I've been to a seminar about religions and I was thinking
christianity is one thing but also the eastern religions are so interesting
buddhiosm and hindiusim thorugh meditation claim that you can reach the divine though meditation within you
this is fascinating
orthodoxy always had that mystic tone of the orient but ok thank you next
buddhism. to reach the divine through meditationa practise within you
of course hard core orthodocy claim this is a gaetway for demons
but come on
christianity is one thing but also the eastern religions are so interesting
buddhiosm and hindiusim thorugh meditation claim that you can reach the divine though meditation within you
this is fascinating
orthodoxy always had that mystic tone of the orient but ok thank you next
buddhism. to reach the divine through meditationa practise within you
of course hard core orthodocy claim this is a gaetway for demons
but come on