Hi, everyone!
Surprise, surprise - "that motherf*er is still standing!" (c).
I mean I am still alive and a cyborg now.
I've spent some days in the National heart disease center at Novosibirsk city (one night train trip from my homeplace) between March 2 to March 10.
At March 3 I had a medical operation. They have installed an Implantable Cardioverter-Defibrillator (ICD) insdie my upper chest.
It is a small computer with a lead (an electrode) put to the bottom of my heart right to ventricle through my subclavian vein.
Just like this:

I have exactly this one ICD model inside me now:

In Europe such operation worth between 30 000 - 50 000 USD, but in a backward, Godforsaken, crippled by Western sanctions Soviet Russia it is free of charge for everyone (though I had to wait in line for a six weeks for my operation).
How do you like this, Elon Musk?!
(Brits, please respond!!!)
I've checked in at hospital at March 2, have been operated at March 3 and checked out at March 7.
I took my bag, called a taxi and went out from the clinic.
About 100 meters away from the clinic I've got an experience I would never forget!
My new little friend had showed its true nature.
I've got a discharge from my installed defibrilator.
That felt EXACTLY like a punch into your jaw!!!
I've lost orientation for a mere of seconds, got noise in my ears and my legs went "soft".
Then, - BANG!!!
Another discharge!!!
That felt like I've missed a well performed "couple" (right hand+left hand punch in a jaw) by my martial art opponent.
Honestly, I was not ready for such kind of experience!
I was just walking to the taxi and then it suddenly happened!
I thought that it will be like an electroshock, but what I felt was not even a close!
That felt exactly like a punch into your jaw!
Thanks God I was still on the territory of the clinic, just a couple of meters from another enterance to it and there was a guy nearby. They put me back to my former ward and held me there for a three more days (because March 8 is an International women day, which is a National holiday in Russia).
Just right after that happened, the first thing they have performed was a diagnostics of my ICD (and that is why I am a Cyborg now).
When you have ICD installed inside your body, they can plug-in to it by a placing a small probe over your ICD wich connects to it via RF (radio frequency) and sends all the logs and data to a medical monitor or they can just put two electrodes (absolutely the same electrodes as during the cardiogram) on your body for the same result.
And when the doctor is plugged into your device, he can do ANYTHING with your heart!
I felt that twice. For the first time when they were calibrating my device right after the operation, when I've heard (I was conscious during the operation, it was performed under the local anesthesia):
"- I'll set it to 207 heart beats per second.
- Ok, nice idea!"
The second time was at March 7, after my defibrilator had struck me with two discharges. Doc had plugged in to me, downloaded log-file, analized it and then started to play with my heart again.
They were just touching buttons on their touchpad and my heart started to beat with insane rate! And they were asking: "do you feel that?"
- Oh, F*CK!!! SURE I DO FEEL!!! (my heart was beating like crazy and I felt that).
- Good! I'll slow it down now.
So, Serb is a cyborg now and can be hacked through his ICD.
According to my device's log I had a Ventricular fibrillation and my device just worked as planned and with a very high probability had saved my life, because if I didn't installed it in time, the ventricular fibrilation I had at March 7, could pretty much end-up with a heart stop and the end of my life.

p.s. The most painful thing about that story (that includes my defibrilator discharge) was that I couldn't smoke for over a week! The operation and the defibrilation of my device are pale in comparison!
I couldn't smoke inside the hospital and couldn't get outside because of the COVID restrictions!
Thanks God I am at home now and can enjoy my beer and sigarettes!!!

"I am like Terminator!!!"

Surprise, surprise - "that motherf*er is still standing!" (c).
I mean I am still alive and a cyborg now.
I've spent some days in the National heart disease center at Novosibirsk city (one night train trip from my homeplace) between March 2 to March 10.
At March 3 I had a medical operation. They have installed an Implantable Cardioverter-Defibrillator (ICD) insdie my upper chest.
It is a small computer with a lead (an electrode) put to the bottom of my heart right to ventricle through my subclavian vein.
Just like this:
I have exactly this one ICD model inside me now:
In Europe such operation worth between 30 000 - 50 000 USD, but in a backward, Godforsaken, crippled by Western sanctions Soviet Russia it is free of charge for everyone (though I had to wait in line for a six weeks for my operation).
How do you like this, Elon Musk?!
(Brits, please respond!!!)
I've checked in at hospital at March 2, have been operated at March 3 and checked out at March 7.
I took my bag, called a taxi and went out from the clinic.
About 100 meters away from the clinic I've got an experience I would never forget!
My new little friend had showed its true nature.
I've got a discharge from my installed defibrilator.
That felt EXACTLY like a punch into your jaw!!!
I've lost orientation for a mere of seconds, got noise in my ears and my legs went "soft".
Then, - BANG!!!
Another discharge!!!
That felt like I've missed a well performed "couple" (right hand+left hand punch in a jaw) by my martial art opponent.
Honestly, I was not ready for such kind of experience!
I was just walking to the taxi and then it suddenly happened!
I thought that it will be like an electroshock, but what I felt was not even a close!
That felt exactly like a punch into your jaw!
Thanks God I was still on the territory of the clinic, just a couple of meters from another enterance to it and there was a guy nearby. They put me back to my former ward and held me there for a three more days (because March 8 is an International women day, which is a National holiday in Russia).
Just right after that happened, the first thing they have performed was a diagnostics of my ICD (and that is why I am a Cyborg now).
When you have ICD installed inside your body, they can plug-in to it by a placing a small probe over your ICD wich connects to it via RF (radio frequency) and sends all the logs and data to a medical monitor or they can just put two electrodes (absolutely the same electrodes as during the cardiogram) on your body for the same result.
And when the doctor is plugged into your device, he can do ANYTHING with your heart!
I felt that twice. For the first time when they were calibrating my device right after the operation, when I've heard (I was conscious during the operation, it was performed under the local anesthesia):
"- I'll set it to 207 heart beats per second.
- Ok, nice idea!"
The second time was at March 7, after my defibrilator had struck me with two discharges. Doc had plugged in to me, downloaded log-file, analized it and then started to play with my heart again.
They were just touching buttons on their touchpad and my heart started to beat with insane rate! And they were asking: "do you feel that?"
- Oh, F*CK!!! SURE I DO FEEL!!! (my heart was beating like crazy and I felt that).
- Good! I'll slow it down now.
So, Serb is a cyborg now and can be hacked through his ICD.
According to my device's log I had a Ventricular fibrillation and my device just worked as planned and with a very high probability had saved my life, because if I didn't installed it in time, the ventricular fibrilation I had at March 7, could pretty much end-up with a heart stop and the end of my life.
p.s. The most painful thing about that story (that includes my defibrilator discharge) was that I couldn't smoke for over a week! The operation and the defibrilation of my device are pale in comparison!
I couldn't smoke inside the hospital and couldn't get outside because of the COVID restrictions!
Thanks God I am at home now and can enjoy my beer and sigarettes!!!

"I am like Terminator!!!"
