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  • #16
    I deleted some of my comments because they were drunken ramblings and UNFAIR to the poepl ehere who have been nothing but helpful for my upcoming trip

    I imagine there must be a lot of diversity.


    • #17
      Originally posted by N35t0r View Post
      The US is very big and pretty much as diverse as Europe (there's a lot of differences in diversity between both of course)
      anyway I will not be tehre to do a soci anthropological study nor to propose a novel socieoeconomic system that noone heard before but to eat drink walk my little aarse off see all the sites and generally have a great time


      • N35t0r
        N35t0r commented
        Editing a comment
        Oh, I very much don't like US culture and socioeconomic system, that's why I moved to Germany even thought they offered more money in the US branch.

    • #18
      also film recommendation

      not for the light hearted


      • #19

        Oh, I very much don't like US culture and socioeconomic system, that's why I moved to Germany even thought they offered more money in the US branch.
        I udnerstand. I don't like american culture either. obesity gun culture, racism, laws of the jungle no social state not caring if people are living awful lives, endless homelessness. extreme violence, mass killings

        Of course you would choose Germany every sane people would

        Greece is even better but ok


        • #20
          It can't pay Germany's salaries OTOH you won't get a police notice if you didn't sort out your trash in an ecological manner


          • #21
            I don't really mind sorting my trash in an ecological manner though. I actually think it's sad that people need to be fined otherwise they won't do it.

            In any case, Greece is way too hot for me.
            Indifference is Bliss


            • #22
              joking aside germany is way more organized and pays somewhat better than greece. I say somewhat because it depenmds on the cost of living too.

              for me it's the sky

              that vast sundrenched blue sky cannot be compared with anything anywhere that I have seen.

              i respect people that want to migrate for whatever reason. and then for whatever reason people stay

              I stay for the sky


              • #23
                Also I know that in the suburbs things are way more easy than in the cities in america.
                there's no reason for someone to visit the suburbs and I do admit I'm a bit nervous about ny and the crime and the subway and whathave you.

                but anyway. the bst thing one can do is go and see. then noone can tell him anything


                • #24
                  maybe all these are huge exagerations.


                  • #25
                    When it comes to news, if it bleeds, it leads. Things working the way they should is expected and no one clicks on those types of articles.
                    “It is no use trying to 'see through' first principles. If you see through everything, then everything is transparent. But a wholly transparent world is an invisible world. To 'see through' all things is the same as not to see.”

                    ― C.S. Lewis, The Abolition of Man


                    • #26
                      Indeed, indeed I'm so excited the day draws near

