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Apolyton Sports Record Book

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  • #31
    Fantasy Hockey 2005

    Playoff Results

    1. Hot Mustard Maniacs
    2. Road Kill (nye)
    3. Ninot's Ashers
    4. Resident Blues (that's me!)
    5. Scurvy Dogs (joncha)
    6. Monkey Butlers (kontiki)

    Regular season standings

    1. Road Kill
    2. Ninot's Ashers
    3. Scurvy Dogs
    4. Monkey Butlers
    5. Displaced Wingnuts
    6. Hot Mustard Maniacs
    7. ron wilson = fux0r (sava)
    8. Krazy Enforcers (KH)
    9. Whining Loser Ashers (Imran)
    10. JediKnights (ben kenobi)
    11. Boston Liberals (EmpFab)
    12. Haunted House Boos
    "My nation is the world, and my religion is to do good." --Thomas Paine
    "The subject of onanism is inexhaustable." --Sigmund Freud


    • #32
      Originally posted by Stuie
      Oi! Where are the final results of the Apolyton baseball league I won this year!

      Edit: OH, here they are:

      *1. City Hobgoblins 177-123-30 .582 - 8-7-0 8 14
      *2. Berzerkers 176-131-23 .568 4.5 7-8-0 6 73
      *3. Resident Blues 175-134-21 .562 6.5 1-14-0 5 25
      *4. Kaczynski 156-150-24 .509 24 14-1-0 7 13
      *5. Ninot's Pinetars 154-156-20 .497 28 - 1 7
      *6. Blazing Books 145-166-19 .468 37.5 - 4 5
      7. Siddiqui Slammers 122-183-25 .408 57.5 1-13-1 2 15
      8. Ramsey's Juice 121-183-26 .406 58 13-1-1 3 11


      Quarterfinal(1) City HobgoblinsBye
      Quarterfinal(4) Kaczynski(5) Ninot's Pinetars
      Quarterfinal(3) Resident Blues(6) Blazing Books
      Quarterfinal(2) BerzerkersBye

      Semifinal(1) City Hobgoblins(4) Kaczynski
      Semifinal(3) Resident Blues(2) Berzerkers

      Final(1) City Hobgoblins(2) Berzerkers

      League Champion(1) City Hobgoblins

      3rd Place Game(4) Kaczynski(3) Resident Blues

      3rd Place Winner(4) Kaczynski

      5th Place Game(5) Ninot's Pinetars(6) Blazing Books

      5th Place Winner(5) Ninot's Pinetars
      Berzerkers = Berzerker
      Siddiqui Slammers = Imran
      Kaczynski = jdd
      Ninot's Pinetars = Ninot
      Ramsey's Juice = gjramsey
      City Hobgoblins = Stuie
      Resident Blues = me
      Blazing Books = snoopy
      "My nation is the world, and my religion is to do good." --Thomas Paine
      "The subject of onanism is inexhaustable." --Sigmund Freud


      • #33
        Originally posted by Guynemer

        Under the "league" tab of any of your leagues, click on managers, then click on your yahoo ID. It'll show your whole fantasy history.
        I knew I had seen it before!!!

        I was just in the one last year....and finished near the bottom.


        • #34
          THANKS guys... this is the stuff I'm looking for. I will add these as time permits in the near future.

          KEEP IT COMING!
          Keep on Civin'
          RIP rah, Tony Bogey & Baron O


          • #35

            1. Berzerkers 288-220-64 .559 - 13-11-2 5 93 (Berzerker)
            2. Orange Juice 280-223-69 .550 5.5 11-13-2 4 20 (jdd2007)
            3. Nanaimo Stoners 274-236-62 .533 15 - 7 35 (bcvlad- vlad antlerkov?)
            4. Georgia Gumbo 271-235-66 .531 16 - 3 22 (Imran)
            5. Random Walks 256-240-76 .514 26 12-10-4 2 24 (?)
            6. Yuenglings 240-267-65 .476 47.5 10-12-4 1 14 (Stuie)
            7. Billy's Bashers 224-279-69 .452 61.5 10-14-2 8 11 (Tuberski)
            8. Ramsey's Juice 182-315-75 .384 100.5 14-10-2 6 30(gjramsey)

            Don't try to confuse the issue with half-truths and gorilla dust!


            • #36
              Up to 19 events listed now, not counting the latest from Tuberski...

              A question. That looks like the final regular season standings. What happened in the playoffs?
              Keep on Civin'
              RIP rah, Tony Bogey & Baron O


              • #37
                Seeing as I wasn't involved in the playoffs, who cares!

                I'll get that posted soon.

                Don't try to confuse the issue with half-truths and gorilla dust!


                • #38
                  Just wanted to bump this thread. The March Madness pool is done, and I've posted the results.

                  I'm still looking for any old contests that haven't been reported yet, and any new contest that may have just ended.

                  Again, your help is much appreciated in this task.
                  Keep on Civin'
                  RIP rah, Tony Bogey & Baron O


                  • #39
                    2005 Apple II Fantasy Football

                    *1. Cardiff Dragons 9-5-0 .643 1859.64
                    *2. Berzerkers 9-5-0 .643 1784.87
                    *3. Lincoln's Pockets 9-5-0 .643 1739.33
                    *4. Chitown Cavalry 9-5-0 .643 1695.05
                    5. Kreigsgewitter 9-5-0 .643 1677.11
                    6. Dwarf Tossers 7-7-0 .500 1644.68
                    7. Naked Sasquatches 7-7-0 .500 1584.51
                    8. Ramsey's Benchwarmer 7-7-0 .500 1467.88
                    9. Fighting Emus 7-7-0 .500 1443.61
                    10. Deviations 6-8-0 .429 1637.95
                    11. City Hobgoblins 4-10-0 .286 1511.69
                    12. Vegas Skull Munchers 1-13-0 .071 1325.95


                    1. Cardiff Dragons
                    2. Lincolns Pockets
                    3. Berzerkers
                    4. Chitown Cavalry
                    "In the beginning was the Word. Then came the ******* word processor." -Dan Simmons, Hyperion


                    • #40
                      Originally posted by Koyaanisqatsi
                      2005 Apple II Fantasy Football

                      *1. Cardiff Dragons 9-5-0 .643 1859.64
                      *2. Berzerkers 9-5-0 .643 1784.87
                      *3. Lincoln's Pockets 9-5-0 .643 1739.33
                      *4. Chitown Cavalry 9-5-0 .643 1695.05
                      5. Kreigsgewitter 9-5-0 .643 1677.11
                      6. Dwarf Tossers 7-7-0 .500 1644.68
                      7. Naked Sasquatches 7-7-0 .500 1584.51
                      8. Ramsey's Benchwarmer 7-7-0 .500 1467.88
                      9. Fighting Emus 7-7-0 .500 1443.61
                      10. Deviations 6-8-0 .429 1637.95
                      11. City Hobgoblins 4-10-0 .286 1511.69
                      12. Vegas Skull Munchers 1-13-0 .071 1325.95


                      1. Cardiff Dragons
                      2. Lincolns Pockets
                      3. Berzerkers
                      4. Chitown Cavalry
                      Any chance you can identify who some of the less obvious teams are? Like, who the heck were the Cardiff Dragons
                      Keep on Civin'
                      RIP rah, Tony Bogey & Baron O


                      • #41
               I was the Deviations, other than that and the obvious ones I have no clue.
                        "In the beginning was the Word. Then came the ******* word processor." -Dan Simmons, Hyperion


                        • #42
                          Can someone here post the results of the Yahoo fantasy hockey?
                          "The issue is there are still many people out there that use religion as a crutch for bigotry and hate. Like Ben."
                          Ben Kenobi: "That means I'm doing something right. "


                          • #43
                            Fantasy Hockey 06-07

                            Playoff Results:
                            1. Hot Mustard (Hot Mustard)
                            2. Ice Hawks (Sparrowhawk)
                            3. Flaming Flamers (Asher)
                            4. Alotta Fagina (Kontiki)
                            5. Road Kill (notyoueither)
                            6. KH's Krushers (KrazyHorse)
                            7. Haunted House Boos (mrboo)
                            8. HK Phooeys (Tingkai)
                            9. Calamitous Intent (Guynemer)
                            10. Baby Aardvarks (joncha)
                            11. Mountain Goats (Jaguar)
                            12. Ninots Nipple Clamps (Ninot)

                            Regular Season:
                            1. Alotta Fagina
                            2. Ice Hawks
                            3. Road Kill
                            4. KH's Krushers
                            5. Hot Mustard
                            6. Flaming Flamers
                            7. Baby Aardvarks
                            8. Calamitous Intent
                            9. Haunted House Boos
                            10. Ninots Nipple Clamps
                            11. HK Phooeys
                            12. Mountain Goats
                            13. HC Assmonkey (Pekka)
                            14. Georgia Giants (Imran)
                            "The French caused the war [Persian Gulf war, 1991]" - Ned
                            "you people who bash Bush have no appreciation for one of the great presidents in our history." - Ned
                            "I wish I had gay sex in the boy scouts" - Dissident


                            • #44
                              Originally posted by Ming

                              Any chance you can identify who some of the less obvious teams are? Like, who the heck were the Cardiff Dragons
                              That was the year Zopp and I wiped the floor with you yanks at your own game...

                              EUROPE! EUROPE! EUROPE!
                              Is it me, or is MOBIUS a horrible person?


                              • #45
                                UEFA Champions League 2006-07 Fantasy Football
                                Apolyton League

                                1 LordShiva 586
                                2 Maquiladora 565
                                3 MikeH 547
                                4 *End is Forever* 440
                                5 notyoueither 410
                                6 atawa 204

                                A close game at the top, where LordShiva built an early lead, but was surpassed in the quarterfinal stages by Maquiladora, who had haughtily predicted at the start that he would walk over the competition. An inspired performance by LordShiva in the second leg of the semi-finals, thanks to a scintillating display by his captain Kaka from eventual champions Milan, saw him leapfrog Maquiladora into first place with a commanding lead of 24 points. A brave piece of rearguard action on the final day was not enough for Maquiladora to close the gap on the leader, and LordShiva ended up with the first Apolyton UEFA Champions League Manager's Trophy.
                                AND!!1!11!!! LOL JUST IN CAES A DISPUTANT CALS U 2 DISPUT3 ABOUT THEYRE CLAMES
                                DO NOT THAN DISPUT3 ON THEM 3XCAPT BY WAY OF AN 3XTARNAL DISPUTA!!!!11!! WTF

