Tony Bogey & Baron O


            • #7
              2003 Yahoo Weekly Fantasy Baseball

              Imran Siddiqui

              Click image for larger version

Name:	Imran Siddiqui.gif.jpe
Views:	124
Size:	14.6 KB
ID:	9330626

              FINAL RESULTS
              Hotlanta Hardmen/Imran - WINNER
              2nd - Old Indian Sexstones
              3rd - Berzerkers

              1. Berzerkers 199-112-19 .632 (berz) WINNER
              2. Old Indian Sexstones 188-121-21 .602 (?)
              3. Nova Monkeys 177-127-26 .576 (?)
              4. Arlie Lathams 174-126-30 .573 (vlad antlerkov)
              5. Hotlanta Hardmen 159-150-21 .514 (Imran)
              6. City Hobgoblins 152-154-24 .497 (Stuie)
              7. Weasels 153-159-18 .491 (LoA)
              8. Slackers 145-162-23 .474 (Chris)
              9. Sexual Chocolate 143-169-18 .461 (Guynemer)
              10. Noobies 142-171-17 .456 (Caesar)
              11. BC Evil Bears 125-184-21 .411 (vlad)
              12. Pentagonol Payback 93-215-22 .315 (jdd)
              Last edited by Ming; August 24, 2017, 19:08.
              Keep on Civin'
              RIP rah, Tony Bogey & Baron O


              • #8
                2003 FFZ/Poly Daily Fantasy Baseball


                Click image for larger version

Name:	Poly Ming.gif.jpe
Views:	119
Size:	7.1 KB
ID:	9330629

                FINAL RESULTS
                Ming - WINNER
                2nd - Walrus
                3rd - Slowwhand

                1 Florida Humidity - MBloom - 184-131-59 .571 WINNER

                2 Katmandu Klouters - Walrus - 183-132-59 .568 1
                3 Dallas Dwarf Tossers - Sloww - 181-143-50 .551 7.5
                4 Mingapulco Spammers - Ming - 174-147-53 .536 13
                5 Outriders 170-146-58 -Goob -.532 14.5
                6 NY Slackers - Chris - 159-160-55 .499 27
                7 Maximum Losers - Venom - 152-173-49 .472 37
                8 Whos Yer Daddy? - Dave - 145-176-53 .459 42
                9 Nebraska Flatlanders - FF - 137-181-56 .441 48.5
                10 Bath Shipbuilders - Drake - 112-208-54 .372 74.5
                Last edited by Ming; August 24, 2017, 19:13.
                Keep on Civin'
                RIP rah, Tony Bogey & Baron O


                • #9
                  2003 Lombardi Handicappers League


                  NO AVATAR

                  FINAL RESULTS
                  Sloth [STG] 142 WINNER

                  Darsnan [ BBB ] 139
                  Dissident [WHO] 138
                  Zopperoni [FoG] 137
                  JohnT (FoG) 136
                  rah [SKP] 134
                  Laser 133
                  brtndr4u[BBB] 132
                  SuperSneak [FoG] 131
                  Ming [SKP] 128
                  Spaced Cowboy 127
                  Peacemaker 127
                  Ned 125
                  DEFIANT3[TRU] 125
                  BCVlad[WHO] 124
                  Berzerker[TRU] 124
                  zoom155 123
                  Imran Siddiqui [STG] 120
                  Jrabbit [TRU] 120
                  ColdWizard [SKP] 117
                  reismark [STG] 116
                  Chris 62 [SLA] 109
                  Frozzy 100
                  Tuberski [SLA] 87
                  SlowwHand [SLA] 80
                  ixnay [WHO] 56
                  HTower [BBB] 53
                  Sashaddin 22
                  Orioles 13
                  Last edited by Ming; August 24, 2017, 19:14.
                  Keep on Civin'
                  RIP rah, Tony Bogey & Baron O


                  • #10
                    2003 FFZ/Poly Fantasy Football


                    Click image for larger version

Name:	Poly Ming.gif.jpe
Views:	116
Size:	7.1 KB
ID:	9330630

                    FINAL RESULTS
                    1 Ming WINNER

                    2 Berzerker
                    3 Flatlander Fox
                    4 Slowwhand

                    1* Berzerkers1 (Berzerker) 11-3-0 1750.00 pts WINNER

                    2* Spammers (Ming) 11-3-0 1731.00 pts
                    3* Nebraska Bugeaters (Flatlander Fox) 9-5-0 1794.00 pts
                    4* FFZ Slackers (Chris) 8-6-0 1520.00 pts
                    5* Dallas Dwarf Tossers (Slowwhand) 8-6-0 1429.50 pts
                    6* Maximum Losers (Venom) 7-7-0 1650.00 pts
                    7* Florida Fumblers (MBloom) 6-8-0 1539.50 pts
                    8* BC Stoner Bears (Vlad) 6-8-0 1477.50 pts
                    9 Outriders (Goob) 5-9-0 1661.50 pts
                    10 Down Under Ferals (Ozscott) 5-9-0 1295.00 pts
                    11 The Collective (Walrus) 4-10-0 1527.50 pts
                    12 Muckrakers (Muckrakers) 4-10-0 1429.50 pts
                    Last edited by Ming; August 24, 2017, 19:15.
                    Keep on Civin'
                    RIP rah, Tony Bogey & Baron O


                    • #11
                      2003 NFL Pick the Pros


                      Click image for larger version

Name:	rah.jpg
Views:	122
Size:	6.8 KB
ID:	9330632

                      FINAL RESULTS
                      rah 138-108-8 287 WINNER

                      Mbloom 137-107-8 286
                      Chris 131-113-8 274
                      Vlad 129-115-8 272
                      Zopperoni 128-116-8 268
                      Koshko 127-117-8 267
                      Ming 124-120-8 258
                      walruskkkch 119-125-8 246
                      Berzerker 110-134-8 227
                      Venom 106-138-8 222
                      Yggdrasil 83-161-8 177
                      Goob 72-172-8 154
                      Fox 65-179-8 138
                      Slowwhand 63-181-8 132
                      FortyJ 58-186-8 124
                      Last edited by Ming; August 24, 2017, 19:16.
                      Keep on Civin'
                      RIP rah, Tony Bogey & Baron O


                      • #12
                        2003 NFL Betting Pool


                        Click image for larger version

Name:	MBloom.gif
Views:	118
Size:	1.6 KB
ID:	9330633

                        FINAL RESULTS
                        MBloom +12,000 WINNER

                        Dylan Baker +10,000
                        Walrus +5,310
                        Ming + 2,199
                        Berzerker + 1,800
                        Vlad + 410
                        rah +120
                        Zopperoni = EVEN
                        Chris = EVEN
                        Jrabbit -700

                        DID NOT FINISH
                        Goob +1500
                        Yggdrasil +400
                        Last edited by Ming; August 24, 2017, 19:18.
                        Keep on Civin'
                        RIP rah, Tony Bogey & Baron O


                        • #13
                          2003 College Football Pick'em

                          Flatlander Fox

                          Click image for larger version

Name:	Flatlander Fox.png
Views:	117
Size:	5.4 KB
ID:	9330637

                          FINAL RESULTS
                          Flatlander Fox = 51-25-1 (+18) WINNER

                          Slowwhand = 48-28-1 (+13)
                          Ming = 48-36 (+20)
                          Rah = 45-35-3 (+13)
                          Walrus = 44-35-2 (+11)
                          Yggdrasil = 41-39 (+10)
                          Berzerker = 39-40 (+8)
                          Goob = 37-30 (+16)
                          MBloom = 35-29 (+3)
                          Koshko = 35-36-3 (+4)
                          FortyJ = 33-37 (+4)
                          Chris = 30-39(+4)
                          Last edited by Ming; August 24, 2017, 20:00.
                          Keep on Civin'
                          RIP rah, Tony Bogey & Baron O


                          • #14
                            2003 College Bowl Betting Pool


                            Click image for larger version

Name:	MBloom.gif
Views:	106
Size:	1.6 KB
ID:	9330638

                            FINAL RESULTS
                            1. Mbloom +500 WINNER

                            2. Walrus +170
                            3. Bezerker +100
                            4. Ming +40
                            5. Zopperoni +30
                            5. FortyJ +30
                            7. Koshko -320
                            Last edited by Ming; August 24, 2017, 20:01.
                            Keep on Civin'
                            RIP rah, Tony Bogey & Baron O


                            • #15
                              2003 NFL Playoffs Confidence Pool

                              Dylan Baker

                              Click image for larger version

Name:	DylanBaker.gif
Views:	113
Size:	3.2 KB
ID:	9330640

                              FINAL RESULTS
                              Dylan Baker = 63 WINNER

                              Chris = 61
                              Walrus = 53
                              Ming = 46
                              Berzerker = 45
                              Zopperoni = 43
                              Rah = 41
                              MBloom = 40
                              Kosho = 37
                              Jrabbit = 33
                              Vlad = 19
                              Last edited by Ming; August 24, 2017, 20:02.
                              Keep on Civin'
                              RIP rah, Tony Bogey & Baron O

