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Life is Good

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  • Life is Good

    (wasn't there a comedy with that phrase?)

    I was going back home and I said I have a cold I might as well buy some whiskey from the supoermarket.

    WHy? For medicinal reasons

    If you take tsipouro which is made of grapes (40% alc) and you warm it up with some honey (preferably thyme honey) and you put cinamon and another condiment for which there is no english word (rosebud the closest translation) then it does you good.

    However I never liked tsipouro very much and I found out that there is a similar remedy but you use whiskey.

    So for medicinal reasons I bought a bottle.

    Now I'm drinking it with ice and coke because, let's face it, it's much better like that

    my cold is going away so it's working

  • #2
    I also bought dried fruit? not exact translation either. it's nuts and pistachios and verious other things not to go with the medicinal whisky but for the protein you see


    • #3
      I also booked a week in a the most kick arse cycladian island (and it is not mhykonos or santorini enough with this garbage, these islands are destroyed. thank god we have 198 more)


      • #4
        let's continue with a traditional greek folk anthem


        • #5
          I'm also reading bukowsky's treatise on women, it was either taht or umberto eco masturbating over irrelevent medieval europe


          • #6
            I'm also listening to music on earphones and watching political debate on TV.
            When you don't hear them, all politicians look like very old prostitutes


            • #7
              OTOH democracy is hard

              you need to be responsible

              I have respect for a lot of them,

              and I would kick in the balls a lot of them,


              • #8
                figuratively speaking

                no violence


                • #9
                  also the presenter is hot as hell

                  left wing comrade that stuided in london school of economics?

                  hmm..... I hate left wing "caviars"

                  I'd take popular right wing any day

                  still she's hot as hell


                  • #10
                    and she is worthy

                    going charging int he world of journamism politics

                    good luck

                    no, she's worthy

                    and hot as hell

                    but left wing is us


                    • #11
                      Also I remember I was walking in the louvre and was watching the statues of all the people of the renessance

                      and thinkjng as heavy as the stone, the way we are is because of them

                      the weight of it all

                      their ideas of liberty equality humanity human rights

                      what shaped the beirth of the west (based on ancient greece as THEY say, not me)


                      • #12
                        it was raining slighly

                        ,my feet were tired because I had been waling all paris

                        some loud young american wreaking havoc for some reason. excited to be here? I guess it is a big deal for them

                        asians left and right, clicking away

                        and me just walking my head up swallowing every expression of all the french that made freedom possible and the fact that we can rely on man


                        • #13
                          Also as I was walking on a marble plane on my way to the eiffel tower passing some algeria liberation monument, the rain was falling like a curtain and I felt deep in my soul as the architectural beauty of paris was englufed by the rain that this is a place for lovers and I am a thief here, I miss something I am incomplete and I feel these thigns incompletely


                          • #14
                            Fact check: it is not.
                            Click here if you're having trouble sleeping.
                            "We confess our little faults to persuade people that we have no large ones." - François de La Rochefoucauld


                            • #15
                              It is. And you should be grateful to be alive. You probably haven't been close to death by a health issue, you, or around you, to apprieciate how fragile and valuable life is

