Originally posted by Ming
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First of all, let's define definitions.
As I see the terms:
a) "A proxy war" is held between two (or many) Powers to fight each other using another power as a cannon fodder.
b) "An Idiot", is the one who denies that two (or many) powers engage in war using the third side as a playgraound.
​Ok, old fart!
Let's discuss it for real!
The problem of your argument is that you claim that Russia fights Ukraine alone, while in reality it is just a proxy war of Russia vs. 50+ Western countries.
A typical proxy war, which was held many times during the Cold War.
Was Korean war a war between USA (under UN banner) and North Korea alone?
No, it wasnt!
It was a war against North Korea, USSR and China, where North Korea was just a proxy!
(And you have ended it up as a stalemate)
Was a Vietnam war a war between Southern Vietnam and Norther Vietnam alone?
NO! It wasn't! The Northern Vietnam still had USSR and China on its side in that conflict.
And you have LOST this war after 11 years of your direct involment and 20 years of your French support there.
Still you've ran with tail between your legs!
Was Afghanistan war between USSR and Afghanistan alone?
No!!! It Was not!
The War was set-up by Bzhesinsky (of which he had confessed himself in the interview to the French paper all traces of of which were erased from everything). In that interview he had confessed that CIA had provoked instability in Afganistan with just a one goal - to drag USSR inside and give its their own Vietnam.
Afghanistany majahedin were supplied, trained and financed by USA.
So, it was just another proxy war, not the war of USSR vs. Afghanistan.
Now look at your "victories":
1991 "Desert storm":
Slaughtering of Iraq after your ambassador gave a green light to invade Qwait just to give an another green light to attack them after.
Iraq was supported by no one!
A typical colonial war!
1999 - Bombardment of alone Yougoslavia,
Supported by none and bombarded by all NATO countries.
Burn in hell!
A colonial war!
Afghanistan 2001:
Saudis have attacked your WTC, but since your population as dumb as hell, Afganistan was to blame!
Afganistan was supported BY NONE!!!
A typicall colonial war!
You have lost it after 20 years!
Iraq of 2003:
A pure colonial agression, justified by nothing!
Iraq was supported by no one!
Eight years after you flew with tail between your legs.
Let's look at Ukraine.
It is a typical PROXY WAR where Russia stands against 50+ Wester countries and still wins!
We pwn you, suckers, lead by American Joe "Where am I" Biden dimential CLOWN!
Your proxy war of Ukraine is failed!
Because we are a Gods of war!
And you are just clowns, who honestly think they can buy everything with money!
No, you can't!
And we will e
If you don't come in sense!
And start to behave.