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Socialism and zombies (for dummies)

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  • #31
    I don't read the sh!t you write.

    maybe you have some state aids to people and that's good of course

    I'm sure north korea has it too

    who gives a fkc


    • #32
      Originally posted by Serb View Post

      Please compare how your Greek "socialist" medicine, education, warking right are look like in comparison with Russian!

      DO IT!!!

      A LYING CLOWN!!!
      I can say fck you actually I can cirisize everyone in gov

      I can say whatever the fck I weant

      noone is going to kill me

      In russia they would


      • #33
        socialism is not living in a dictatorship you fck


        • #34
          Back to the rights of pregnant and family support.

          I addition to 3 years of paid vacation, I have mentioned before, every Russian woman, who birth his first child immidiently recieves a one time payment of 7 170 USD. When she born her second, she gets 9 477 USD (once again, multiply that sum to 3 or 5 the get the real Euro or American equivalent).
          When she born her third child and more, her family receives a special status, which means additional subsidies for every child (untill he reaches the age of 18) and granting of free land and some other benefits.​


          • #35
            blah blah blah

            I said mahybe north korea gives family benefits

            that's not the issue

            first you need to belong in the free democratic team

            then you can worry about being socialist


            • #36
              Back to the rights of disabled people.

              I am disabled now and still alive only because I drink 6 pills at the morning and 5 pills at the evening.11 pills per day. One third of those pills are extremely expensive, but as a disabled person, I get them for free every month.

              Also, I have told you earlier, I pay for communal services for my 80 square meters appartments (water, heating, electricity, gas, garbage disposal, cleaning of backyard and space between the floor - everything) about 50 USD a month.
              But as a disabled person, I actually pay only a half of that, because every month the state returns a half of my communal payments back to my card.​


              • #37
                snip snip
                Last edited by Bereta_Eder; July 11, 2024, 12:57.


                • #38
                  Originally posted by Bereta_Eder View Post
                  socialism is not being a kim yon un north korean dictatorship

                  it is believing in society while being free and democratic

                  you don't have it, america doesn't have it

                  so if you;re talking abotu my "beloved" europe after France (and UK's I "hate" to admit) results you are correct

                  now go with the mongols becuase you are shut off EVERYTHING

                  you are in a prison
                  You are fapping over your old mantras due to your helplessness to reply on topic.

                  And looks like a clow with an eyes wide shut.


                  • #39
                    Originally posted by Bereta_Eder View Post
                    really there are socialists everywhere in Greece (duh) in Italy (duh) in France (duh) in the UK EVERYWHERE

                    And they have nothing to do with you
                    Then prove me that and explain how your medicine, education and working rights are doing in comparison with Russia?

                    Chicken and lying coward!


                    • #40
                      snip snip
                      Last edited by Bereta_Eder; July 11, 2024, 12:57.


                      • #41
                        I suppose my greek american relatives live richly because they are succesful and I'm happy for them

                        but they agree to see homeless junkies next to them

                        I don't


                        • #42
                          Originally posted by Serb View Post

                          Then prove me that and explain how your medicine, education and working rights are doing in comparison with Russia?

                          Chicken and lying coward!
                          they are supperior to england you fck

                          of coruse they are supperior to russia


                          • #43
                            Originally posted by Bereta_Eder View Post

                            being a dictator is contrraty to being a socialist

                            or maybe not

                            but you are not a socialist you are a prison dog

                            socialism is compatible with democracy it's actually what makes democracy work
                            To bad you don't have any Democracy and therefore any Socialism.

                            You live in collar of your German and American mastrers and truly is a tiny blind, barking, but useless dog.​


                            • #44
                              says the guy who lives in a country where the political opponent is killed

                              No. The west actually guarantees Freedom


                              • #45
                                Not because it is the west.
                                Because we are the west

