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hillbilly elogy

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  • hillbilly elogy

    (elogy is a greek word)

    I'm all for dimwit peasants.

    they the core of all that is fascist

  • #2
    there are a ton of them here

    probably why greece was a dictatorship. for just 7 years, not endless decades after decades like other countries

    but it was becasue of them, and they still exist


    • #3
      fascism always has started from the disenfrhanchised hillbilly americans or their european equivalent

      it's the law


      • #4
        also trumo accusing biden about high prices high energy prices and inflation? it is the same ALL OVER. it is not a biden issue



        • #5
          then no single person ever would use that language of trump in what concerns immigration

          yeah you have fascism there. unadultarated.

          but you probably like it

          wow the language of trump in what concers immihgration (I'm not using vis a vis because they make fun of me) would land him in jail here easily

          maybe wrongly so


          • #6
            Also america is like the reverse mirro of everything that is virtouous.

            you have a kid that his mom has sunstance issues (and are undeucated)

            he overcomes that and becomes a fascist

            he finds an indian girl she overcomes that and becomes a fascist.

            so you have two unscupulous fate chasing immoral fascists.


            • #7
              that's what america is about, apaprently


              • #8
                being a fascist despite your odds


                • #9
                  BTW because J.D. wive is indian (also what is J.D.? it's like a tampon brand) he says every kind of race (according to americans) or religion is american but left out the muslims.

                  kind of defeats the purpose but at least wifey gremlin will not make him sleep on the couch


                  • #10
                    and if this amount of cringe was not enough there comes some WWF clown and kid rock (which I like some sonmgs) proving that there is no universal limit to cringe. you can take it to the furthest reachs of the known cosmos

                    fi you had any doubt.

                    they are the aliens that were discarded from earth


                    • #11
                      amd there comes the bandaged ear. that's the indian name for trump. you're not some hero because your country is a 3rd world gun tottinm brazilian rainforest

                      pushing cringe to such a degree it's like when you get a brain freeze


                      • #12
                        those of us that got out of there alive

                        we are wise and few


                        • #13
                          but best reality TV there exists

                          brazilian soap operas have NOTHING on you!

                          wow. you can probably finance 2 wars with russia if you seel the rights

                          also a very porent argument for europeans not ever developing sailing


                          • #14
                            the best entertainment, and absolutely free!

                            then you have to watch someone from the not so fascists democrats to actually remind you, yeah they are a real country not jack and the beanstalk

                            but really wow

                            this is america?


                            • #15
                              so tampon guy says abortion is illegal (iran) and I don't care about ukraine (russia)

                              so you bascially have a russian iran that can make hamburgers

                              yeah it's going to win over hearts worldwide

