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  • most americans don't have the education... the diversity... to be anything more than a passenger on a futuristic poop cruise

    This is the addictive game from season 5, episode 6 of Star Trek the Next Generation. Looks addictive. Ashley Judd makes an appearance.


    • the fails are basic and human oriented based upon industry experience and exposure... television specifically
      public officials are losing to jokers on sports radio
      and that's not just a weekly bit where people point out gaffes
      they are serious human flaws from seriously flawed human beings in high places


      • is a human trait an AI ?
        that's ghost in the machine nonsense like only choosing the home team
        you'll get a lot of winners with that simple rule ... without others in place gamifying the situation , from a story perspective, artificially


        • what is the word "Artificial"

          the job got done. and you don't know sausage


          • television news broadcasts and written media reports are at mumbo jumbo voodoo on acid level with their embrace of the term AI


            • with financing now a regular part of phone "ownership" expect a "smartphone crash" in "our" survivable future


              • peace consumes natural resources more than war
                peripheral optimization
                that's the future of war
                the future of peace is a selfie that people delete, forget, or lambast as the devil forever
                alexanders us all (verb)


                • pack animal development
                  no we've not seen genetically modified war animals yet
                  and that's a breeder's plastic touch away


                  • Comment

                    • AI in a gun might provide a feature where a human shooter holds a trigger and a predetermined shot fires under optimal conditions as a computer and human work together to agree on shooting conditions by aim... as the machine optimizes other forces and factors


                      • 8.6 to 12.7 dev

                        The Army currently operates 24,000 standard M2 machine guns and roughly 25,000 upgraded M2A1 .50-cal weapons designed with a number of improved features. The improved M2A1 is, among other things, engineered with what is called “fixed head space and timing” designed to better prevent the machine gun from jamming, misfiring or causing Soldier injury, officials […]

                        lighter weapons that hit harder


                        • the usage of these devices is ad hoc
                          Drone technology has been used extensively in twenty-first-century armed conflict, but the Russia-Ukraine war is driving innovations in autonomous warfare not seen on other battlefields.  

                          and not done in optimized fashion with other strategic and tactical competition


                          • yes i think people are addicted to the gamey feel of a drone more than the true military usefulness is being presented analyzed or realized


                            • the next russian revolution might happen in a panic clearing shelves if they ever were full
                              but who riots when shelves are filled with shoes foot locker


                              • TRANSIT PATHOLOGY
                                is more than a Ghost in the Machine.

                                yes we are little cells, said the monks

