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croatian nazis

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  • #16
    theiur gov "warned " us not to start a vedneta with their nazi holligans?

    there will be no vendeta. just a bullet in bwteen their eyes

    some nazi scum against an organized armed police?

    do they even hear themselves?


    • #17
      if they can't take care of their little nazi problem we are happy to oblige

      we have experience


      • #18
        thye killed a son of a mother

        they stabbed people among them a 13 year old little girl

        they will rot in prison. all of them and some of them will die


        • #19
          that's a given

          what remains to be seen is how much of anazi the current crotian gov is so as to know how much to fck it up


          • #20
            there are serbs in greek prisons

            they don't like nazis


            • #21
              and there isn't a single person in all aparatus of the greek state that likes croat nazis after this baffling assassination


              • #22
                good luck. you're in a world of hurt that will last years


                • #23
                  Originally posted by Bereta_Eder View Post
                  well some of them nazi scum will not die just discover may thuings about their sexuality

                  It baffles me how croatia even dares to try and say to Greece what to do

                  their nazi hooligans killed a lad. his mom went to hospital with a heart attack. she lost her son

                  do you think that Greece that can talke on teh whole of the balkans and half of turkey will even blink?

                  100 croat nazis will ROT in greek prisons.

                  pull your tits

                  Link to the story? Even in Greek we'll have a better idea what you're talking about.


                  • #24
                    Is that a donkey?


                    • #26
                      Well, that all sounds pretty horrible. The article clearly makes the point that this was well organized and pre meditated. Clearly police intelligence in Croatia should have had some inkling of this. With the border being closed to soccer fans, that indicates that someone knew something was afoot. This seems like a tragedy that could have been avoided. Thoughts are with all the victims of this event, but most especially the family of the senselessly murdered Greek.
                      "I am sick and tired of people who say that if you debate and you disagree with this administration somehow you're not patriotic. We should stand up and say we are Americans and we have a right to debate and disagree with any administration." - Hillary Clinton, 2003


                      • #27
                        i was drunk so no wonder i didnt make sense (I'm fuinishing off friday after going to the beach after work and after eating the best street food indian with a french monastic beer that has 7% alcohol so maybe I will be drunk again)

                        anyway what happened is that through a series of failures including one by the greek police, 100 nazi hooligans came to a very peaceful neighborhood (albeit close to a rival team's stadium) and stabbed people. they stabbed a 29 year old lad to death. his mother went to the hospital with a heart attack.

                        the police made 100 arrests. basically they are all arrested.

                        and they all went to prison

                        a croatian president which is freinds with putin hates the EU (im sorry to say he calims to be a socailist) wants to stop NATO expaniosn etc said that greece is having "prisoners of war"

                        it seems there are very funny going ons in croatia. the PM looks more rationale

                        anyway the killer is not idemntified yet but will be

                        and the 100 croats nazi hooligans will remain in 16 greek jails for the foreseable future


                        • #28
                          Meanwhile, two groups of drunk of people were arrested in Nice, France (some of whom were hospitalized).

                          Both groups were sure that they are fighting against Russians, but both of the bands were Ukrainians.​

                          Ukranian refugees to Europe at their best!

                          A failed Nation of imbeciles.​


                          • #29
                            And that it how they do everything from electing a clown to go into meat grinder by the order of their Western master.

                            Hungarian border guards call to their Ukranian colleagues:
                            - Come on people, take your Ukranian wolf from our territory already!
                            - How do you know it is ours?
                            - Because he chewed off three of his paws, but he couldn't get out of the trap!​


                            • #30
                              snip snip snip
                              Last edited by Bereta_Eder; August 20, 2023, 09:53.

