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New Planet 9 Candidate

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  • New Planet 9 Candidate

    "We determined that an Earth-like planet (m ∼ 1.5–3 M⊕) located on a distant (semimajor axis a ∼ 250–500 au, perihelion q ∼ 200 au) and inclined (i ∼ 30°) orbit can explain three fundamental properties of the distant Kuiper Belt: a prominent population of TNOs with orbits beyond Neptune's gravitational influence (i.e., detached objects with q > 40 au), a significant population of high-i objects (i > 45°), and the existence of some extreme objects with peculiar orbits (e.g., Sedna)."

    They're shrinking down planet 9 in size and 'destiny' (orbit)

    I thought they would with further analysis of the Kuiper Belt, but now they need to work on tying the Kuiper Belt to the asteroid belt between Mars and Jupiter. I 'predicted' ~30 degree inclination, the Great Pyramid is at the 30th latitude and Cygnus the Swan is located about 28-45 degrees north. I believe people have seen this planet and it rises high into the sky culminating in Cygnus before returning south or below the solar system. But it follows a retrograde orbit, something is responsible for comets orbiting the sun in the opposite direction of the planets. And that something also tilted the planets, it has to be big and close enough to drag Jupiter and the gas giants away from the Sun's equatorial plane.​

  • #2
    I am not delusional! Now if you'll excuse me, i'm gonna go dance with the purple wombat who's playing show-tunes in my coffee cup!
    Rules are like Egg's. They're fun when thrown out the window!
    Difference is irrelevant when dosage is higher than recommended!


    • #3
      This looks like some super-cool research. Thanks for posting.
      Apolyton's Grim Reaper 2008, 2010 & 2011
      RIP lest we forget... SG (2) and LaFayette -- Civ2 Succession Games Brothers-in-Arms


      • #4
        That was a difficult read and admittedly somewhat above my knowledge level. Still, from what I can glean from that is that there is certainly some type of mass affecting the Kuiper belt. A KBP does seem to be a logical explanation. The fact that the model "mismatches" the OSSOS semi major distribution could mean several things though. They do provide some reasonable explanations, but clearly a larger amount of observation is needed. Very interesting indeed. Thanks Berz!
        "I am sick and tired of people who say that if you debate and you disagree with this administration somehow you're not patriotic. We should stand up and say we are Americans and we have a right to debate and disagree with any administration." - Hillary Clinton, 2003


        • #5
          on a related note, just learned a Mayan myth of creation claiming the creator split a mountain and humanity/life emerged from within. Albert Linn explored the region with the split mountain as a potential origin for the Maya.

          Sound anything like what we know about creation? The Enuma Elish says Marduk cleaved a flatfish in half to form heaven and earth. A Chinese myth says Panku used hammer and chisel to break up and throw rocks into the primordial water.


          • #6
            Water world found orbiting red dwarf

            "These worlds are referred to as "sub-Neptunes" and are unlike any planets in the solar system, which makes them something of a mystery to astronomers, who are currently debating the nature of their atmospheres."

            Exo-planet K2–18 b is about 120 ly away and 2-3x Earth's diameter and 8.6x the mass

            But our planet was once larger and covered by water too


            • #7
              It was never like that.
              Indifference is Bliss


              • #8
                Ancient humans: can't see Uranus or Neptune

                also ancient humans: can somehow see a planet that is ten times as far from the sun as Uranus and decide to build a pyramid


                • #9
                  Originally posted by N35t0r View Post
                  It was never like that.
                  I dont think the Earth was ever that large but I do believe it was larger and covered by water, thats how its described in the Enuma Elish - Tiamat (water dragon, Tehom) was carved in two forming Heaven and Earth. The planet in the article orbits a red dwarf and probably had a lot longer to grow but it could have had a similar origin, starting out smaller while Earth was larger. The Earth would one day orbit a red dwarf if it survives the red giant phase of our sun (still an unknown). But one of Jupiter's moons is Europa and covered by a layer of ice over a vast ocean 60-100 miles deep and will be in the red giant's habitable zone. Thats a lot of water for such a small world, now we see this exoplanet covered by an ocean. Imagine the jaws swimming around on that world if it harbors life. And that water world did survive a long time and will continue, red dwarves have very long lives.

                  Current theory is the Earth will be swallowed - the biblical lake of fire - and the water boiled away. But if the Earth was a little further away, like where water vapor produced by the sun freezes, it might keep its water. Or maybe it needs to be big like this exoplanet to keep its water, the Earth already lost material and water to the life bearing impactors about 4 bya. Maybe Jupiter will have an ocean one day as the sun evolves, there's gotta be plenty of hydrogen and oxygen in all that giant's gas. Maybe it has an ocean now and we cant detect it.

                  Worlds like Earth are extremely rare, a water world in the goldilocks zone was impacted by life bearing material and the resulting 'cracking of the cosmic egg' created plate tectonics. Without it Earth would be water, not Earth. Notice how Genesis begins with a water world and Earth (dry land) doesn't actually appear until the 3rd day after God's "wind" encountered the primordial Earth described in Gen 1:2? Impacts sheared the early Earth's thick crust away allowing for a reset and boost of the differentiation process. I dont know if Earth's life requires plate tectonics now, I would expect it to survive the gradual slow down in the future.
                  Last edited by Berzerker; September 12, 2023, 17:14.


                  • #10
                    Originally posted by giblets View Post
                    Ancient humans: can't see Uranus or Neptune

                    also ancient humans: can somehow see a planet that is ten times as far from the sun as Uranus and decide to build a pyramid
                    Actually Uranus was visible and "Nibiru" is on an elliptical orbit with perihelion at the crossing point (hence its name) between Mars and Jupiter where we see the remnants of the collisions that created the Earth. Thats why our water comes from the asteroid belt, the Earth did too. I dont know why the pyramids were built, other than their location and orientation which appear celestial I see no reason for them.

                    Here's a theory, according to Sumerian mythology the sky was divided into thirds of 60 degrees each. The 30 degrees on either side of the equator formed one band - the way or path of Anu - with the northern and southern 60 degrees belonging to his sons Enlil and Enki. Maybe the way of Anu stretches from 30 degrees south to 30 degrees north because thats the path of this other planet, Marduk or Nibiru. Hmm... And the great pyramid is very close to the 30th parallel marking Enki's southern domain.


                    • #11
                      The website you quoted said that the hypothetical planet has a perihelion of ~ 200 au. That would make sunlight ~40 times weaker on that planet than it is on Neptune.


                      • #12
                        yes, they've changed the parameters for planet 9 making it smaller and closer

                        similar studies on the asteroid belt will show a connection with the Kuiper Belt and this 9th planet

